Is Sup Forums the Best example of counterculture?

>pic unrelated

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No, it's the best example of what happens when people who don't have sex find a common place to communicate

It used to be until christians from reddit found out about it and started coming here.

Sup Forums isn't a coherent culture at all since a large portion of its content is people shitting on any trend that starts to form. In normal cultures this wouldn't be permitted, these people would be kicked out and silenced, but here they're such a large percentage that most boards are a constant flamewar of people insulting each other


Looks like my hometown lol

There is no counterculture possible in capitalism

it's the only thing that slightly makes me still feel like im on the old internet like mental comfort food for these trying times

but no the counter culture is happening mostly offline start backing shit up & digitally archiving if you want to help behind a computer

>but no the counter culture is happening mostly offline
what are you talking about

Sup Forums is the Afghanistan of the internet--unconquerable.

I'm not Christian but Christianity is definitely not the dominant culture anymore

Sup Forums has been assimilated into the narrative, and is controlled.

assimilated into what narrative, you can post basically anything you like here no matter how edgy

It's not an interesting and edgy "counterculture", either. It's just a rotting corpse.

t. not part of the current cc

fucking this. it seems like it all happened in a 6 month span too. I hate debating christcucks on Sup Forums, they are the biggest brainlets on earth.
I have yet to see anyone refute Neeche on Sup Forums

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No, this is Sup Forums:

this meme needs to die
see Battle of Jamrud

>implying Christianity isn't counter culture

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That's the narrative. On an anonymous board connected with school shooters and virgins, you can write pretty much anything no matter how edgy

It was Counter Culture when Jesus was alive, but became main stream after Emperor Constantine.


Hating Christianity will so become the next Christianity. So being a Christian will be counter culture

>It's not an interesting and edgy "counterculture", either. It's just a rotting corpse.>>

So what is?

So it's part of the narrative because it's a narrative without action? A place for people to vent and go on with their daily lives without creating any meaningful change?

That's giving this place way too much credit

>This thread was moved to

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>I never had sex
>therefore everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin like me