How do I improve my english

How do I improve my english

Attached: 1538775153337.png (3302x2109, 94K)

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Speak English with People

idk, but that twingo.... WOULD BANG

Problem is, people don't speak English here, and I'm too poor to have a vacation in English speaking country. Not even India.

This. The same way you'd improve in any language. Jump in any multiplayer game and jump in the english speaking voicechat. I've known plenty of people who's english improves quickly just by gaming.

But I don't game.
I'm not worried about pronunciation (because Russian English can't be fixed, and I can fake Indian accent quite good), but I'm quite worried about typical slav mistakes.

i've learned english with video games, this is a good way to discover new langages.
Et pourtant, je maîtrise la langue française, et sans faire de fautes.
Ah, et si c'est toi L'OP, la twitwi, ou la twingo, c'est une caisse remarquable, en ayant conduit une, euhhhhh... en fait j'en reveux une.

Don't bother. Learn Spanish; you'll thank me in 20 years if you live in the USA.

or german, a little difficult but this is a good experience.

Si, yo se, que población de los EEUU son mexicANOs, pero no quiero hablar taco, yo quiero hablar burger y mcdonalds.
>9000 kilometer glued words
Nein danke.
Lucky you, I've learned English by shitposting here.

Good shitposting is good shitposting, And i'm behind the neger sucking his own cock.
like this

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 98K)

Das is gay


Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)



Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

can fill this thread with this

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

or wait for the final neger

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

same filename, same picture, don't ask how.

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

oups, one neger later

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

bumping with a neger ?

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

this neger need replies, so rebumping

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

this cock will be not sucked himself.... oh wait ....

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

keep tv on in background with programming in english, especially for the news. they tend to speaker clearer, cleaning english. that's how i learned spanish. kept tv on the novelas are almost as good as porn.

this is a ylyl thread now , found this one, so funny

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

you deserve this

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

a better one, if the last pic was shitty in quality

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)