I think im crushing hard on my best friend guys...

i think im crushing hard on my best friend guys... my girlfriend has been away for 4 months and idk if i can take it anymore

Attached: 20191117_131655.jpg (2268x1701, 1.28M)

pic of gf for comparison

Attached: kissy.jpg (1080x2136, 590K)

Don't be a fag and tell her how you feel

>authentic american toys

you should buy her some sex toys

Ur a pos OP for even thinking that way about another girl. Fuckin shameful.

ok boomer

Zoomers are wiggers n faggots. They should off themselves for all the supreme shit and mumble rap.

risk of losing a best friend and a girl friend at the same time??

Good luck lmao


even more cringe then calling people boomers and zoomers

but seriously though,if the girl in the op is your "best friend"you should buy her some dildos and masterbate with her.technically that isnt cheating because your just fucking yourself

What good can come of this? Nothing. She doesnt feel the same way about you. Don't be an asshole and stay loyal to your gf.

OP is a wigger. How are ur lyrics goin faggot? Nice supreme shirt

>she doesnt feel the same way about you

how would you know,maybe she does and op should just slide his dick in her pussy

ok virgin thats not how real people work

hence i am conflicted. i might try for a threesome when my gf comes back next month.

says the basement dwelling neckbeard who's only human contact is his mother when he yells to the basement that dinner is ready

U mean bf right?

fucking comedy gold. rofl lmao haha lmfao

Attached: shoot you pepe.jpg (600x600, 48K)

nah,id say just fuck her and not tell your gf.that sounds like a better option because its almost a guarentee your gf is gonna say no to a threesome

me personally? i could never be friends with a girl unless its some friends with benefits type situation

shes already down with doing a threesome. the challenge would be getting my friend to do it

a threesome will ruin your relationship but if that's worth it to you go ahead

Don't tell your gf ez
She have been away for 4 months god knows how many dicks she have been sucking
Since she is your friend you should be able to tell if she wants your pp or nah

Hi user,

A few points:

1. You've never spoken three words to this woman. In all likelihood, this woman doesn't notice or care that you exist.

2. If she does know you, she's already figured out that you're a bit of a fucking loser.

3. Fuck off with this sad, attention-starved faggotry, you lonely facebook-fapping embarrassment.

Thanks a bunch.
