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Last Christmas I recorded my cousins daughter in the shower and I still occasionally fap to the video

Any screenshots?

is this like a bot thread?
it's on Sup Forums 24/7

i can't let go of my ex. shes got a new guy. im still stuck in the past.

I'm sexually attracted to my sister and I have a missed opportunity that I regret not taking to this day.

My niece always comes over for massages, and i feel her tits up everytime. one time i watched her underwear get soaked as i massaged her.


How old?


When i was 13 i started jerking off on the omegle restricted section and after a while i started to get older men tell me what to do and that evolved into me being a slave for some people

I used to do that same thing but crossdressed, and shaved my whole body. One time I convinced some Arab dude to cum for me. Then I pulled out my cock and he freaked out. I was really surprised that I had tricked him, but in a way it kind of felt good.

I enjoy showing nudes of my ex's to people who know them

Can’t send them sorry

We were joking around and kinda drunk. I was pretending to be mad at her and she offered to show me her tits. I had dreamed of this moment but I started overthinking and laughed it off.

Yeah. i have done some crossdressing stuff before and i have tricked a few people. I also completely shaved

Got Kik


I fucked my sister. She was 12, I was 11.

What reactions do you get

How old is the daughter

she is 21

Catfishing as a 'friend' of theirs but most of the reactions are great

Nope sorry

I used to have lots of sex. Always had a cute girl with me, until I broke up with my ex in 2005...

I dont even know why, but since then i never had a gf again, only sporadic, one night sex with random btches.
Last time was like a decade ago, and it wasnt even that good bc i came in a couple minutes.


i know that, im stuck to

I got fucked by my ex and six friends at a party. Short story, my ex got me drunk and he and his friends hatefucked me for hours. Never again, but I'm so ashamed to admit it was the best sex of my life.

My wife is going to get fucked by her bull later tonight. I have put holes in their condoms.

Definitely. Sup Forums is a honeypot and Sup Forums and Sup Forums and /k/ are the centres, threads like this just wait for dumb anons to fuck up and confess to crimes

I'm a Hispanic who likes white women

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>fucked my aunt (mom's sister, 20 years older than me) off and on the entire summer after she got divorced, then she cut me off. I was 16.
>got a handjob from a completely random older woman in the hotel hottub while her husband watched, was on vacation with family at disney, was 17
>fucked a co-worker's wife at a holiday party 3 years ago, it turns out she fucked someone else too that same night. he has since divorced her, never knew i did it.
>currently engaged and love her to death, she lives with me, but secretly hook up with guys or crossdressers for quick blow jobs. Usually just in their car, i hop in, get sucked, leave. The taboo and the ease of it is a big turn on, i use doublelist and a few other sites to arrange it.
>found pictures of my sister (2 years older) and her husband fucking on her laptop, mailed a few of them to myself. Jack off to it regularly, have no desire to fuck my sister or even think she's super hot, just the trashiness of it turns me on.
>contemplate suicide often but have people that love and rely on me
>have a secret bank account that i have used with escorts and attach it to burner phones, but also want money to go to my nephew in case i do something stupid or get in a car crash, etc.

What a whore.

Any pics of you?

i hung out with two teens and one got pregnant. She says she's not going to tell anyone who the father is so that's a relief but it's still a fucked up situation


no, sorry

When I was 12 I forced my brothers on seperate occasions to suck me off and let me fuck them

I massacred 27 burgers in one sitting at White Castle back in '93.

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Been crushing on a girl for a while. Great personality, work ethic, ambition, the works. Anyways, never really cared about her much more than a friend until recently. Idk why but I randomly started having feelings for her. She has a super shit bf who is scum, and they been married about a year now. I still think of her occasionally, and tbh I wish I didnt feel the way i do. I just keep trying to suppress my feelings hoping they will go away on their own. Needed to get that off my chest.

euron greyjoy?

Close enough ig except still gives me bad feels

wow user you live an exciting life, i must say im impressed

I hate what america has turned into and deeply want to be part of taking it back by force, purging the dregs that drag us down. but I have a family to take care of, many of my friends are the same way. if the stupidity continues, one day, we are going to fucking snap and thousands will die if not millions. because once one set of us finally breaks, i'm sure more will join the hunt, it will be a slaughter of the armed vs the unarmed trash. until then, my wife is making a nice spaghetti dinner and kiddos have soccer tomorrow.. see y'all on the dunes!

Lighten up, Francis!

just getting sick of the bullshitery .. we have actually been talking about the trigger.. what would drive us to the point we say fuck it and load up.. it's honestly a really intriguing thought experiment.

I habitually post exgf - check her out c/66KgHcD

Iv been fucked by a lot of guys and love sucking dick


I'm very sub and have long hair (male)

>have slightly older friend
>he got married pretty young
>i moved near him a while later, and he started asking me to babysit his daughter
>she grows up, doesn't need a babysitter anymore, so I see her less
>we get along pretty well when she's around, though
>her parents decided to go to Italy for their anniversary
>they don't trust her in the house by herself for a week so she's going to stay with me
>on the first night we're watching a movie on my bed
>quickly turns to making out

still haven't decided whether to come clean to my friend. i feel like asking to marry her would be too weird and just informing him that's we're into each other is asking for trouble.

I was a drug mule for a few years and eventually moved to trafficking people, being a driver. I've delivered prostitutes, male and female, all across the country. I'm dealt freshly trafficked people too.

You're a special kind of retarded, ain't ya?

My nieces are all really cute, would love to fuck them, one in particular. Never would though.

Describe them.

I've been catfishing my girlfriend's daughter for the last year and a half.

Tell THAT fuckin story.

Youre not gonna do shit and never will cause youre a soy boy with an edgy fantasy who likes to think he will be America's savior but will continue to be a cuck ass bitch with a wife and kids.

eh, some of it was right place/right time (or wrong place/wrong time), the others are just due to being a risk taking pervert.
Still thanks, friend.

When I was younger (14) my father abused me, made me put on my sisters school dress, make up etc and suck his dick, the first time he fucked me I cried, he told me I was his special little girl, even though i was a boy.

I liked Final Fantasy XIII

I've been big into loli for quite a while, sometimes when i see a real little girl i just have to think to myself WHAT IF?..

I sometimes try and work out ways I could do it and get away with it.

Fucking kill me.

It's better than VII at any rate. Still not the best.

I like to post my underage gf online without stating her age and having people jerk off to her unknowingly engaging in something taboo. She has no idea about that.

Do it, fucker. Let's see her.

I discovered she had an ask account. Sent her all kinds of sweet things telling her beautiful she is. After she spent a lot of time asking who I was, I sent a msg giving my email saying not to reply and keep my email private. She emailed me, I sent pictures of cute internet dude. Sent some monster cock selfies after a while and it's been going ever since.

You should arrange a blindfolded meet-up.

ever tried to talk to her about her mom's boyfriend?

Definitely not after my previous post

>I'm in college and still live with mom.
>Dad passed away 4 years ago.
>Mom is still a fox and relatively young.
>Loss of my dad hit us both hard, though.
>Recently, at a neighborhood meeting, my mother met a man I know who lives 2 streets behind us.
> When I was younger, I used to look up to this man because he was good with women. Always had a hot gf, driving a Mercedes, and came off as an alpha male.
>He might have known my dad.
>I noticed them both looking at each other during the meeting, and i "innocently" remarked his story to her.
>"We all have our past, user. Maybe age has changed him, maybe it has not"
>Time passes since that convo.
>Mom is always sad.
>One day she starts dressing up.
>Has a new life to her.
>Haven't seen her this happy since dad passed.
>I had an event one Friday night (for school) but decided to come home early because it blowed.
>When I got home around 10:15 PM, 80s music was playing in her bedroom followed by strange noises.
>I yelled out, "You okay?"
>Seconds of silence pass and she yells out, "Yes" to me in a faux sleepy tone.
> I go to my room.
> Is my mom getting railed by the neighbor?
>Am I imagining things?
>I feel alone because I feel like i'm the only one clinging on to the memory of dad.

>Date for a while.
>She's a marketing major, I am an engineering major.
>Life is good at uni.
>I get an internship opp with a certain big petroleum firm.
>We have a fight associated with me leaving.
>Break up.
> I leave for Oklahoma for training, shortly after I will be on a rig for 3 months.
>Cue 3 months after.
>My now ex's family and mine are now close because of our relationship and they do a BBQ.
>We see each other there, she's still beautiful, and we reconcile shortly afterwards.
> Start seeing each other again.
>One day her and I are talking, big mistake.
>I find out that she was urged by friends to open up a Tinder a week after we broke up.
> She only met up with a 32 year old tall (6'4) white investment banker.
>I'm only 5'8, welp.
>I snoop and saw screenshots of the convo.
>Conversation started flirty from him, and dude comes off as a hotshot.
>Quickly gets sexual by asking her, "When was the last time that tight sexy body of yours got pleasured>"
>GF answers.
>More smooth talk from him saying that she was young and independent, and deserved to be pleasured.
>Gf stated that she was not that kind of girl, and that she was a relationship girl.
>They met up and he apparently got her in bed on the second date.
>She claims that the sex was different, but that it meant nothing.
>I check her texts one day, and apparently he's 7 inches and she texted him, "go easier on me next time ;)".
>it was a purely sexual relationship.
>lasted until a day after she saw me, allegedly.

did a cum tribute for an user on kik the other day. He sent me some nudes of his insanely attractive gf and I sent a video of me cumming to her.

I would do it again because I find it intriguing and a turn on that so many guys willingly send incredibly private photos of their women to complete strangers. However it does weird me out that somewhere out there a guy is cumming to me cumming

Lost my virginity to a hooker at 17. Would see prostitutes from 17 till about 20/21. Had some cool experiences and some real shitty ones. But no one in my life knows about that shit and now that I'm in 3 year relationship I realize how closed off it's made me about that part of my life. I don't want to accidentally let that slide and have her look at me completely differently and potentially leave me.

Would never work. It's lights out mon-thurs by 10pm because school. She can't just leave the house whenever.

The pics and videos she sends are good enough, believe me.

Done it loads honestly I'm going to be jerking anyways so why not and can't tell who it is by just a cock and picture

i confessed my crime so many times during the last two years, giving details etc. and i'm still here
so no, this is definitely not an honeypot.

gt pls

This was a video trib. Yeah I dunno like I said I enjoy the nudes I get, but it still weirds me out. Like guys like watching other dudes cumming to their gfs naked pics? I guess I just don’t get it lol

Oh. How old is she?

The girl I've had feelings for for 8 years was not allowed to date till she graduated college.

Haven't seen her in years, and she graduated a month ago. I worry/fantasize about whether someone has had her yet/

I am bad with women. Furthermore, the urge to get off with guys comes and goes during different points of my life. I don't think about kissing them, just literally getting off.

The closest I have come to doing something is with a guy I met on Halloween. We met on the street after I was bummed about not getting any women, he took me back to his dwelling, and we jacked off. It was such an erotic experience in my life that I asked him to give me oral, but he refused because he wanted my ass as payment.

To cope, I catfish guys on apps by using the images of women that I feel have been unkind to me. I wouldn't dare do so with women I respect. I sometimes hate who I choose to be.


I've posted a chubby so much shes been recognized at least 3 times. Once by an ex. It was hot exposing her while she has no clue guy are seeing her tits and cunt and stroking to her.

Also, to her knowledge I live far away from her.

Not out right. She's me mentioned me before when I would ask what's up or is she alone. I've had her send pictures of her feet before while she was right in the room with me. Or has left the room to go to the washroom and send me a nude or close up. I've really been tempted to be like please baby I want to see you suck a real dick, please for me. Please right now babe I need it please. And see if I can get her talked into sucking me up and maybe more. I've got her to do a lot of things.


Only schizos think a Cambodian basket weaving forum for elderly retirees who like anime would be a honeypot

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Jesus, all because your kid's team gets beat but the Spanish kids, maybe just take up golf, way whiter homeboy

When I was a kid my brother had a copy of Dick Tracy on VHS. I was mad at him one time for playing my Sega Genesis without asking me, so I stole it and buried it in the woods. I kept the box though, and I jacked off to the picture of the blonde woman on the back.

She's almost 4,745 days old.

What are some of the more risqué things she's done for you?

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I use Pic related as my daily perfume, its cheaper smells better and stays longer in me, also i don't know why i love it so much, lavender its my favorite.

Best thing is i get said by the girsl on my office that i smell really good.

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And that woman
was Madonna

And how old is the guy you're fishing as?

Can you smell her when she gets wet?

I didn't realize who she was at the time, nor did I have access to all the hot music videos she made back in the day.

>I've really been tempted to be like please baby I want to see you suck a real dick

Ask her if she would

sometimes i go on the internet and i make up stuff in 'we all have secret' threads.

Not too much in front of me, she thinks she's hiding it all. If we're in the same room together, then feet pictures and sometimes down shirts and pants if she's in a blanket. She'll sneak out of the room for other stuff.
For things I've had her do, things like pictures and videos of her passing. Mostly in toilets but sometimes in her panties in her room.shower pics and videos. I've had sucking try deepthroating popsicles, hairbrushes. I've got her to finger herself pushy and ass. She's fucked herself with hairbrushes. I even went shopping for the best handle for her birthday present. I've pictures and video of her with that same brush.

She doesn't seem at all interested in boys irl, she'll give this fictional guy online anything he asks for

well that's gone

I'm with ya I dont get why but free nudes I won't argue

He's 16. Lives in a very strict religious home.

I'm really tempted. Get pictures and video and have HER swear ME to secrecy

Wife died of cancer around Labor Day. We were at home alone.

After she passed and before I called the ambulance I jerked one final load off onto her

Nice try FBI