My sister emailed me this photo. What did she mean by this?

My sister emailed me this photo. What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1573436341716.jpg (720x788, 75K)

Attached: 1464241745489.png (502x727, 35K)

Hi user,

A few points:

1. You've never spoken three words to this woman. In all likelihood, this woman doesn't notice or care that you exist.

2. If she does know you, she's already figured out that you're a bit of a fucking loser.

3. Fuck off with this sad, attention-starved faggotry, you lonely facebook-fapping embarrassment.

Thanks a bunch.


she deff asking for it, just take that shit

It looks to me to be a commentary on the socio-economic status of the American middle class

She's simply mocking the retarded fucking look you always have on your face, you homo.


I'm assuming she meant to imply you should consider throwing yourself off a bridge

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Attached: cover(18).jpg (500x500, 47K)

she just took a real good shit and feels relieved.

Perhaps, but the premises she cites are grossly inaccurate

that she's been fucked into brain damage

Is her eye how it normally looks?
Maybe she’s trying to tell you about your bruncle Steve.

>My sister
sure user, tell us more

Not quite ya brother, not quite your uncle, but also both.


you know how I know you're an idiot?

no, pls tell.

OP claiming ID

Who tf emails you a picture

my sister

I could decipher 4 words from this.

Fuck, my, brains, out

right bitch asking for it

She wants your and around her mouth.

and you wonder why you're virgins