I have bipolar disorder type 1. AMA

I have bipolar disorder type 1. AMA.

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Type II here. Been on meds for almost 2 years. Miss the highs but definitely not the lows

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What are you on?

Google it

Prozac, lamictal, lithium. You?

why dont you just be happy?

bipolarity does not exist, "bipolar people" are just retarded who doesn't know how to stay quiet with their feelings and just want to get attention

I’m happy all the time. That’s the problem.

You’re right, I’m pretty sure “bipolarity” doesn’t exist. Next?

Not the guy you replied to. I take lithium and stratera, worked really well for a few years until like 7 months ago, and since then nothings really helped.

Have you tried not being bipolar?

What happened 7 months ago?

For the first 19 years of my life, it was rad.

You seeing a psych?

I take cymbalta, lamotrigine, propranolol, lithium if I get manic, and I have seroquel but I don’t use it. Lamotrigine is the backbone of my stability.

had very bad bouts of mania and depression that started a cutting habit (the doctor called it "self mutilation") and landed me in a psyche ward for 3 weeks. I haven't been back in-patient since then but i still feel very depressed sometimes and I still cut


Okay miles or Chelsea

How do bipolar people know they are just pussies?

But sense your not a 14 year old looking for attention i believe you

Fuck you, you fat ugly bitch your pussy stinks and everyone hates you. Do the world a favor and kill your self.

Are you on an anti-psychotic? That’s gonna be the next logical step if they can’t get the depression under control.

I bet people looked at you funny/wierd and you thought you where an outcast of society. had same thoughts when i tried not being bipolar. Do you keep on your meds or go off them for awhile?

You’ve never smelled a vagina, have you. Lol

I keep on them most of the time. If I stop lamotrigine and restart it I could get a rash. If I stop cymbalta I have withdrawals.

As for what people think, I don’t put much thought into it. I’m happy with my life. I try to do well by other people. My girlfriend loves me.

OP here, I’ve done a lot of drugs including ecstasy and LSD and nothing compares to the duration and height of a manic mood episode. Months of euphoria, years of depression, repeat

No, I was on latuda for a few months out of inpatient and it made the depression way worse, and I've been kinda scared of trying new meds since then

I know this bitch she's every whore with bipolar ever the meds make their pussies reek info for anyone looking or thinking about trying to be in a relationship with a bi polar whore RUN LIKE HELL.

Its a good idea to not be with anyone who isn't mentally stable bi polor or not. But if they can be mentally stable and live stable lives or possibly get over bi polor ( i don't know how bi polor works completely ) then ur good

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Imagine going to school