Best drug combinations?

best drug combinations?

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love and jesus

LSD and marijuana

These fuckin nuts

Meth and ecstasy

Literally crack. Then xans to come down



Coffee and nicotine

alcohol and xanax

Lsd and xanax. Suboxone and flexeril

Bleach and ammonia mixed in a crack pipe and smoked. Trust me dude it sounds like a troll, but you will never be more fucked up!

Liquor and weed. Keep it simple mayne.
Remember kids, grass before beer youre in the clear, beer before grass youre on your ass.
I did them in the arong order last night and got the spins real bad.

ketamine and nos was pretty fun, made the nos trip seem a lot more vivid and intense

Always mahalo

Shiets last time i did that my brain went into a dive

any combination of acid, ecstasy, opiates, and weed
acid and oxy's hit the sweet spot for me

IV MDMA and Meth
crack and nitrous
IV high dose meth, cocaine, and heroin
LSD and nitrous
mushrooms and MDMA
but the best is IV cocaine and heroin

Oof that cerebral damage must be astonishing

I really want to get some ketamine, but my job pays too well and I don't want to get fucked by the feds using DNM's

Dam whats the back story. Any vomiting involved

LSD and Edibles

One time back when I was pushing the limits I had an idea. I got drunk, then smoked weed, then dropped two tabs of acid. When the acid started to actually kick in but hadn't cancelled out the other shit yet, I took a balloon of nitrous in one hand and started fapping with the other. As I was about to achieve orgasm, I inhaled the nitrous and BAM. I was a ball of pure euphoria. Not even like opiates, it seriously felt like I sublimated into reality itself and the only experience that could funnel through the haze was pure unadulterated pleasure. Came out of it 30 seconds later with only the acid remaining. Crazy shit, good times.

And before any of you fags hit me with that "you need help" spiel, this was back in the late 80's and I'm a straight up suburban normie now, though I still smoke weed from time to time

Coco and ganja

yeah, I was chugging vitamin b tablets for a while after that night. haven't touched nos since but I still enjoy ket every so often

Half a tab of norco diced with adderal works everytimes on it right now and shits cash dont try at home

coke & alcohol

I like that

Classic. Been to that movie

if it makes you feel any better, it's not a drug that I would 100% recommend. don't get me wrong, it's fun especially if you're with some friends, but it's incredibly similar to just being drunk but without the high energy if that makes sense. don't risk using it if your job is on the line, but I suppose if you ever get the opportunity, it can be fun

never had any issues with nausea unless I was drinking
acid elevates the high of opiates to an ungodly level, and I had some really great times
ketamine and opiates/ecstasy also mixed really well together too
weed is nice with anything

I often out drink everyone and end up fucking a pig can anyone say the same?

The hangover/depression after is a bitch though.

yeah 0 happy chemicals left next day lmao

I almost died IVing 100mg MDMA. That's the last time I used drugs harder than alcohol and weed. I had a fever of 120°f for over 3 hours, should be brain dead.

Your stupid on psychonaut wiki its stated that mixing acid and pot can make you trip harder (no shit) but it's easy to smoke too much and have a bad trip you are much better of taking MDMA and LSD

Should of died of natural selection

Adderall and meth

Xanax is known as trip killers because they dull the trip heavily.... Have you never taken a xanax 1 hour into a acid trip...

Kedamine and Xanax

Takes 2 tabs of acid ( God know what your taking )

Claims to be able to achieve an erection

lsd and opiates both lower the threshold for having a seizure. There is a good chance of having one, either you are lying or just lucky

Either way this is a bad idea

bad combo
Dangrous and very nurotoxic

>candy flip
thats too intense for most people

Dxm, coke and lsd for me

Why are 90% of you people retards that dont know what a dangerous interaction is ( or just too stupid to care ) or dont know anything about drugs..

I hope you die next time you do something stupid
It's just natural selection..

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I kinda agree it's too good for the average casual

Fentanyl and Xanax. Trust me

Xanax and dabs. Bud isnt strong enough to feel anything too noticeable sometimes

He says in a thread about mixing drugs...

Different fag here. I can still get a boner, but I can't usually cum. I tried really hard and actually did once. It hurt really bad and I thought I was cumming blood.

Cocaine, E, Weed, and whiskey is my choice every weekend

There are plenty of safe and good combinations....

I admit my defeat you are correct

Coke and molly

Lol, it's all fun man and I believe in individual rights, but there's no reason to be delusional about it.

But that's just my experience, it could be different for others. I can't get a boner at all when I drink, but some guys can cum buckets. Weed makes my orgasms 10x better, but some guys can't get boners at all.

This type of willful ignorance is why drugs are still illegal.

I’ve seen methamphetamine (or any amphetamine, including molly) goes really good with weed. Molly not so much though since it’s more Intense and overshadows the high. I also love it with lsd, it makes me more giggly

smoking a fat joint after the peak and getting comfy in LSD's comfy comfy come-down is the fucking best.

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>smoking at the start of the trip
smoking before or during the come-up helps sort of "ease" you into the trip and is sometimes recommended for people who are nervous or anxious when they drop. by the time you're 3/4 sober from the weed the LSD kicks in.
>smoking at the peak
yeah it hella intensifies the trip like you said. not something i'd recommend to newbies. it's useful though if you want 0.5 tabs of LSD to act like 1.5 tabs though, like if you dont have enough acid to go around or you're trying to conserve it.
>smoking after the peak
LSD's come-down is comfy .
Weed is comfy.
Combine the two and you have maximum comfy.
Add in some snacks, a couple of light beers, a good movie or two and you have a fucking great night.

I love giving my wife Benadryl(diphenhydramine), zanaflex (tizanadine), and alcohol. Couple of each pill, couple drinks, and she's out for the night, ready for mouth and pussy fucking. She'll probably wake up if I fuck her ass tho.

a bit late but this chart is important.

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fapping on acid is the best, especially in the shower.

but basically the safe combinations are Weed & Anything or LSD & Anything .

In my experience, even a slight amount of pot ruins my trip. It takes away my euphoria and brings down my mood. I like the up and active feeling of LSD, and weed just ruins that. I often hike while tripping and weed makes me too lethargic.

Kek says the faggot that masturbates to futa, very natural of you

Lmao based.

Drop like 1.5 grams of kpins, have maybe 5 cocktails slowly over 2, maybe 3 hours, smoke a joint with 2 maybe 3 friends and transition into beers for the rest of the night taking an extra .5 kpins every like hour and hitting a bowl every 1.5 hours. Top off with some viagra and bang all night, wake up and mimosa brunch = a good life

weed, wax, and edibles

I wish I had the hook ups you guys do.

glock 22

Dmt and killing your ego

Bleach and ammonia.

I went to the psych ward for suicide a few years back and kept contacts. I get a script and a few people I know get scripts but don’t take them anymore and need some money on the side. I dated a chick I met in there actually, she still hooks me up and we banged in the hospital, shit was so cash

absolutely this

Found the brain dead retard who doesn't know how to pace himself and killed all his brain cells.

LSD, MUSHROOMS, Marijuana, Drum and Bass/progressive techno

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lsd cocaine and whippets
with alcohol of course
fuck weed with lsd though, only good for the flavor, the high ruins the trip though

LSD and Amphetamines.

You're not supposed to smoke when you're tripping hard you fuckwit, learn to control yourself until you finish the ride and then smoke to lift yourself, your visuals and come to a stop with a soft landing aka munchies.

uh ok thanks for the advice bud, after 50+ trips I really have no idea what I'm doing so I really appreciate it

Twisted is underrated but people fuck it up. The old hymn is retarded tho, if I’m low on weed I down a couple brewskies before (about a 1/4 of what it takes to get drunk) then spark up (about half to get high). Drinking first widens your blood vessels for a more potent kick of the bud.

Weak af

Sure dude, you're welcome anytime. Please hurry up and buy!

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my nigga

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Disgusting Plebian activity. Find a purpose in life you fucking fag. Already failed your NNN streak, bitch?

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Said the guy who got laid once before he was 25 and thinks he's chad...

weed and more weed

Have fun being 15 for the rest of your life.

There's no way your fever was that high, impossible.

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It was, it's not. Where did you study medicine again?

please hurry up and die

You're a retard, this was a simple Google search. You should educate yourself before being smug, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about.

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>16% believed
excellent source

I have done everything and the best combo is dxm and weed. It's a totally elevated next level thing.

Lmao, nice straw man. You're definitely evidence based and logical. I bet you consider yourself intelligent, lmao.

Zyklon and B.

AdderallIR and Nitro Cold brew coffee