He is a hero. Why do you hate him so much?

He is a hero. Why do you hate him so much?

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is that the pools closed guy?

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He had one great rushing game aside from that he’s not a very good quarterback and too much drama for any team

He’s a shitty QB. He’s a shittier person and he’ll be broke shortly. No one is touching that faggot

Why do so fee like you’re not even American?

Yes, its him

>Update Auto
This nigger never would have made it as a slave. Especially wouldn’t have been a house nigger


It's not racist if it's true


My hero's do more than kneel on some grass

Eat my ass

How the fuck is he a hero? If anything he's a fucking embarrassment and a complete hypocrite

Only if you tongue my anus first.

Haven't we been down this dead end road before?

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He is a hero. Why do you hate him so much?

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He's not a hero. He's a noisy idiot. He's not out there starting a foundation for at risk black children to solve the problem, he's being a faggot an kneeling during the Anthem. This is the celebrity equivalent of Thoughts and Prayers. He can fuck off.

>Hates America ,

Hero? WTF are you smoking

You're just a hater, probably white too amirite?

I'll think about it

Hes not black and speaks for all blacks. I'm black and i hate him.

Because celebrities told them too.

He's an ungrateful dumbass who had it made and pissed it away. When your making the big money, keep your piehole shut.

I think he's an impulsive idiot who decided he didn't want to stand for the national anthem. He then realizes he's in some deep shit as a result. He then crafts a vague narrative about it not representing him. The left takes it and runs with it creating a deeper image about him.

Nike then sponsors him saying they fully support him. Little does Kaepernick know Nike is just using him as a profit tool. Nike also regularly apologizes to China whenever one of their employees says something about Hong Kong or the Uighur Muslims, etc. So Nike is hypocritical and only chases profits.

Anyways he's a mediocre quarterback at best. There are plenty of others who are just as talented but far less drama. Sadly for Kaepernick, the NFL sees each player as a simply monetary investment. Other quarterbacks may be just as good but they bring in more profits as they appeal more to Americans as a whole.

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He was a shit QB who started some bullshit political statement that he knew would piss people off to cover for his inevitable firing.

Three years and still no one wants him.

When you protest Injustice and the manner you choose to do it in is so unclear the very people whose minds you are trying to change think youre just a spoiled cunt you have failed. He has changed nothing except his income.

Looks like he stuck his dick in a light socket lmao

I think he's trying to stay as relevant as possible to garner sponsorships. He didn't fit in the NFL now he's trying to fit in with several companies as a marketing tool. Maybe he does or doesn't realize it, but he's just getting ass raped by them too. The NFL formerly and Nike now are both just using him as a way to boost profits.

Nike doesn't give a shit about black oppression. When people in China are truly being oppressed Nike apologizes for employees speaking out.

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Shut the fuck up you goddamn retard. This guy is fucking annoying and for whatever reason he refuses to go the fuck away. He made his money not once but twice through his bullshit lawsuit and he STILL fucking complains about teams not wanting him. Dude is a complete low life and anyone who supports him is either an NPC or some white guilt dipshit. Hopefully after his bullshit "workout" on saturday he'll finally get the message and go the fuck away for good after he doesn't get signed anywhere.

Oh and btw no I am not white and I still cannot stand this fucking asshole

U mad bro?

Because he is sabatoging the game to talk about politics. Why is it that when you talk about the games he plays, its about him kneeling and not his preformance? He should be athletic in an atheletic event, and give personal political opinions on a personal accout like twitter. Mixing the 2 fucks things up.

y ball man no stand??!

Don't really think he's a hero.

But he's a guy who believed in something and was willing to lose his job over it, so respect to him for that.

This. They called him Sack-or-pick way before his attention stunt.

He was going to lose his job regardless lol what the fuck are you talking about?

Because he's the black-ish Tim Tebow and sucks at football for someone considered a professional.

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no one is signing him. no owner is going to touch him.
the league had the work out so they could say "we tried, no one wants you, can you go away now?"

did you see that failure of a last season of his? the season before that wasn't any better either

As soon as I heard him start I thought to myself that the stuff he was spouting sounded like some shit a woman would put in his head. Sure enough, his gf at the time was a hot ass uppity nigger BLM type.

he was losing his job anyway user

He's trying to pass as black.

I’m not one of the rabid fags that hates him but how tf is he a hero, for taking a knee? Give me a break user. This fags no hero

Tim Tebow is far better than him, and Tebow sucks. Plus, when Tebow knew his time was up he didn't become a cancer to try and extend his 15 minutes.

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because hes driving a wedge through the country and dividing us up.

Nobody hates Wesley Snipes. WTF.

hero???? I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! hes a looooser. second to none. send him to the Middle East. maby ISIS will get a hold of him. LOLOLOL….

It was all a mistake. He didnt hear the anthem the first time then went along with this take a knee black panther bullshit. Now instead of just trying to play the game and he's trying to make a a statement and tried to bring a independent camera crew to the NFL camp to show "his side of the story." I'm fine with him taking a knee, but him being some hero is horseshit and he should fire his managers.

he's not a hero. nobody is. he's an athlete who protested during a military recruitment theme song and infuriated racist bootlickers who always say protesting police violence should be done peacefully, but what they actually think is "shut up and take it, nigger"

Wtf ?

the people who are against peaceful protest are having a conniption fit. they refuse to take responsibility for their own fee fees.

He’d have been in someones torture chamber for sure. The most inhumane thing you can do is tell a black that he’s equal to a white. Their incumbent minds just aren’t meant to think. It would be like expecting my dog to write a medical thesis on xvs chemical resistant hiv.

>he's a shitty QB

coming from the crowd who only watch football 1 day of the year(the superbowl)

wouldnt it be funny if the 49ers won the super bowl while trump was still president.i bet he wouldnt even be mature enough to give them a white house invite.he'd just cry about nfl kneeling and niggers on twitter all night long

>too much drama for any team

well maybe if trump supporters stopped bringing politics into everything

He was a mediocre quarterback at his best.

like what , dodge the draft and end up being allowed to be commander in chief of the us military?

or how about getting his rich father's loan of a million dollars to start his first business,oh wait i got it.i bet your hero's shit in a golden toilet but somehow think the average joe can relate to them

The irony is the 49ers have a solid chance to win one this year without him. I doubt you even watch football though and don't even know how utterly terrible he was the last year he played any football.

I support China. Look what freedom has done to this nation.

nah,i watch football.it was a better sport before you snowflakes ruined it with your feelings.maybe you should go back to watching professional wrestling with the rest of the rednecks

You do realize that the dude in ops picture is a half blank half white.



yeah,shooting protestors to death in hong kong sure sounds like freedom to me(sarcasm)

or how about when china rolled their tanks through tiananmen square.what a "free"nation that is.go figure why people call trump supporters ignorant

If he were gonna be signed it would've happened by now. He's just a whiny bitch that wants attention at this point. He's like the female at the club that gets no attention from any of the dudes there but keeps trying to get it anyway. Watch when he's fucking 45 he's gonna keep saying he can still play and no one wants to sign him because he's black.

americans dont understand bi racial people,they called barack obama black for 8 years even though he's half white half black also

He was well compensated for “his” stand on a civil rights issue in which turned out to be a financially motivated ruse which dominated headlines across the NFL and other sports which annoyed the piss out of me due to my stand on sports politics, which in my humble opinion, shouldn’t mix.
I was drained by this whole thing, eventually leading to me avoiding Sports Radio, Sports Analytic talk shows [especially ESPN] and unfortunately was pleased when he inevitably was black balled by the NFL.
He is a talented player, somewhere near the bottom of the list when it comes to Starting Quarterbacks in the NFL. I feel as if he should be on a team in the league somewhere, Not necessarily playing the role of starter unless it were to be earned. Let’s be honest though the NFL is a meritocracy. Everyone is replaceable and NFL teams haven’t been too tolerant when it comes to players who bring the circus with them on a weekly basis. It takes 100% focus and a distraction of his caliber when it comes to the media coverage isn’t worth the talent he brings to the table. He’ll probably never play in the NFL again and I’m ok with that. Players come and go. He wasn’t good enough of a player to do what he did.

nah,the whiney bitches are the ones throwing tantrums about him.sorry you dont understand what living in a free country means

Imagine being this poor. Get a job hippie.

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also,its typical for a trump supporter to whine about kaepernick and somehow bring race into it.you know,for people who get mad when you call them racist.maybe you should acting like a racist

your right,maybe ill get a loan of a million dollars like your hero donald trump.do you have a job yourself? or are you just another useless trump supporter who sits in his trailer park and watches duck dynasty all day

by the way,people with jobs hate donald trump.they've disliked him ever since his stupid tariffs,nevermind the fact he himself cant run a business for shit

I think you completely misunderstood me son. I don’t give a flying fuck about your freedom to be a faggot. We’re sick of your shit. I can’t wait for the civil war to start.

everyone is a hero these days

You’re* learn to spell hippie

>before you snowflakes ruined it with your feelings
funny, cause this shit of a QB did the same shit, talkin about how hard his life was and didn't even contribute to a community that was actually suffering until after the fact.
>he's a shitty QB
facts. if he was a good QB, he wouldn't have just one solid year with the Niners. the 2nd year he was a shit show like Rudolph with the Steelers

Omg I hate all this money I’m making. I hate the tax breaks. I especially hate my new car and the ability to earn a living now. I hate all the food I can finally afford. If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic. I can’t wait for them to dismantle welfare.

Wrong. The ones who called Obama "black" were the ones who call themselves "African American" or "Black American" rather than just straight up fucking "American"
>this is coming from another American "nigger"

Listen, niggers aren’t like us. They can’t grasp basic facts. All they understand is take take take. They build nothing then bitch and complain about being kept down. Shooting cops and each other. When is everyone going to wake the fuck up?

He's a nigger and an ungrateful one at that. What's to like?

how is he a hero?

There are so many retards who don't know shit about shit here...have ANY of you graduated ANY school without your parents blowing the administration?! I bet your mamas took the Forest Gump route.

how does he hate murrica exactly, because he kneeled during the anthem?

He’s just the current weekly leftist propaganda darling. They keep pushing against America’s interests. I think it’s time to sort this out.

I bet your mama takes nigger dick like the animal she pretends to be.

That’s showing hatred of America. Are you retarded or something?

lol you're the retarded one, it doesn't say ANYWHERE you have to stand during the anthem, you fucking nigger don't know even about your own constitution or laws.

So I guess he should've humped the flag during the anthem, like your drumpfh, that shows love and respect, right?

But he bailed on the workout and went to throw passes on his own.

Yup. Think those actions are going to change the mind of owners?

If he had something to say, he could've said it when not wearing 49er colors. He had a platform as a celebrity.
After his tell was announced on ESPN, defenses kept his production down. But his job was safe; he could've exercised his option to stay.
But no; he decided to become a free agent.

>When is everyone going to wake the fuck up?
Most people already have, it's the fucking liberals that humor niggers when it comes to this bullshit "issue" of police brutality, even though the people they protest over are or were literal criminals breaking the law or in the process of doing it. Bottom line though is Kap was a shitty QB and no team wants to deal with his bullshit. Everyone is sick of all of this anti-american shit that left pushes every damn day of the week. Most of whom don't even fucking watch football in the first place outside of the fucking superbowl.

Because he hates the country and it's ok by me and he wants more attention than AB.

You're a faggot. Niggers are easy to subliminally, making it easier to fight the Kike menace.

Kaep SAID he was protesting America.
The entire country.
For a lie.

His actions reminded each owner, individually, to remember why he would be a liability.

He actually donates millions of dollars to said charities and organizations.

To all you fags who keeps posting these.
Stop Shilling for Leftists and Jews with their divide and conquer tactics. This one, AOC-posts, reperations etc.

OP are you paid by Justice-democrats or IDF?
