Ex burger king employee AMA

Ex burger king employee AMA

History: Started working there January 2019 to have a highschool job. Went on leave in August to attend college. Hated most of my time there but i was considered one of the better workers

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did u cum on the whopperz?

did a man get you fired for keeping his change?

No. Funny reference

Most ridiculous thing you’ve seen while at work?

I havent but i wouldnt be surprised if this one guy did. He was a registered sex offender, looked like one to. One night he just started casually talking about how he used to manipulate 12 year old girls online to send nudes. He talked about it like it was normal.

Did you ever rub your weewee on someone’s food?

I fucking hate this impossible meat bullshit. What are the chances that they are slipping out these fake burger patties to people who order a beef burger?

This one customer got the wrong food at a different location than ours. He comes inside and starts screaming at the staff behind the counter to make him fresh chicken tenders. Yelling how the workers don’t deserve $12.75 (fast food minimum wage in New York) and just a bunch of bullshit we didn’t deserve. So we make the fat fucks chicken tenders and suddenly he’s like “you guys are great” and he leaves.

Couldn’t tell you. Probably low. I stopped working the day we got them at our location so i dont have much experience with them. They did indeed look like shit

Had that been a popeyes the employees would have attacked him like a pack of howling baboons.

did you ever purposely shit on the floor for one of your coworkers to clean

I too would be upset if I didn’t have my tendies.

Considering 3/4 of my co-workers were fucking losers who pissed me off, i wish i had

Who gives a fuck

Why so much fucking ice in the sodas when I hit the drive thru?

Its on purpose. Ask for either no ice or less ice. They do this to save money on buying the syrup that actually makes the soda.

Thats cause they niggas.

Do you fry those burgers with love? Or are they pre-cooked and you just slap them in the buns.

i, too, worked at a burger king a few years back, west coast tho

I tried to make them with love, and they aren’t pre cooked. I always tried to make the burgers with quality in mind but the general manager was a faggot and insisted that speed was more important as well as quality. She couldn’t understand that highschoolers (the majority of our kitchen staff) didnt have the same experience as her

Now i want some McDonald's goddammit i got fhd fuking munchies and im in bumfuck midwest small town with only a mcdonalds. That closesc@ 10pm. And no other restraunts really. With a fuking wmart supercener that closes from 1 am to 5 am.

so walmart isn't closed yet you dumb faggot
>get hamburger meat
>get buns
>go back home
>make burger patty
>fry in pan
>put on bun
>ketchup, mustard, pickle
do it faggot

When you make socialist burgers at home, you deny an ex-con a job at Burger King.

If BK isn't open in your shit town, fuck them and make it yourself
>also go to condiments aisle and get Thousand Island dressing for the burger

Nigger you know godamned well the appeal of McDonald's isnt that it's good, but rather that I can go get a stupid number of borgers dirt cheap at any time at all (if you have a 24 hr mcds)

So go to a gas station or 7-11, they probably have burgers or hot dogs or something.

>bix nood leme get uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh

Did too, in paris.

Worked for 2 yrs at bk, i was mostly there for money but i ended up having 2 gf who were co-workers.

Was on the morning shift so i had to clean and mount the broilers, prep the veggies, take care of the shipping coming, and be in kitchen for the noon shift.

It was okayish, not horrendous like pussyfaggots likes to say, but the paycheck wasnt worth it imo.

Mine was in france tho so idk if its the same as the us version.

>Bought BK franchise at age 47 for sole reason to mingle with teens
>Most repulsed, one attracted though
>I'll be your daddy
>Be daddy
>Wife finds out, get divorced
>Greatest fuck of my life, worth it

Lol what the fuck

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