You know what to do faggots

You know what to do faggots.

Will I get a blowjob from a hot girl by the end of the year?

Attached: Roll.jpg (595x806, 83K)

is life really worth living

well well well

should i go have a ciggy


just say yes cunt


wil i ebr hav a lovign relantioship wit a pumpkin pie?

Should I drop out of college and become a male porn star?

Should I become a slaveboi fag to the next guy who posts?


Does she love me

That 8 says otherwise.

Will i do well on my new job?

Dammit. Okay.
Am I good enough for my new job?

Will I win the lottery jackpot?

>Will I win the lottery jackpot?

Should I kill myself

Will I win the Megamillions jackpot this Tuesday?

Will i fuck her soon?

Is this the same 8-ball from last night?

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will i fuck her soon?

I'll ask again.

What about zoe?

Does this 8-ball more consistently predict the future?

Will I have a threesome in 2020?

No but you will join this discord gg/ U74FbVs

is the 8th ball a butt fucking queer?

Am i on the right path to be with her?

Your retarded, and a dumb nigger

Congrats, man


Will I go tomorrow?

Meow meow meow meow meow meow?

You will MAYBE get a blowie from an ugly m2f tranny...

Will people actually like me for who I am?

Insecure questions get insecure answers

Will I ever make it to act on Broadway?

Is the 8ball even slightly accurate

meow meow meow

will i have sex this year

Should I drink some more tonight?

Will I ever fuck her?

Will I get preggers soon for fucks sake!!!


Tell me the truth.


Oh fuck - I wish I was superstitious because that’d be great news.

Is my life even worth living at this point?

Fuck your sources, what do you think

Will I go to hell ?

Do I even have a chance

will I get a significant other by the end of the year

will I get good news tomorrow about my health?

Should I cheat on my gf with my hot friend?

rolling cause fake and gay

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Will this week go well?

>Will I win the Megamillions jackpot

Throw my xbox away?

Yes or no

Sell it on ebay?

Will i find another job by end of year?


Will everything be alright?

Oh good, what about maddie, will I fuck her again?

Well thats sucks

Will I ever fuck my cousin

So her not fucking me will be a good thing?

lemme get my dick sucked and suffer from herpes

You're really confusing me, will me not fucking her be good, yes or no?

Fuck you, no one kikes you 8-ball anyways, Im leaving

So, will she ever accuse me of wanting to rape her?

Should I go to bed?

I mean should I go to bed

Imma confirm my doubts


Ok, I mean should I go to bed after reading this whole thread for lulz

What should I just not read the thread and go to bed right away? I can go to sleep any time I want dammit

Will what we have going on transition into something serious?

Is my spouse gonna be like that?

Yes I will

Fuck man I hope you were asking about something positive, jesus

Will I get my dream girl before the year ends?

Should I have a snack before bed

Will I get a girlfriend?

Will I meet a female around my age that is attracted to me emotional and sexual that I can pursue as my significant other?

Is my girlfriend cheating on me

Will I get a girlfriend by the end of this year?

Alright, reroll

Will I obtain a female who loves me and consents to have sexual intercourse with me as we would be a couple?

Will I be rich?

Has my luck ran out?

should i ask her out?

Will I take again a medicine career?

welp, anyone got some tips?

Will I ever be Nigga Rich?

233 exam tomorrow will be a good grade?

Should I quit smoking?

Will I live forever?

Will I make love with her?