Hi guys long time lurker first time posting. I just wanted to say bye I think...

Hi guys long time lurker first time posting. I just wanted to say bye I think. Im not going to an-hero but life is too expensive and I can't afford insulin anymore on top of recently being diagnosed with MS. I've just accepted that im not happy, and that life is really difficult. I cant even afford a 6 pack of a smoke. Wish some of you Sup Forumsros lived nearby and we could smoke and drink and have like a last party or something. I was born with diabetes so honestly, when I no longer take my medication I'll reach a point where I just go to sleep. I can save all my money and have one last big meal. It's kind of cathartic and peaceful, knowing I dont have to poke my finger, take medications, suffer in pain, struggle to keep electric on in a tiny 1 bedroom. Thankfully I don't have any pets to leave behind. Maybe id have the will to hang on if I had a cat or a friend to bring smoke weed with or have a beer but I as it stands I can at least go out pain free and choose my fate. Thanks for all the laughs, the memes, and a place to come and be just like everyone else, an anonymous face.

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tldr faggot
kys yourself instead

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Sorry user. I hope this is a LARP because these I'ma kms threads are getting depressing. I'm not in good health or circumstances either, but I still wake up every day and deal. You'll find a friend out there. Misery loves company you know

I respect your choice but you can always better yourself. life does suck, and you have many more problems than I do so I don't have much room to talk, but you need something to live for
make the best of it. I have a really good life honestly but I've wanted to just die since elementary school and I still do honestly. what makes you happy? what is beautiful to you?


Where do you even live, bud?

Say hi to my parents for me

Aussie bloke here. Diabetes sucks. But with advance technology u can diy insulin packs that basically do ur pancries for you.

Howd u loose them

Get into the aquarium hobby. Find cuttings that grow and ask to stop by for a bucket of trimmings next time someone does it. Use whatever tub or bowl or anything you can find. Start a planted tank. Then after it's established start throwing some local small fish in it. Build a massive thriving ecosystem. If you build stands you can tip glass cups or jars upside down inside the "tanks" and slowly raise them about 3/4 of the way and then fish will swim around up in them sometimes. Get pieces of pvc and build water bridges.

For like 6 bucks you can get a small container of brine shrimp and then short of maybe some blanched veggies when you can most of them will trive. King of DIY on youtube has a really cool brine rig he shows you how to build. Use katchup squirt bottles with caps or plug the sink to drain them instead of hoses. Or just glue 1 hose in the lid and tape a weight to it. Just set it above the brine and lower for harvest.

You can do some fun shit for free user. Life isn't smokes and booze. Or the money it takes to buy them.

Have a look down the back of your couch cushions...

I mean fb groups and local clubs for aquarists

Truly random advice.
Well done.

Try to escape burgerland. Insulin is dirt cheap in most of the world. As for the ms? No idea.
Good luck, fren.

Thank you for treating me like a normal person.

Misery indeed..

Sleep and being pain free sounds beautiful, this long over due MS diagnosis makes a lot of sense. I'll likely use my last remaining funds reserved for insulin to send Christmas presents to family before I go, now how beautiful is that.

Oklahoma. Nothing and nobody here.

What is their names?

Bad insurance and MS diagnoses creates many issues with this solution.

Theres also a guy on youtube with a 10 gallon brine tank he aint touched in like a year. Just has a 60 watt light on 20 hours a day for algae growth that the shrimps eat. 78°. The salt doesn't really evaporate so you just top it off with water and watch em thrive.

Yeah, dude, I'm quite the distance away from there. Would definitely drink a beer with you otherwise.

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Hey man, if it's how you want to go, I respect that. I had a friend once, his name was Trevor. He was huge into heroin, had diabetes since he was a little kid, and overall hated his life. I talked him out of suicide many times but sometimes it just isn't enough. He did the same thing you did, stopped taking his meds and died of diabetic ketoacidocis a few days later. He was one of my closest friends and I wish he could still be here today. He was getting his life on track and I guess it was just too tiring. No note or anything, just gone one day. I missed the last text he sent me because I was out with friends and figured it'd be okay to wait to respond. I wish I could just talk to him one more time like the old days. Idk where I'm going with this, but someone out there loves and cares about you. If you do go through with it, and if there is an afterlife, tell him Nick says hi. This is the only thing I had from him and I lost it in a move. I wish I still had it

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Ive honestly never considered anything like this. Thank you.

Escaping takes money. And in the US insulin isn't cheap, and being a type 1 from birth has impacted my health badly.
A burger sounds really good right now.


I try. Been in a rut myself for several years. About to go freeze my dick off at work but excited to get into this aquarium hobby. You can truly do some fun shit cheap.

Keep plugging away op. Eventually the door to happiness cracks open enough you can see that it's there. It just has to be enough for now.

That rut i mentioned was losing 2 of my best friends to suicide.

Please don't do it.

Fuck the beer. Go spend 5 bucks when you can on corn and make you some shine

My cuz has Multiple Skedaddles, but he’s not having the worst time, had it for years and tells me meds are improving.
Or else he’s a liar. Who knows.

Soo...he was behind of that..?

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how do i get diabeets

Like someone said get out of fatland. Healthcare in america is a major fucked up system. You dont have money to see doctor u basically die
Free health care in australia and canada

Oklahoma. Nothing and nobody here.



>diagnosed with MS
They say that massive amounts of vitamin C, like tens of grams everyday, can do miracles. Have a look at youtube first. May it will save your life. Add some exercise too to clear your head.

youtube doctors

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No, it's a bit bigger than this.

Do it fgt!

I'm gonna need new friends to this hobby so we can figure shit out and laugh at the poor untimely deaths we cause. Not sure if these eggs are any good but if they grow and i get some jars running i can try and mail you some

if its some medical breakthrough, i dont think youtube is the way to go

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They care but I will be a large burden later in life..

Corn moonshine. Lol. If you aren't the smartest random fucker lol. You seem like you'd be a really fun guy in real life.

It's still impossible for me to afford insulin meds, I don't know how im supposed to afford MS meds. I don't want to go out twitching I just wanna be me.

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Fuckoff shillbot we trying to talk

Thanks for offing yourself & not being a financial drag on normal, healthy productive citizens, OP. You're doing the right thing.

Where in oklahoma fucky cause i can piss into your state from mine and depending on where the fuck you at will depend on how much shit we can do together. Or at least meet up and trade fish rather than send them through the fedex battle

well looks like i saved another life. see you tomorrow faggit

There is no state healthcare for low income/unemployed? My NEET ass has medical, dental and vision. There are also free clinics around town where I live. Not sure if they'd just give you free insulin or not though.

see you tomorrow

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I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It’s not fair you should have to suffer because a bunch of greedy corporations want to keep making money from its people’s healthcare. I don’t know if you’ve tried it but I had a friend with MS (had as in I don’t see him anymore, nothing bad) and indica dominant cannabis strains really helped him. He had a medicine called sativex as well. This was like 5 years ago now though and that was the best he could get as we live in the UK. Doesn’t America have better weed based medicine? I’ve suffered with suicidal thoughts since I was 16, depression and anxiety since 18 and agoraphobia since 22. I’m 33 now and still around. They’re unhealthy thoughts and a symptom of your depression, once you get some help and start to feel better you can recognise them for what they are and not pay much attention to them. My life hasn’t been great but there’s some things I’m glad I got to do. I also live in constant pain now though because I’ve had 3 motorbike crashes from people pulling out without looking and in total I’ve broke the same shoulder twice, 4 ribs, a vertebrae, my left hand and fucked my neck up. I can’t get my arm above my head anymore, the ball had blood flow loss and shrunk to nothing so it hurts whenever it moves and apparently I’m too young to get a replacement so just gotta live with it. Being in pain all the time does make all the above thoughts a lot harder. I smoke for it and went to the doctors for some proper pain killers, naproxen. You should 100% get a cat though. It’ll give you something you need to care for and it’s nice to sit with them and get some affection. Stroking animals releases the same chemical we get from hugging and human contact into the brain so it’s good for you.

Remember me when your insurance drops by a penny.

About an hour from Tulsa area. What does trade fish mean?

Maybe, but only the future can tell that one for sure. Much love to you too, friend :) I hope life starts to look up for you soon. I've been waiting on happier times lately too. They'll come eventually, nothing lasts forever. Here's a picture I took of a pond near my old place. Maybe it'll brighten up your morning a bit

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Sup Forumsor just move to NY, there's more women than men so even troglodytes can date up and there's infinite things to do. Not that meaningless sex is really that good mentally but it can help to give you some confidence.

I try brother. I try. Just be sure and run vinegar through after every batch if you use copper. And throw the first bit and last bit out. Make sure no joints have lead. Or use stainless brakeline tubing. Don't run your propane without regulators and they shouldn't freeze up. If they do freeze up get more bottles or give it up.

No chance at accidental an hero now. Dipshits put propane tanks in fires without regulators and wonderwhy they blew up...

My wife also makes wine in a closet with some years and fruit juice off the store shelf. Mix what you make half and half with more juice and it's pretty good. Strong shit to.

>Stroking animals
ur a sick fuck

Didn't read how your gonna kill yourself but post a live stream link if you do

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I just figured if qe both got into the hobby We'd be able to trade some of our stuff and knowledge.

I'm an hour away and frequent bartlesville. Seeing as you are an hour away I'd bet money on bartlestown.

Stay the fuck out of petco. That place is absolute aids.

Not that user but it did mine. Ive been getting to work and sitting off the clock 45 minutes early for a year just to watch the sunrise while i drink a v8 and eat jerky while staring at the cows.

I hate cows so fucking much

I'm glad it brightened up your morning :) I have a bunch to share

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Feel free to share friend. Waiting on mine atm. Yes the pickup is dirty. It's older than me and i work at a rock quarry. Essentially I'm just manufacturing dust and ive seen time and time again people buy new trucks because they seel good or use car covers and get nothing but dust and scratches.

Never buy a home 2 miles around an open pit mine folks

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John and Julie

Aneurysm and basically old age

Actually found a shit quality copy i can share.

Best pic i ever took. Sunset after work in my yard with a shit phone.

Wait that's east. Sunrise before work i guess. I forget i can drive to work in the daylight sometimes. This was in july

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I've had more luck with older cars than I have newer ones, especially work vehicles. This is the same place as the first pic at a different angle. Sorry it's taking so long, I have to compress all my pics because they're too big. Hopefully your sunrise is beautiful this morning :)

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That's a beautiful sunrise man :)

Ok. Bye.

Keep thread alive anons. I gotta run and get gas and head to work. Back in 15 min

Op you abandoned thread.


Pics didnt do it justice. Never seen some shit like that in my life

Back in about 10. Gotta pre shift the hoopty here

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Perfect. Not a cloud in the sky besides one cucking the sunrise. Kek.

Well, thread seems dead

I wish you well op



I feel for you op. I hope things get better for you and life surprises you so you can keep going on. It's insane we are alive to begin with. Here on this planet. Now across that world your message reached me early this morning. Most likely we have 1 shot at this life. If there's another side to it or if you get a re-roll I hope things go better for you in the next. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to be loved. I wish you the best b/rother.