Showed my gf cuckold porn to laugh at beta faggots. she got moist, how the fuck do i reverse this

showed my gf cuckold porn to laugh at beta faggots. she got moist, how the fuck do i reverse this.

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Well looks like your a beta cuck now sorry OP but ur fucked

How damp was she ?

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By getting a bunch of pindicks to fuck her so she thinks your cock is as good as it gets

You're *

Its the internet m8 nobody gives a fuck how its typed faggot

It was like thick spit the type where you can push it out your mouth and suck it back in

Then ide be getting cuk'd by small dick faggots, no.

By fucking all of her friends and ditching the bitch

It is*

Don't show your GF porn you retard

Congrats you cucked yourself with cuck porn. You have now reached higher levels of cuckery enjoy sucking nigger jizz out your girls snatch

we like to poke fun at peoples fetishes. just so happens this time i was taking the piss out of men cleaning up and she got wet

Lol, post deets. What did she say? She is going to be dreaming about you lapping it up now that you showed it her, good going champ.

I'm in disbelief with myself it's not uncommon for us to watch porn and just laugh at the weird shit people are into.

She was mostly silent I felt her to see if she was wet she tried to hide the fact she was, she was saying how she woulden't like to fuck random men, maybe a regular and i was like wtf who said anything about that.

>my gf got aroused by content designed to cause arousal
Gee golly Batman

Put on cuck queen porn. See if she likes it when you get hard.

The only way is to get another man then fuck him and make her watch

well she said she woulden't like it if i fucked another woman.

Put the porn on anyway. Turn the screws. When she's borderline traumatized she won't be able to fuck another man because it will trigger her insecurities.

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>how the fuck do i reverse this.
No better way to reverse the cycle by reversing the roles.

Sounds like she already has a guy in mind

Enjoy being cucked by big dick faggots then.

you have to show her the total opposite bro, that will fix it

by becoming the cuck

>showing your gf porn
are you a fucking fool?

This is a sad, sad larp

dude think about it like this:

would you like it if you had a threesome and you fucked a girl and finished and then afterward the other girl licked your cock clean? If yes, then reverse the genders, and make it two men and one woman. Women like multiple dudes fucking them, I don’t think it’s right to do it but guys do the same with multiple chicks