Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

Attached: wat do.png (605x807, 739K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Eat it

Microwave 10 minutes



Release the spider

It’s gonna be smelly

Make it bite your penis. The tip specifically

I deliberately didn't say dubs decide because I knew Sup Forums would have me shove it up my ass or something lol

Microwaving it anyway

boil it

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Release the spider

Jizz on it

Place it on your shaft with time stamp.

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lol this gone be good :)

Based op. You should also put liver meat or something eith it in the microwave. Ants survive microwaves because they move constantly to avoid the rays,but this one should die.

can you record it and upload as webm? is this considered animal cruelty? i wanna see what it does tbh

Ausfag here.
Release him outside somewhere nice.
Spider bro kill flies.
Flies are fucking annoying.

piss on it to show dominance

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thats a fucking harmless house spider, you're not in australia


harmless? llook at that thing its fucking terrifying

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He did write the date the right way tho

Take himb outside


fuck the spider bigot you're oppressing my kink REEEEEEEEE

Found the fucking spider.

So my reply wins regardless? Fucking sweet, OP is not a faggot!

Every living thing in Oz is deadly. Even koalas. Even. Koalas.

All of you cunts saying kill it but what did it do to you


Space program


koalas are the worst

Are Drop Bears real? Ive been told they are a myth but i still wonder

Feed it Aussie nerve gas - fart in container.

Tie balloons too it and release it

Also deadly af.

I’m just switching containers for microwaving purposes, which is a mission in itself. I’m also living with my man for dat low rent and she wants to know what’s up. No idea what to tell her lol

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gas it with cigarette smoke or marijuana

buy a leash make him your pet.

Hateful little fucks.

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do u mean your nan? What kind of sick fuck microwaves a huntsman, throw it at your nan

No. I fixed it for you.

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Tell her to post tits with timstamp or stfu

>my man
>she wants

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Living with my *NAN fucking phones

Also, the spider can tell something is up. She’s clearly rearing and ready to attack as soon as I go for the container switch. She was all crouched before, now she wants to fight

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Space program

Stick nan in pooper with time stamp.

Tell her you have vermin that needs a good ol' halocaustin'

Nuke that faggot already

If you kill it you got to eat it thats the way of the out back

Microwave your ring with it lmao

Still wanna see nan tits

If ya gonna nuke it, hurry tf up fam

microwave your nan

Put your ring on it and microwave it so theres a light show loool

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So... just put it outside then?
Pic related.
And thanks for the warm weather neighbour!

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yeah, and don't forget to put your phone in as well

Trips have spoken!

Fast charge. Fact.

Nuking with leftover pieces of tonight’s pork chops now

Wish me luck Sup Forums, nan is definitely gonna want to know what smells so good

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Feed it to her

Better be recording it

Still waiting on nan tits

Don't do it OP it's just a poor spider. Let him be free in your house so he takes care of the insects is my idea

thank you
white knighting is out i get it but this is just animal cruelty

Huntsman spiders are harmless and even eat roaches. Let it go or I will curse thee with erectile dysfunction for as many days as my last 3 digits.




Pls deliver, OP


Shut up faggot your quints are disregarded


Pretty mean dude.
Go put a fire out on a poisonous koala.

Can my father plow your mangina?

Fucking deliver op

Deliver op you fucking cuckbag

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Was that in your house?
Fuck. That.

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Soooooo close to glorious quints of truth

Any day now OP


Fuck you r eddi t faggot GTFO my Sup Forums

Good night spider hope you don’t smoke up my Nan’s 50s microwave oven

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Kill that fucking thing you cunt

Record it you pussy

>Watching movie with nan
>Australian Cockroach (~5" long holding Fosters tallboy) climbs onto sofa armrest
>Guinea pig-sized spider bro runs out of its corner web, up my bare leg, across me nan to confront the roach
>Knocks the tallboy out of the roach's hand
>High pitched squeaky shit talk ensues
>Oi! Cunt! Ain na rum fah Botha us in da flat see! Nah square up!
>House-cat-sized bug fist fight rolls across nan and I as spider bro defends his territory
>With the roach finally pinned down, spider bro removes it's hat and Don's it with it's free set of legs
>Nuttin personal, cunt
>Bites roach's neck

Ohhhhh, spider bro, thanks for looking out

Kill a pussy and stick it in your cunt

A mate moved to Oz recently.
Told him to buy a corvette stingray with number plate 1RW1N.
Did not deliver. Faggot.

Op will surely deliver...

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>kill a pussy and stick it in your cunt


These are the people solely responsible for those gore sites



The Australian vocabulary only has about 10 words, despite that they are able to communicate with each other
You now know Australian


you forgot oi mate

put me in the screencap

>like and subscribe

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stick microwave in nan

FUCK OK Sup Forums I’m a faggot that sucks filthy nigger cocks but here’s what happened

NAN COMES OUT and legit goes watch a cookin? I hadn’t started yet but I said the leftover pork. She goes oh ok I’ll just add some of yesterday’s leftovers and join you. I’m like lolno. She’s like why not? Long story short she is a hysterical bitch so she literally opened the microwave to do it herself and flipped the fuck out. We’ve been arguing for 15 minutes, but she actually got the spider and chucked it outside

True story Sup Forums. I’m going outside to see if I can find it again but I don’t have high hopes. Sorry my Sup Forumsrothers

Fucking pussy