A 29 year old coworker just sent me this, saying she wants to come over this weekend to fuck. What do I do Sup Forums

A 29 year old coworker just sent me this, saying she wants to come over this weekend to fuck. What do I do Sup Forums

Attached: 3F9E195B-C96F-44FE-993E-F2C50A26B317.jpg (750x998, 370K)

ask to see it's penis

Show us that niggas pp, OP, you nigger faggot

thats a boi

She's not a tranny you homos

fuck her holes and never pull out.

yes it is

Direct (don’t ask) for more pics. Post wins

Whatever you gotta tell yourself to go to sleep at night, faggot

How big is her feminine penis?

Then fuck her, what are you even here for then?

It's a nigga

Thats a screenshot from a porno you fucking idiot. Kek

Soo...he was behind of all that...

Attached: 5301573135201942.jpg (1622x1184, 129K)

She sent another one

Attached: F3339225-BD94-477B-9AAA-2B48608A3F85.jpg (750x995, 404K)

it's a boy

Tell that nigga to show his boi pussy, nigger faggot

She might surprise you if she turned kek

>He sent another one

Fixed that for you

literally my first thought

you’ll never be a girl faggot

time to make that 41% 42%


come on OP... show penis already

Meh. Here is some real advice OP.
Don't jerk off for 3 days before she comes over and you might be lucky enough to get hard to her medicore ass.

I would'nt fuck people from work tho. So if you can't handle seeing her bang another coworker in a week, don't even bother hooking up with her.

Hot. Send more. Ignore these morons.

Op is a faggot


40% of transdamaged people attempt suicide.

It's a dude, show us his penis.

Sup Forums used to be straight people. I don't know why I keep coming here.

>attractive woman says she wants you to fuck her
>what do I do Sup Forums
Imagine these levels of autism.

That is surely a man.

Do people get off by trolling others on internet with gay ass and making up fantasies about someone actually wanting to fuck them?

Man, Sup Forums has changed a lot over the years. Back in the day people here would encourage OP to share more wins, now everyone is just brainwashed with tranny shit

Yea because no one wants to see more of that tranny you mongloid

Excuse me miss. I believe you are sending the pictures to the wrong person. This is ... from work and I am sure you intended to send them to someone else. Have a good night.

Whoa we got an edgy incel here