I believe my room is haunted...

I believe my room is haunted, I keep seeing a dog figure on my bed without my knowledge and when I turn around it's gone. When I look around the curtain is consistently swinging as if something was pulling it back and forth. What do I do?

Attached: EF-vj1WXoAE6ByV.png (1080x1080, 899K)

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Congratulations, you're experiencing the early stages of schizophrenia. You're in for a hell of a ride, brother.

>I keep seeing a dog figure on my bed without my knowledge

Attached: 1567148015777.jpg (900x750, 54K)

I'm too old to get schizophrenia you moron. Would you like a recording of the curtain moving and a bit of cobweb moving around?

Do you ever had a dog ?

A german shepard, died when I was like 5.

And what does the dog figure looks like

A beagle almost, but not quite if that makes any sense. Like a mixed breed of a bulldog and beagle.

sure send recording, but it's probably just wind. Or do you live in an apartment,??

Hmmm, did your dog had a dog friend

No windows open, live in a home.

No idea, I wasn't that self-aware when I was that young.

Go to

Aight man then send that shit I'm waiting

I'm not some retarded paranormal investigator/believer. I've had occurrences is all.

Just tell me first, how the fuck do I delete overused space on my android? I swear I'll make a recording of this shit.

Have you moved to a new house

Been here since 2005 and experienced weird shit.

I once woke up paralyzed and saw this shadowy figure crawl up on me and touch me on the leg 3 times. It looked like it was wearing a fedora and a cloak.

Just delete a bunch of apps or pictures/videos or move them onto a computer

Sorry to tell you, this is a demon son.
Have you been dabbling with the black arts?

this movie will give you nicer dreams


Hey user, you seem to have found my dog. He likes to flux between dimensions and go through walls.
Can I get him back? He is a good interdimensional boy



Hmm, what kind of wierd things do you experience

Alebrelle LMAO

Shadow shit in the corner of my eye, a few days ago I woke up to this thing with a top hat on and a cloak completely black and said "I know you can hear me."

In that recording the window is closed, sealed shut. Help me anons.

i.imgur.com/SLJxIBf.mp4 Another recording I just made.

What is that thing on the wall you seem to be concerned about?

Stop imagining things.


It's the cobweb that keeps moving by itself.

Can you record it a little bit closer?

My curtain is swinging too. In my case it's because of the airflow when hot and cold air are circling through my room as long as my radiator is turned on. Pretty normal I guess.

The dog and other stuff like that are most likely hallucinations.

is it a black doggo ?

Attached: pupper.jpg (700x1041, 122K)

Yes: i.imgur.com/0BoP9K7.mp4

There is nil airflow in the room and it's currently about 22 degrees celsius here.


Im sure is just the wind, I mean theres no proof that you arent a troll or something

Ghosts aren't real.

Are you studying any form of religion/spirituality?

The wind from what?

Uh no... I've studied Zen Buddhism and LaVeyan Satanism in the past but that's about it.

Are you still engaging, using or abiding any of the concepts and or practices?


Windows don't cover the entire hole sometimes, air is everywhere, but until you don't show a fucking shadow dog I don't think it is.

So you learned nothing from either of these studies? Ie you ditched everything?

I don't see shadow dogs, I've seen shadows of people with hats and shit. Completely blank/black.

Yes and yes, they're both redundant imo.

Soubds like you studied faux zen

Real zen is not redundant at all

I studied Zen, I just found it to be a waste of time.

Then its not zen

Inot a religious person, however I believe there are things (demons, ghosts) that are out here to harm us psychologically.

What do you consider Zen?

When strong emotions come into play, the brain wants to justify beliefs at any means neccesary.

Seng tsan's faith in mind. Not meditation

demos do exist you know

Then as long as you are psychologically strong, you don't have to worry about it, punch that shadow in the face, like in the greentext

It's all you.

Demobns do ecxist.

>what is airflow
>what are thermodynamics

Why are you so sure? There's no proof of that


your window has a shitty insulation, try it with a match, see how the flame moves

from your ass

says who, schizophrenics? Why do 99% of ppl never see anything extraordinary? Take your pill and go live a normal life

stan told me

This is OP assholes, I'm not schizo or anything. This shit isn't wind or anything, I know what wind is and it certainly isn't that.

Who's Stan?

Stan's a liar.

I know, it's just you.

No, it's not.

Then if its not just you, do you live with someone who can CONFIRM what youre saying?

My family members; my brother, my parents. However it's 5:29 AM here atm, so don't expect a fucking thing.

Ah, so you're mental investment/awareness of it hasnt made it worse then?

It's been this way for the past year without me doing shit.

Youre smoking too much weed, faggot. Try going outside and making real friends so your mind stops inventing shit.

yeah, when ever do crazy people admit they're crazy...

I doubt it.

Probably just not aware of what you're doing.

Imagine being this much of a schizophrenic fucking faggot. Stop being retarded and go get some meds, fucking idiot.

I want to believe you OP, but idk, you aren't giving me much to work with..... Maybe you should come back when you can confirm all you're saying

Seriously though, stop playing with your imagination

It's not uncommen to be estranged from yourself.

Happens to people all the time for all sorts of reasons.