Unpopular opinion on Sup Forums: Trump isn’t a bad president, and the board is getting filled with raging liberals

Unpopular opinion on Sup Forums: Trump isn’t a bad president, and the board is getting filled with raging liberals

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ok boomer

kys Sup Forumscel you can leave whenever

No u

Yep that's certainly unpopular.

That's the issue with Republicans. They write a statement and that's it. It becomes an opinion.

Let's make a test: Trump isn't a bad president.

Question: Why? Can you follow up with a reasoning?

Unpopular Opinion:
Most Democrat policies and beliefs are better than there Republican counterparts but the current landscape of Democrat politicians are fucking nuts and don't know the line between "inclusiveness" and giving minority groups free rides through life and "progressiveness" and letting Muslims marry 10 year olds because it's their "culture"

Because he basically did the same things Obama has done, except better. And don’t bring up shit with “collusion with the Russians” or other unsubstantiated bullshit, because I can say the same with Biden or the Clintons

Transwomen are not real womem

This and there are only two genders...period.

Big facts

>don’t bring up shit with collusion with the russians... because I can say the dame with Biden or the Clintons.
You’re drinking the political polarization koolaid heavy today. This is about what’s good for the country not some circle jerk about what Hillary or Biden did. There is a good reason trump is getting impeached right now.

>other unsubstantiated bullshit
wut is hearings kek
>Because he basically did the same things Obama has done, except better
yet you can't seem to list any.

That reason being...?

Objectively he's been a really poor president, plays golf all the time is terrible at getting anything drafted so he has to rely on executive orders and powers mostly reserved for wartime to get anything done. And even then he personally is too inept to actually understand or craft these motives himself. The only reason the economy is doing fine now is because hes let his ilk pay so little taxes now that we owe some corporations money for them not paying a dime. The term "emperor trump" is extremely on the nose.

Having his probabl lawyer go around our elected officials to extort the president of Ukraine into announcing a long dead revitalization of a bunk investigation into his political rivals kid in exchange for resuming earmarked taxpayer aid to them. Also probably lying in his official written testimony

Trump had two Ukrainian prostitutes piss on his body and face on the same bed Obama slept in.

Very strange sexual behavior.

>probably lying
Probably, not he DID lie.

Go ahead and say it. They're all fuckin criminals. Lock them all up. Fuck donald, fuck the Clinton's. Fuck all the crooked ass career politicians that ruin the USA

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>Pedocrat using MSM memes shilled by actual boomers
Every time

Most people don't realize that Trump's person is an act so that people throw him bricks of cash.

Being an American is fucking embarrassing.

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Maybe in 2024, not 2020 for sure

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So is being a liberal

I think each side develops a rather narrow and selective POV and both are guilty of applying double standards to their candidates.

When Obama was president you had conservatives saying "Not my President!", and you had liberals chiming in with "he's all of our President, he's the President!" And here with Trump you have the same thing, literally the same thing - and nobody seems to catch on to their own hypocrisy.

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In a couple months this story and attempt to remove Trump will die as with every other attempt and they'll move on to the next scheme to discredit him.

I personally never had a problem with Obama in office, nor at his inauguration. I never said “he’s not my president!!!!” because I never saw him as a problem, bor have other conservatives around me. The only time I’ve heard people say “he’s not my president!!!!” is ONLY with Trump.


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>crooked ass career politicians

I think that’s a big issue between independents and Democrats right now. Libs only see it as idiots having voted Trump into office, but those “idiots” voted for a complete outsider and voted our long running career politicians out.

Presidents used to be war heroes or some other form of celebrity at the time. If the dems ran Oprah or some other celeb instead of jackass professional politicians I think they would have a chance. Call it stupid but that’s the time we’re in, and nobody likes or trusts a career politician.

>Trump isn’t a bad president,

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>casually tries to blackmail a foreign country for make it interfere in US elections
>sends his personal lawyer to said foreign country to manifacture evidence
>not a bad president

He's literally the biggest crook in US history.
Nixon can rest knowing that he won't go down as the worst president ever.

/b is not and never will be ate-chan. So go back to r/The_Donald, incel

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Visiting Sup Forums on a whim, can confirm this board is cucked to hell. I used to browse Sup Forums when I was an edgy teen too, it’s probably all dumb kids. Sup Forums used to hate niggers and women, what happened you all fight for their “rights” now? Pathetic

racist asshole

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What’s your point? There’s nothing wrong with not caring for a particular race based on their cultural value and impact.

Boo fucking hoo. Cry more bitch


Says the crybaby who wants him impeached because “muh feelings!!”

Go back to retardddit you tissue paper fuck

Did you come from reddit? Let me guess, you’re a member of Antifa as well, right?

you sound new as shit. summerfag behavior in the winter. killyourself

So, you took the niggerpill?

It's fucknig crazy how much this place has changed since memes became popular culture

Another few years of altzheimers Joe won't remember what or who he is.

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Political factions have torn this country apart. The Founding Fathers warned us of this.

Both parties have grown to be willfully ignorant to facts.

No, right wingers use facts. Lefties use purely their emotional response.

Also, how did the founders expect disagreements to be solved?

>op states opinion
>pretty chill about it
>no rage
>que cuck rage
>"you so triggered trumpanze retard cry moar!"
>we stray further from the light
>we die, spaghetti still in pockets
>mfw spaghetti never flows again

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《Statement about opposition being buzz words》

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You're the problem. The left is as well, but you contribute just as much as they do.

Let democracy work through civil discourse and 100% transparency. We're all on the same team, we just dont act like it.

The right is not non transparent. The alt right is willing to talk about race and policy. The left wants to censor not discuss

Politics are gay

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Boomers were the hippy generation that created the liberal paradigm we see now. You may as well just call him Daddy.

He better, or else the Ukranians will get to drag him back to their shit hole and beat his ass for threatening to withhold aid when he was vp.

You don't seem to realize it was the legislative during the Obama admin that conservatives had a problem with. Obama expanded the executive branch's power with his nuance idea of what executive orders are for. I don't think he foresaw a Republican using them after his 2 terms. All citizens should be worried about that, but they won't because millenials are more authoritarian than previous generations.

Alt right and neo liberals still generally vote and side with the core parties. I will agree though that censorship, racism amd pandering stem far more from the left than right.

Alt right is a fake, loaded word. Only a far left shill would try to use it legitimately.

well an opinion is not necessarily correct, so good for you

I agree my brother


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Just using a term that people use to describe said group

Thank you for not being mean, I respect your opinions for that as well

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yup. yep. yeppity-hey. yes. definitely. of course. agreed. sure.

What group? It supposedly encompasses Nazis, conservative Jews, white supremacists, anyone who supports Trump, Kanye, klan members....it has been used to describe so many things that it means nothing. It is a loaded word manufactured by the Left with no meaning. Using it only shows a far left, disconnected bias.

Always fun seeing how triggered Sup Forums gets when they get called something.

Found the retard

>it has been used to describe so many things that it means nothing
That is not how it works, that is not how any of that works.

Sup Forums is full of michael moore lookin ass niggas who hare america now, fucking commies are invading. Im voting Trump 2020 eat my ass liberals, you can never defeat the gamers.

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Triggered? Sup Forums? Lol got to love how the left overextends every time. I'm a neocon, nobody from pol is. Talk about the alt right is what pushed neocons and blue dog dems to Trump's camp. I can't imagine being as disconnected as you.

> unpopular fact


Except those things only happened in your head and on CNN, just like the collusion. Lol.

You didn't ever read the boy that cried wolf, did you? Similar effect: you create this alt right boogeyman, but so many conflicting things are given the label that it loses all meaning. You were unable to even provide an explanation of what it was. Just a 'group'.

>you forced me into Trumps arms with this
Is this shitposting or irony?

You're obviously very passionate about this term. I was using it in a response to another person who used it, claiming the Alt Right was superior and disassociated with the Republican party.

Far left isnt at all how I would describe myself, but I guess you would know better than me.

triggered like you are over some word
you know, the kind of triggered people are when they it hits too close to home

You are producing anything but low effort copy pasta answers? You seriously sound like someone dulled out completely by having to post something like this for hours every day. Inb4 no you.

Not forced. What? Is that all you know? Did daddy hug you too much or not enough?

Where are all the bombshells the media speaks of?

No clue

Maybe do not parrot Sup Forumstard talking points when you do not want to be associated with them.

>trump is getting impeached right now.
kek. yes. right now. and this time for real. or the next time. but he will be impeached. or probably not. who knows.

If dems had a real chance they wouldn't bother with the impeachment, but since they cant win votes they continue to tell you orange man bad while he does better every year

Triggered? I'm not holding on to the relic of a 2016 liberal dogwhistle. You know how fat people get their shit together? Fat shaming. Shaming has been a social tool for humanity for centuries. Stomp out bullshit with shame. Not shaming you jackasses is exactly what ruined your party. Now the DNC has been facing financial problems since 2018, Trump is raising 3 times the amount the DNC is raising, and Bloomberg is cucking the actual core candidates with billions in ad buys. All because of shit like 'alt right'. People like me weren't forced into Trump's camp. We got disgusted by how everything shifted to anything right wing being in some catchall group with Nazis and pedos. I was accused of being racist/alt right, and that was when I was dating a black girl for 2 years. Left wing, hole for a head rhetoric is why the left is being BTFO from lack of funding. Keep peddling the alt right myth. I love watching you fuckers burn in the polls.

>the board is getting filled with raging liberals
proven true, see comments above

>isn't a bad president
From the perspective of a hardline conservative that only cares about their policy and has no real regard for the strength and effectiveness of our government as a whole, of course he isn't a bad president, he's working just for you.
For the rest of us, he's a transparent con-man that undermines many American institutions for personal narrative and optics, and has overtly unethical impulses that have to be corralled by officials that actually have some expertise, experience, and respect for their work.
If nothing else, he's just a daily embarrassment any time he expresses himself.

You're fucking dense. You assume to much and don't read responses.

>The only time I’ve heard people say “he’s not my president!!!!” is ONLY with Trump.
And there it is, that thing where people only think the negative attention is given to their guy. It was everywhere. Here is an example from 2008, literally days after his election:
>Hes not my president.
In which the author points out that this phrase was used before, even, against Bush.

How about the fact that retards on threads like this spout shit about "X side is just salty, they can't even meme, they just copy us" even as they copy the other? Both sides do it. Take the Right copying the 'derangement syndrome' shtick, as an example. They will accuse everyone on the left of copying the rights terms and trying to no-u them, but they then go ahead and copy Obama derangement syndrome. Here it is being used in 2009:

Both sides' loyalists are a fucking joke. People need to wake up to the fact that, in spite of some people's insistence otherwise, America is not a two-party, us-them battlefield.

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>he's a transparent con-man that undermines many American institutions for personal narrative and optics, and has overtly unethical impulses that have to be corralled by officials that actually have some expertise, experience, and respect for their work.
>If nothing else, he's just a daily embarrassment any time he expresses himself.
Shit, thought you were talking about Obama here .

Alt right is a propoganda term, you are either far left or a machination of their propoganda: still far left because you buy their false paradigm. Try not being dense, and making excuses for your sadistic version of disconnected liberalism.

Unpopular Opinion:
Two party systems are fucking retarded. Right-Wing and Left-Wing cover such broad viewpoints that a Nazi and an Anarcho-Capatalist would both fall under Republican because they are right wing.

You're still assuming I'm some sort of left winger from using a term in response to someone else using the same term? Conservative Libertarian is probably the closest term to describe my veiws.

You're either a troll, illiterate or disassociated from reality. If you want to have a genuine political discussion I'm all ears, but just stop shitposting. We probably see eye to eye more than you think.

I mean there is a literal group who call themselves alt right, but okay fgt.

I give it 1 minute max before someone tries to say Nazis are left wing to argue with you, just saying...