If you could date her, would you?, why or why not

if you could date her, would you?, why or why not

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Only if I can drop loads in your tight little tokus.

glad someone here has taste
you'd have to have a conversation with her about it first

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>date her
A date is inherently romantic, right? I mean, it isn't like hanging out, no? -j

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She never answered my AIM message.

yeah, a date is mostly romantic
you probably creeped her out user

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Fucking autist. Die slow and painfully.

>yeah, a date is mostly romantic
Thank you for answering! Then I as a girl wouldn't date her but I would totally hang out with her anytime and if I were gay I would be head over heels for her, that's for sure ;-D

Attached: Le gustas a Jasiri -j.gif (800x450, 1.99M)

that's not a nice thing to say :(, please apologize to me, my poor heart cant take it
i'm sure she would spend time with you regardless, she seems like a chill yeen

Does this answer your question.

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not that i'm aware of, no

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Hyenas are niggers. Get with it asshole and save the west aka the pridelands

oh, I would paint my dick purple and have her suck on it. I dont know if that is a date, but eh.

hyenas are the best, you don't get a say in this
okay user, don't see how the purple colour matters, but you do you

Attached: jasiri and kion singing together -o.jpg (1730x731, 100K)

This guy gets it!

Attached: 2417467 - Jasiri Kion Quarko-Muon The_Lion_King.jpg (1280x1183, 669K)

Oh and I know what you are going to say and I agree, I have great taste, jajajaja.

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id paint it purple because I'm dedicated!
Showing her how committed I am by painting my junk to be a closer color to her!

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No. I'm attracted to humans, not cartoon hyenas

i see, slightly weird but commited non the less
who said Jasiri wasn't real?

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good thing you put it in caps, but my answer would be no.

yeh u got great taste mate

woah nice trips, they trips of truth mayn

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>trips, they trips of truth mayn

Jejejeje, I knew I was right. ¡Viva Jasiri!

Oh and to everyone that doesn't like these threads just don't go in them to whine about how little you like them. -j

Attached: Jasiri - Femahyenanon -j.gif (800x450, 2M)

no because hyenas are the niggers of the lion king world

i also give out an md5 list to all the haters, but they can't stand not seeing Jasiri, she brightens everyone's day wherever she goes

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No u

i'm sure she will give you another shot
the queen knows forgiveness

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It was me, -j.

Attached: Jasiri riendo 3 -j.gif (800x450, 1.99M)

We need a genocide

oh my goooo retard go fuck yourself

always here to save the day
settle down, hitler
>pretending you don't like the hyena

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Jasiri likes only BBC (because of Africa).

>always here to save the day
I am the heroine these threads needs right now, but not the one it deserves.

Attached: Jasiri riendo 1 -j.gif (800x450, 1.96M)

oh my its Dwayne "the rock" Johnson!
stop spreading lies
nonsense, your posts are top notch quality

Attached: cute jasiri -o.jpg (206x244, 5K)

>your posts are top notch quality

¡Muchas gracias! I really appreciate a lot your feedback and kind words. I do my best though I must admit that all the negative posts take a toll on me and I try to not reply to them. -j

Attached: Adorable Jasiri.png (1280x1207, 612K)

purple dog

you're doing a great job at that, dw
i don't know what you're talking about, does that image look like a purple dog to you?

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