I don’t consider what lesbians do as real sex. If I shoved my finger up my ass would you consider that anal?

I don’t consider what lesbians do as real sex. If I shoved my finger up my ass would you consider that anal?

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Transwomen are not real women

It would be gay.

Based Brockposter

Scissoring a dyke with massive fanny lips would be intercourse when it flaps inside the other

>is playing with my anus considered anal?

Yes. Quit being nigger trash

No it’s not. Sex is penetration straight people have sex and gay men have sex. Lesbians just masturbate with each other

lesbianism is a mental disorder so everything they do as a result is insanity.
Dressing like construction workers, major surgery with arm skin to make fake penors its weird af

So I you stuck your finger in your ass right now you just had anal sex? How the fuck does that make sense

i saw Chasing Amy too

What if a pussy lip penetrates. You ain't the dictionary nigga

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"Anal" is a fancy way of saying "having to do with your asshole" so of course it's anal you idiot. When do you turn 13 btw?

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If you can put a blanket over it and convince a little kid its wrestling it can be called sex


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All lesbians have intact hymens? Bro, if you wuz a lexbian in the middle ages and they tried to marry you off but during the customary snizz inspection at the dentist they seen you got a busted hymen they still feed you to the dragon. Go take a shit you anal asshole

It would be anal masterbation if it's his own finger

It would only be masturbation if he were doing it for pleasure. If it were to relieve an itch it woulbe anal itch relief

You are the definition of a fat fucking faggot ass sack of bitch ass nigger trash

So when a doctor checks your prostate is that anal?

So it can't be rape because rape is inconseunsual sex, and it isn't sex

real sex is about dick worship one way or another

Are you so fucking stupid you can’t tell the difference between sexual and nonsexual anal touching?

It can be rape because it's for the gratification of the rapist.

public school education showing results... kek

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How is that equivalent? Also if sex has to involve a penis then would all gay sex be sex but lesbian sex not?

If the doctor is secretly getting off then it's anal sex whether you now it or not

Sens'bout right

You're working too hard. Take a knee

Neither one are sex

I stick my fingers into my ass!
Its the only way that i can masturbate!
And i said before its not going to be rape!

Straight people have sex. Gay men have sex. Lesbians do not have sex it’s that simple

Find me a lesbian that doesn't use dildos, strap-on, and has never tried having sex with a man.
See the forest for the trees, Lesbians are just horses trying to be unicorns: lesbians don't exist.


If your mailman broke into your house, beat the shit out of you, tied you up, and stuck his finger in your ass, would it be rape?

If you lived in a 3rd world country and had worms in your ass those worms would be fucking your ass because their worm dicks would be in your ass along with the rest of them and dick in ass is anal rape sex fucking

you're going to get ecoli

it's not the straightest thing user

If a guy shoved his fingers up your ass, would you consider it gay? Clearly it makes a fucking difference when someone else does it

1.(chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.

communication or dealings between individuals or groups.

Just because your definition of sex is retarded, wrong, and greatly skewed doesnt mean it applies to reality. People who have orgasms/orgasmic feelings together because they're touching each other is sex, dumbfuck. Lesbians definitely do that.

>Find me a lesbian that doesn't use dildos, strap-on,
You're confusing lesbian sex with "lesbian" porn for men.
>and has never tried having sex with a man
Most of them tried when they were young and didn't like it, that's the point, what's yours?
>lesbians don't exist.
Yeah, they do, try to leave your incel basement.