Be honest Sup Forums has pic related ever happened to you during a game?

be honest Sup Forums has pic related ever happened to you during a game?

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#1 not 2

That that bad, but I've gotten some kind of food poisoning before and it didn't hit till mid gaming session. I made it fine though

I eat a lot of yogurt so I can hold it till I finish

How often do you shit bros? For me it varies.

Bidet or toilet paper?

not yet

this shit makes me sad
Can't imagine how often she has to deal with this

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depends on what I eat

Everyday on ve


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Yes but not during a game.

Don't eat tacos in front of a metro station kids.

If you watch his other videos he's clearly fucked up. "Not yet what the hell" is actually pretty audible compared to his typical speech.
I wonder if his mom has ever had to pull turds out of his ass for him

Why would this happen to me? I have an anus, I can hold it.

Even if I have a hot sauce and coffee mudslide coming on, I can at least stop it long enough to land on the shitter.

once a day, no more no less

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imagine having an autistic son. Must be absolutely soul crushing.

yes OP, this thread happened yesterday as a matter of fact

>not yet
He says "anh-ya"

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Please change the mothers text to
>Poop is coming out of your fucking asshole!

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Absolutely no warning that I was ill until my gut suddenly made an ungodly sound and it felt like some animal was tearing my insides up. Almost destroyed my laptop in the rush to get to the bathroom, tripped over my headphone cables and it yanked everything off my desk. Completely destroyed my confidence for a week, was worried whenever I left the house that it would happen again in public.

>go to the bathroom
>want to pee and take a shit
>can’t pee without feeling my shit coming out
>have to sit, pee and shit at the same time

Anyone else?

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Only when misjudging a fart after I ate something not too good and only needed to change my underwear, not as bad as that pic.
I did had some really bad food poisoning once and passed out on the bathroom floor after vomiting for a solid minute, woke having shat myself.

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I don't eat taco bell or chipotle, so no.

I made a couple of poopy farts in my life but luckily when at home. Hasn't happened in almost a decade luckily.

fugg :DDDDd

Like twice a week, i dunno how theres people who shit everyday.

Once a day, occasionally twice a day if I eat something that's spicy (see: Jimmy John's hot peppers)

I've sharted myself a few times, but never while gaming.


user you're the outlier case, get yourself checked please

When I was young whenever I shit it would feel like I wasn't done. Like I still had shit in my ass but couldn't come out. So when I was a teenager one day I wrapped my finger in a little toilet paper condom and gave the inside of the ring a little brush and I wasn't surprised to find the inside of my ass was in fact full of shit. I wanted the shit out of me. So I decided to start cleaning the inside of my ass when I shit and repeated the TP condom. This kept getting more and more serious and wanting my ass cleaner and cleaner. Eventually I found out if I press the inside of my ass in the right place mostly formed shit not yet in my colon comes out too. So my ass could be super clean that way. I'd just take a turkey baster and fill it with water to shit out right after and bam, sparkling clean.
Problem is the TP causes the inside of my colon to get irritated and it swells a bit. Oddly enough a sort of gel-like goo also comes out. It's kind of snotty and really sticky and mostly clear besides the bits of shit. More of that builds up over time after I do too much of this and it's really annoying because doing this also makes me gassy and that stuff sort of glues my ass shut. If it doesn't glue it shut and stays liquidy then I WILL have the wettest nastiest fart ever at some point that night. Like my ass will just sneeze all the goo everywhere with a sick gurgling PHLEW.
I really need to stop doing it but if I do I feel like there's still shit in my ass again and now I'm not even used to it so it's awful. I've been doing it a lot less though. I'm worried about colon cancer.
It's a lot to explain

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If you want to know what it feels like just ask your mom

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this cant be real

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only a few times, since then i just took the diaper pill and had no further problems

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Just use a douche.

If my son was autistic I would smother him with a pillow I wish my dad would have done the same

you're probably making your asshole produce more slime by constantly washing out the slime that's there

you can probably pee while sitting so here's what i do
sit, start peeing and relax
shit will start flowing out and you will get this weird pipeline where you pee for a second, pause, shit comes out, another second of pee, etc and it feels fucking great

twice a day if I work, once maybe in the weekend

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user, I don't think you're that kind of autistic. I mean you just strung together a coherent sentence, I don't think you literally shit yourself in front of the tv.

Sorry if my post made you feel bad in any way. It's obviously a spectrum, I was more talking about the absolute nightmare ones where they're just punching themselves, screaming and shitting. This guy sounds like he's pretty far gone if he's literally pooping himself while playing games.

>this thread AGAIN
What a shit board.

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>haha I saw le epic meme thread yesterday
>I'll remake it because I have 0 creativity

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have sex

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when i was 5 i was playing a game where you have to get through a maze in order to save the dinosaurs from extinction. i hyper focused playing under pressure and one of the maze dead ends had a t-rex jumpscare. i ran away crying and never played it again

I had a phase during my childhood when I preferred to piss myself rather than put down my controller. It didn't last that long but still, it happened quite a few times.

I don't remember this episode of MythBusters.


Still better than a downie, at least you can watch rainman and pretend your kid is a savant
Downies are just useless lumps of flesh undeserving of being called human, but then they die early so it evens out I guess

da fuck

Once a day, sometimes once every 2 days. Im trying go lose some weight so i eat less, but it was always like that.

every win fails eventually.
let it die already.

>take a shit
>clean my ass until can’t see any shit on the paper
>day ends
>change underwear
>there’s a shit strain


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When I was a kid I would want to play video games so long that I'd stay even when I had to use the bathroom, then I'd shit myself. It wasn't a conscious "I'm just gonna sit here and shit" but just I would keep holding it and eventually some would get out on my underwear. Fortunately I outgrew it but I did it for a lot longer than I should've.

i used to shit twice a week but i stopped eating garbage and now i shit once a day check your diet man

It happens because you don't know how to shower.
You should also lineup your shitting to before you take a shower, slob.

only once when i had food poisoning and thought i was letting out a fart

(You) this post if you are shitting right now.

get a bidet nerd

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>Not shitting 5+ times a day while at work

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>clean my ass
>somehow some shit ends on my hand
>smell it

Anyone? Not kidding

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How do I improve my shitting schedule? I wanna shit at least once a day

Changes all the time, but I also eat at wildly different hours and drink varying amounts of caffeine

>nn...nnot yet...what.thehell


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I've met wonderful downies in my life. There's a girl in my town, she's a downie and probably in her late 20s, she's pretty independent, she goes to the store and shops by herself. I've also come across some others and they're really kind people.

Congrats. You're gay.

eat healthier and at regular times

drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetas

the anus cant distinguish what your poo is if its actually fluid
i took the risk on a fart once during LeGaming and it was not a fart but liquid
i realised my mistake in the blink of an eye but it was too late, a bit escaped the clutches of my rectal muslces

Eat more fiber.

For me, drinking coffee is pretty much a guaranteed way to get me shitting in the next 15 minutes.

There's a guy at my work who literally won't shit for up to 8-9 days. We've told him that's not fucking normal in the slightest but he just brushes it off. You're meant to be shitting between three times a day to once every three days. Going for more than a week is a sign of some serious problems.

make it a habit and accept that smaller shits is fine

Like fucking what

Once a week. I eat plenty of fibre and everything, I guess I just have a very slow metabolism

You seriously need to be told how to eat healthy?

>Middle of winter
>-2 out.
>Dog needs to go out.
>Put on layers for quick walk.
>Go outside and feel a fart come on.
>Push it out.
>It's shit.
>So much fucking shit.
>I can't even hold it back.
>Standing in the middle of my driveway like a deer in headlights as shit is just spewing from my ass.
>It's over.
>Can not believe this happened.
>Literally crying now.
>Slowly just start to remove the 3 layers of pants I have on in the middle of the drive way in below freezing temps.
>Go back inside and finish crying in the shower.

Thank god no one saw me.

>same thread as yesterday
>same batch of replies
Is this a fucking bot thread?

it varies from twice to three times a day.
My real question is how do you prevent from your ass sweating? Fuck the amount of underwear I have that has sweat shit stains after I wear them is embarrassing. I usually go 4 times to the bathroom just to wipe the sweat.

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Meat, vegetables, water, fruit.
You know, what humans eat.


I knew it was this video before I even clicked on it

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Was it autism?

Nah I do the same, always have. People's bodies work differently.

Guys I have question

How do I know if my shits are normal?
There are times where they are huge and other times they are just small and in little pieces

Really? That is the exact opposite of mean, I used to eat garbage and had diarrhea every day, but when I started eating cutting back and eating healthier I only shit once every few days.

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>In the gym yesterday
>Asian dude all the way to the left and 2 other chads working out
>Doing a set and suddenly the smell hits me
>Smell of pure shit
>Chads ignoring it
>Finish up quickly and go to the otherside of the weight section
>Asian dude doing decline sit ups next to me like this thing is REALLY close to my weight rack
>Hear him groan in the middle of doing it and hearing him fart his ass off
>still doing his sets in the middle of all this
>Finish last set quickly while huffing in this chinks cuddlefish suprise
>Feeling fucking dizzy and sick
>Finally leave and go somewhere else entirely and finish work out
>Fuck I forgot 1 more workout
>Have to go back to the shitty section
>This dude is still there and the entire part smells like shit
>Feel like i'm gonna vomit and the smell is stinging my nostrils
>Run the fuck out and start breathing in the open air deeply
>have to go in again today same time and hopefully he isnt there

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No, I've gotten close though.

>>Slowly just start to remove the 3 layers of pants I have on in the middle of the drive way in below freezing temps.
you're already dirty retard, why not walk back home and undress there
better than getting caught naked and sharted in your neighbourhood

Goddamn y'all motherfuckers need dietary fiber in your lives.

No. I either just quit a game if I have to or hold it.