I need help Sup Forums, lately I've been questioning what I believe in...

I need help Sup Forums, lately I've been questioning what I believe in, and I've been wondering if Christianity is correct. I have my doubts but can you guys explain to me why the Christian God is truly the right God?

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And you ask this on Sup Forums.... a place riddled with a bunch of porn ads.......

For fuck sake user. OP is clearly an atheist larp who is trying to stir up shit. They always do this. I mean look at the way the question is framed.
>How do I know the Christian God is the true God?
Give me a fuckin' break. I wouldn't be surprised if OP responded to me like "No user. I'm being serious. I genuinely want to know." If he's really dedicated to the larp he may follow it up with a fake life story or some other bullshit to try and get me to believe he's "totally not an atheist larping faggot." You are so lame OP.

Just hab fayth in Lorb Jeebus and gud fings will happin. If you don't beleev you will hab a bad tim.

no religion is "correct", and if it was there would be no way to prove it. choose the one you believe the most in, and whose values match yours.

only satanism is the truth telling religion

I've looked very closely at your pic, and I simply cannot understand what Eddie Rabbit is doing dressed in a bathrobe and sitting on that rock in front of those people. I am confuse.

Truer words have never been uttered, my friend.

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No. The "LaVeyan Satanism" you are referring to seems the "truth" to you because it aligns with your own selfishness and materialistic worldliness. I assume you've read the "Satanic Bible", right? So have I. I bought a copy of it and it's companion, the "Satanic Rituals". I know what you believe. And it makes sense that any atheist looking into it would totally agree with it.

well you have to have faith and believe, the whole thing isn't as much about factual right and wrong as its about moral right and wrong.

no religion gets that much hatred without touching truth. and for what? preaching love & peace. just taking a look at the people who hate it should wake some kind of doubt in your mind. christianity is a threat towards the world that is currently in plan

>the catholic church
>the jews and israel
>the muslim world
>the newage cults
>lgbt movement

Yes. Christianity will usher us back to the righteous path of moral virtue. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will come back and show us the way.

stop typing things that make u look smart when ur blatantly stating the obvious it gets right on my tits

>Preaching live and peace
Let's not pretend they all do this, Christcuck. In fact, most of the Christians I know are hateful, venomous fuckers who do nothing but talk shit on people and live shamefully materialistic lives.

Christianity is also listed (more than once) on America's "Domestic Terrorist" list. They listed "Evangelical Christians" at NUMBER ONE on that list ABOVE Muslim Extremists. No, I shit you not. Another guy and I were talking about the list a while back. He is not a Christian himself but he said "Yeah, even I think that is a bit strange..."

Get over it faggot. There.

I'm 18 and just came out of my edgy teen-atheist phase and im now willing to admit after long thought, there must be a creator/uncaused causer of the universe.Maybe not god but theres gotta be something there.

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Also, am I using "big words"? Do you honestly think I'm "trying to sound smart"? Are you so insecure as to think that I would go out of my way to try and sound like a brain to impress or condescend people on an anonymous website? Please get a life.

Like voting.

>they listed
Who's "they"?

Lemme guess, you're one of those brainlets who complain about """the war on Christmas"""

there are plenty of crazy cults that warp the christian message. kinda interesting because when it comes militant islam, this is always the point: crazy people abuse it for power. no not for christianity though, they're all crazy fringe types because the una-bomber is the universal blueprint for christian faith.

Nah’, maybe not.

Causality is our restriction.
It’s possible that it’s completely temporary.

A creator is equally as probable as none at the moment, until we understand more.

Who's they? The federal government you dumb faggot. This list actually exists and has been read by more than just fringe groups and myself. Though I don't recall exactly where to find it.

at what point did i say big works and stop using "" u posh cunt

Christianity ain't fucking real. Neither are any of the other ones. What's real is you, and you know the difference between wrong and right, so act accordingly.

>Uncaused causer
This idea is kinda silly. It doesn't get around the problem of causality. It's basically cheating.

The Universe doesn't require a first cause.

>I don't recall exactly where to find it
Riiiight. Lemme know when you find that source, user.

because your pic is comfy

You should go to christian apologetics sites. Look up Ravi Zacharias.

Unfortunately most Christians are pretty damn far from Christ-like. If more Christians actually lived according to Christ's teachings, I'd have a lot more respect for them.

that is how luciferianism works...
>you are your own god
>everything is relative
>anyone can be a good person
>live for the moment

Because its what some of the people you grew up with believe and tell you
Other religions are objectively false because none of the people you grew up with belives in them
Now go work and consume

he should go to basil & gonz at canary cry radio

this we can agree out 9/10 christians are just assholes larping

Just be a pastafarian, it’s just as proven as Christianity

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Or, are all the gods the same god who has had their message changed to suit human political needs?

When the words of a prophet are not set down until a couple of generations after they die, the words are modified to benefit the needs of the writer.

This ffs.

Let's leave religion at the door here on Sup Forums.

This board is as far away from God as one can be. Don't need ppl starting shit and causing some religious war.

just cause I think there must be a creator doesn't mean im necessarily right lol

I personaly haven't seen physical violence from christians... What they do is much, much worse. They are completely psychopathic pathological liars. Everything and anything they do has to be self-affirming and religiously motivated. Where a better man may open soup kitchens out of pity or hope, they would include obligatory preaching, just to get those good boy points. None of their acts are truly charitable, for they come of fear and greed, instead of nature. They cooperate in a criminal fashion when despicable deeds need doing, and hide behind martyrs and their own sacred word. Never do they face responsibility. And their tongues are also venomous; never straight speech, only tricks. They fear for a good reason. If there was truly a just god, those worthless cowards would surely be exempt from afterlife.

according to what argument?
not tryna be a dick just genuinely looking to get better educated on the matter


>9/10 Christians are just larping
And this

The only group of Christians who actually live according to Christ's teachings are the Amish. Every other sect/denomination/group is just larping.

Who caused the causer tho

you are talking about the catholic church, not christian. the catholics burned christians alive as heretics and went on with the crusade. not christians

How is a uncaused causer just existing more believable than a uncaused universe just existing?
Its just an extra step that doesn't solve the problem of the beginning of existence

It was her choosing Trump to become 45

its an uncaused causer

It's possible that the universe is cyclic and eternal. Personally I think it's much more logical.

I don't think it's possible to get something from nothing. Therefore, given that something exists, I'm inclined to believe that something (the universe) has always existed and always will.

There's an interesting theory called Conformal Cyclic Cosmology, by Roger Penrose. If you're interested, check out a book called Cycles of Time. There are also a bunch of lectures on it on YouTube.

I guess but its more comforting to think instead of a universe just existing, there was something in control which started it

i'm talking about modern day. don't much care what happened in medieval times

And he just existed?
How did he came to existence?

i find it that most self centered dickheads are christian. not stereotyping though.

he was uncaused, he didnt come into existence he just is

that sounds potentially interesting, i'll have a look, thanks

might makes right

So why can't the universe just have always existed?

The fact of the matter is that something simply CAN NOT come from nothing. How this concept is really THAT HARD for people to understand or grasp is just beyond me. You've been told it's possible when it just isn't. God has always been. Whatever you believe about God, there is no debating that He has no beginning, and no end. The form He assumes (i.e. looking like man with our limbs, head, etc.) is by His choice. God is more than the way He looks. He can do anything, be anything, etc. The way I see it, He decided that this world, this existence, in the way it is, was what He wanted to do. In His infinite wisdom, I imagine He has already "seen" the outcome of every possible avenue and way. This one just happened to be the one He went with. And that is simply my mortal interpretation.

can you mention an example? because i think you confuse a larper for a christian

>universe was created by god
>god was created by god god
>god god = (god)^2 was created by (god)^3
>(god)^n was created by (god)^(n+1)
How is this comforting?
How is that shit more believable than the universe just existing, starting small then expanding until it falls back together to expand start expanding again whipeing everything in the process and repeating this ad infinitum in an existential circle?

t. buttshattered godtard screeching at inconvenient questions

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This is so fucking mental it has to be troll

If you question what you believe, then test those beliefs. Christianity makes many claims of magical and supernatural powers. Have you ever seen a person cast a mountain into a sea? Does it even make sense that something like that is even possible? You're right to question your belief in obvious absurdities

So you will stone your son to death if he is ever disobedient?

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>The fact of the matter is that something simply CAN NOT come from nothing
>Proceeds to tell us how God came from nothing

"Something can't come from nothing therefore God exists." Wow. Real logical reasoning there user you totally proved God with that one!!!!!!!

Nigerian lottery scammers get a lot of hatred too. Is that because some of them are legit?

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Inconvenient questions? I've answered my opinion on what I think of the other gods. I've elaborated on this several times.

And as for YOU user: What I said is neither confusing nor mental. Unless of course you are braindead.

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except it misses the part when the sons of god came to earth and fucked human women

This is stupid
Most females where deemed irrelevant in the book of moses and as such not named, thats all
They fucked their sisters

Actually most of those groups are hated by Christians, the ones who are supposed to love their enemies.

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Man you guys are dumb as box of fuckin' rocks. I'm going to live my life and believe what I believe. I'll try and get others to believe what I believe as well as best I can. And while you call me retarded all day, the fact is we are both going to die. Then, "if God exists", we'll both get to know for sure. If God doesn't exist, then you and I are both shit. I'd like to see you argue that one with me. If God didn't exist and I were 100% sure of it, I would tell you, un-ironically, to kill yourself and truly with all of my heart hope that you did. And why should I feel bad? This whole world would be a puff of smoke and dust to me at that point. I'd do what I want, when I want, and feel that anyone trying to infringe on that or step on my toes should seriously just up and die. BUT. I've got a different view of the world. It's not as bleak and nihilistic as yours. I've actually got something to be hopeful for. Because in the end, I'm glad that God lives. Why? Because even if I don't make it, I know someone will. And that, as "hokey" as it sounds, makes me grin.

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no its not. dont be dumb. religion was used in the past to explain things they couldnt understand. then to control larger societies, and also was spread hand in hand with spreadying trade.

anyone who believes in relgion is a retard.

and even IF it is all real, it isnt a god... its more like... BEING X. an alien with higher technology.

dont be dum thinking some infallible god exists. humans are not that special.

alsoo dont insult humanity and all weve achieved by claiming some fancy god made it this way and we have no say in our species evolution.

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Wew, that's a lot of drivel to sort through.

1. I never called you retarded, but you're starting to convince me.
2. My worldview probably isn't as bleak and nihilistic as you think.

I believe the Universe is cyclical. And if the universe is essentially a closed system in an eternal state of flux, then I think it's reasonable to believe that we'll live (and HAVE lived) countless different versions of our lives ad infinitum.

The fact that there are so many religions should be reason enough to realize that none of them are right. Religion was created to explain what couldn't be. We can explain what we couldn't now and religion is simply a relic of the past.


atheism: the religious belief that god is fake

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church of buffalo bill.

Does it require religious faith to believe that the characters in the books in the fiction section of the library are fictitious, or is that a reasonable inference? In the same way, we dismiss your favourite god as fake, just as you dismiss thousands of other gods as fake.

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People who criticize Christianity are almost always ex Christians numbnuts, not commies or whatever other dumb shit you say.

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That's not how it works

HAHAHAHAHAHA do you really believe in those ckick comics about "the true god"?

yeah it does, thats all about shittianity actually, believe in jesus as your savior or bnurn forever in hell, yeah right

Nope. I cant do that OP. You dont need a religion.

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not sure if this has been talked about but the reason I don't believe in religion (including Christianity) is most scientific things that I believe in and I feel was the most likely to have happened, get thrown out by the classic "God made it". It just seems like an easy out and disregard to what we have done scientifically such as the big bang theory, which is obviously a theory, but still.