Can Sup Forums answer these?

Can Sup Forums answer these?
1. Why do so many white girls like black guys?
2. Why do so many Asian girls like white guys?

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1) Dick
2) Dick

bc asian girls think about their financial security

Ugh why do you keep reposting this? It gets old. They like em cuz they different, because they are perceived as having higher social standing. And of course does not apply to all girls at best it’s a small trend.

Can you find something else to post about? This topic has been done to death

1) because they have been kiked
2) didn't fell for the brainwashing

Fuck off

No u

Shut up you fucking pussy.

He's completely correct the shit is annoying as fuck

Black guys only move is confidence, white guys only move us ruthlessness. White women want a confident male figure because of daddy issues, asian women want a ruthless male figure because the state conditions them to value a protected family.

Eat my ass

3. why do so many white guys wish they were white girls?

You're projecting

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Why do you post these threads? I mean obviously interracial is your fetish but I wonder why. You gay and like fetishizing white and black men? Maybe you Asian? Or a neet that wants to whine about why they aren’t getting laid? There is no answer to this that doesn’t lead to a very cringy, sad person. My money is on gay Asian. I wonder what other anons think.

lightskin black dude on very white Long Island. I've fucked 16 girls so far this year and 13 of them were white. White women around here love dudes that are different but share the same benefits that white dudes have (Degree, Job, Decent Car, Good Body). aslong as you're a black dude that has most of the above, you will get pink nipple cheeks on LI

he's probably just a run of the mill bbc shill

the little pieces of trash are a dime a dozen on Sup Forums

do you have a fetish with them or?
also will you breed some white girl or only black girls?

1) The bbc
2) For asian girls its like a token to have a white bf.

1.because black guys have bigger cocks then white guys

2.because white guys have bigger cocks then asian guys

He hit the mark perfectly.

I wouldn't consider it a fetish. just personal preference. I've had sex with my first Asian and Spanish girls this year because I'm trying to expand my horizons. so I go into the city specifically looking for spicy girls.

where I live there are a lot of average white women that like spicy variety, and I go to places where I am usually the top option

oh and Im most likely going to Marry outside my race. either Spanish or White. most likely white cause they are easier to deal with and they usually will have better family structures

with that logic, wouldn't asians prefer niggers over whites? you're so dumb it hurts.