Incest Thread

Incest Thread.
Post pics and stories.

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Kylie quinn

there was this one time that i showed my penis to my cousin. she was spending the night at my aunt and uncles house and they put us in the same room to sleep. we were 9 and 10 at the time. so we showed our parts to each other.

that was it.

Made a fake snapchat and got my sister to send me vids of her fucking her pussy and ass with a dildo. Felt weird but it was kinda hot

> 2011, I'm 17 years old, on vacation with extended family
> We're staying at this complex of lakeside cabins
> Everyone practically drove in a convoy and we all get there at about the same time
> Parking attendant tells us we have to take these four-seater golf carts down a path to the cabins
> Help to unpack, load the carts with everyone's crap
> Not enough carts, too many people
> No one wants to wait and go in a second group because it's like a ten minute drive to the cabins
> "Everybody pile in!"
> Old folks hop into one golf cart
> Shoving ensues as teens vie for any seat but riding bitch in the cramped backseat
> Grab an edge back seat musical-chairs-style
> Cousin is a blonde button-nosed little peach, a year younger than me
> Tall for her age, slender, wears too much make-up, but she's undeniably pretty
> More good-natured tussling
> Cousin tries to crawl over me, not enough room
> Can smell her perfume, feel her pressing against me as she tries to squeeze in under the cart roof
> Parking attendant looks pissed, but too underpaid to put a stop to it
> Everybody settles finally, cousin is straddling my leg
> I'm in shorts, she's wearing leggings
> I can very clearly feel the heat between her legs on my skin

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Continue please

> Try not to think lewd thoughts
> Be 17, think lots of lewd thoughts anyway
> Cousin's dad is driving, "Alright, hold on everybody"
> Cousin grips seats in front of her for balance
> She's slid back so that her ass is pressed into my belly
> I'm desperately staring at trees and random shit
> We leave the paved parking lot and drive into the trail
> It's practically just rocks, super bumpy
> Cousin's hips are soft, bouncing against me
> Her hair keeps getting in my face, but I don't mind
> Couple of times the cart tipped a bit and I caught myself grabbing her by the arm or waist
> Her skin is soft, and I feel like a total creep for noticing
> I can feel it starting to happen
> Pretend to be uncomfortable, shift to try and stop it
> Doesn't work
> Within maybe three minutes I'm hard as a rock
> (Please don't notice, please don't notice)
> Pervy brain keeps telling me cousin is shifting around on purpose
> Still trying to distract myself with nature
> Not working at all
> Glance at rear view mirror
> Fuck, she's staring 100% right at me
> Next bounce hits
> I'm sure this time, she definitely just pushed back against me
> Glance again, she's got her eyes ahead now, but I can see her smirking
> Heart is pounding, we've never flirted or anything
> Super church-heavy family, this is beyond taboo, it's like, ex-communicable
> Look around cousin, still nothing but woods ahead

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Waiting patiently here

Keep going


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> I'm sweating bullets at this point, thankfully it's Summer so it's not weird
> Johnson is pressed hard between my thigh and Cousin's crotch/thigh
> Zero chance of her not knowing exactly what it is
> I guarantee I'm blushing, stare off into the woods again
> Trail is leveling out, must be getting close to the lake and cabins
> Rocky surface turns into grass, much less bumpy
> Cousin is still moving around intentionally
> Sure enough, cabins ahead, see others figuring out which is which, unloading carts
> Our cart stops, everybody's looking at the cabins and lake
> Cousin half-stands as she getting out of the cart
> Practically shoves her ass into my face, smells musky
> I grab a backpack and awkwardly try to cover my boner as I stand up, stretch nonchalantly
> Cousin's dad gets out asks me to help with the luggage
> Gives me an odd look, my face is probably beet red
> Stammer an agreement, turn around to grab luggage
> Cousin already has one of the carry-on size cases, smirks
> Stare at her walking toward the cabin, her hair, her hips...
> "user?" Cousin's dad is waiting for me to get out of the way
> Follow cousin up to the cabin, mind is racing, beyond embarrassed
> Get inside, aunt is already unpacking food stuff
> "Hey user! You, Cousin, and little kid cousin are gonna be sleeping in the living room"
> Cousin is unpacking chargers and junk, doesn't seem to notice me

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Let's keep this dank locomotive moving

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Ah a cup of tea father

Doing good user. Keep it coming

Come on user, lets keep this train a-rolling. Great story so far


dont tell me that's it

Yep thats it. She didnt notice him. Found an uncle to fuck instead

Where's the fucking rest of it? Don't be a dirty kike and Jew us on the story

Came on cousins back while she slept next to her bff.

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Uncle found him

You missed

While we wait for camp cousin story, here's one of mine.

>Be me, married, wife and I have a pretty adventurous sex life, have been to swingers parties, etc.
>Go to her sister's wedding in Half Moon Bay, CA.
>Thursday before wedding, do bachelor party for soon-to-be brother-in-law.
>Bachelor party is in SF
>Mostly drinking, go to a sweet tiki bar, check out a strip club
>One of the groomsmen is talking about a sex club that he had been to before
>Night ends uneventful. Tell wife all about it
>Decide that since we have a couple extra days before going back, would check out the club in SF on Sunday night
>We go, pretty cool, somewhat like ones we had been to before
>Wife is wearing a fishnet cat suit, crotchless
>We mingle a while, fool around with each other from time to time and around midnight or so, decide to pull the trigger and have some fun with others
>Meet another couple our age, he's good looking, she's a pretty hot, petite asian
>Their first time doing this. He was hoping to try group sex in some form, she isn't comfortable, only wants to do oral
>They haven't found a couple yet who is fine with the asynchronous action
>I decide to take one for the team, she's hot, and haven't been with an asian since my 20s
>Ask my wife if she's interested in group play, since this guy seems nice, and it's the one thing he wanted to try
>She's game, and there's two good looking single dudes that were hitting on her earlier and still lurking around
>The four of them start to fool around, asian and I making out and then start in too
>Asian is giving me a top notch blow job, and I'm watching my wife now riding one of the single dudes, while blowing the other, and asian's husband is behind my wife in her ass.
>I look to the doorway area (we were in a decent sized play room), and see that the groomsman who had mentioned the place is watching from the doorway
>Her face is obscured, so at this point, I don't think he realizes it is her

> Most of the rest of the day goes normally
> Parents show up after settling the grandparents
> Everybody wants to get showered up after the road trip
> My turn comes up, Cousin went last
> She got dressed in the bathroom, so no chance to see her in a towel
> Hair's wet though as she passes, smells likes sweet pea
> Whole bathroom is steamy, smells nice
> Resist the urge to jerk off, get cleaned up
> Cousin has changed into volleyball shorts and a t-shirt
> Her hair is back in a ponytail, all blonde and frizzy
> Dinner, s'mores by the lake, regular family stuff
> I stole glances at her, couldn't bring myself to make small talk
> Sundown finally shows up, everybody heads in

> Back inside, everybody's settling in for the night
> Mine and Cousin's parents each have their own rooms
> Cousin I are alone in the living room, or we -would- be, if not for her dweeb little brother
> Dweeb is like, ten years old or some shit, clings to his sister all the time
> We're watching cartoons, not talking much
> Keep glancing over at cousin, imagination's been running wild
> She notices every once in a while, doesn't say anything
> I keep stealing glances, thank goodness for the blanket over my crotch
> She's still pretty small-chested, maybe a B-cup, probably an A still
> Catch myself staring at her legs in the light of the TV
> I'm on a recliner, Cousin is on the couch, Dweeb is on a sleeping bag on the floor
> Dweeb keeps yawning, eyelids are dropping
> Cousin turns the volume down a bit
> Sure enough, Dweeb lays his head down, starts snoring
> I'm pretending to watch the TV
> Cousin is playing on her phone
> Has her legs draped over the side of the chair
> Looks like she shaved earlier, legs are smooth
> Never been a foot guy, but even her toes are cute, dammit
> Not sure what to do or say, 'cept go to sleep
> Don't want to, horny, curious, have that ball of excited shame in my gut

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>So I'm watching him watch her, and enjoying a BJ that is getting me god damned close to cumming
>I see the groomsman move slightly out of the way, and see another guy enter the doorway, immediately recognizing my wife's younger brother
>Have a moment of panic, which is quickly offset by the thought of my brother-in-law watching his older sister get railed by three dudes and he doesn't even know it
>Quickly blow my load down the asian's throat
>Asian's husband cums, and the guy my wife is blowing swaps places with him
>That guy cums a few minutes later
>Not sure how the one in her pussy lasted as long as he did
>The groomsman and her brother enter the room and ask if they can join
>My wife starts to say yes, and I intervene
>Her brother has a look of confusion and then realizes what is happening
>Face goes white (or appeared to, it was club lights in the room
>Groomsman finds it hilarious
>My wife is oblivious, and kept riding the guy until he cums
>She realizes what happened as soon as she climbs off of him and there's her brother and the groomsman watching her dismount a condom-covered cock with a full load in the reservoir tip and her pussy and ass covered in lube
>Her brother obviously agrees not to say anything, but she did blow the groomsman to buy his silence
>Probably too incredible to be believable if he were to say anything anyway

Keep going user

Top class story mate. Thanks for sharing

Next time pre-type it and have it ready, retard

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My 10yo niece is sooo cute, I'd love to fuck her brains out

Don't insult dude, it's called suspense

Come on OP. Dont leave us hanging here please!

what the actual hell

Dont worry, u can have sloppy seconds

now were talking

Let OP take his time, even if it's a fake story, it's still good.

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> Fuck it, can't think of any not-ridiculously-awkward to break the ice again
> Lay down, blanket down at my waist, bunched up to obscure the tent
> Cabin has window AC units that don't do shit, so it's hot as hell
> Cousin sees me laying down, "You turning in?"
> "Uh, yeah, I guess. Pretty late."
> She looks back at her phone, taps a bunch, smiles
> Realize she's been texting somebody
> Her dad? No, maybe a friend? About what? Me?
> Push the thoughts off, not like anything can happen with Dweeb anyway
> Close my eyes, slowly start to drift off
> Don't remember dreams, but I'm pretty sure I know what they were about
> Whatever they were, it was enough to sustain the boner until I woke up
> ...In the middle of the night?
> TV is off, some moonlight coming in through the porch doors
> Immediately notice sweet pea smell
> heart-attack.jpg
> Cousin is standing/kneeling next to the couch
> Don't say anything, not sure if I can play it off like I'm still asleep, probably not
> Definitely feel hair on my face, the fuck is she doing?
> Lips. Those are lips. On mine.
> Heart is pounding in my ears, kiss back.
> Try to whisper warning about Dweeb, throat is too dry and croaky
> Cousin moves her face next to mine, feel her lifting my blanket
> Fuck fuck fuck she's crawling onto the couch with me
> Contemplate shoving her off, super not excited about being bludgeoned to death by Cousin's dad
> Too slow to do anything anyway, Cousin is half on top of me under the blanket
> Thigh is up against my erection again, suppose she's taking this and my silence as consent

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more of her, panties

21 min to type that? Jesus. Voice to text man.

Threads gonna get removed before camp cousin story gets finished

This was posted the other day. Was there anymore to it?

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Come on man can you please type faster? The balls are getting blue over here

Bump lads

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We might be able to help if there were a few more pixels user

This camp cousing story is really good.

Big bump

> I can feel that she still has her clothes on at least
> Glance over at Dweeb, he's fully sloppy-drooling asleep
> Cousin lifts off of me a bit, feel her hand on my chest
> She moves it down further - much further, and I don't stop her
> Feel her fingernails tracing the outline
> First thought is how light her touch is, how slender her fingers are
> She grips it, not too firmly, but the intent is clear
> Gentle motions, she starts moving up and down
> Not just her hand, but her whole body, gently humping
> I can hear her breath in my ear
> The sound of the blanket moving is like a jet engine, I'm horrified someone is going to wake up
> She keeps squeezing tighter, moving faster
> I grab her around the waist in a weird hug as it happens
> Realize that I just came in my damned shorts
> It's nearly pitch black in the room, but I can -see- that damned smirk
> She slides off of me, slinks back to the recliner
> I'm left laying there in my mess, unable to speak
> Try to clean myself up with the blanket edges a bit
> Don't sleep for the rest of the night
> Sunrise shows up what seems like an eternity later
> Vacation lasts another week, but nothing else happens and I was too much of a puss to initiate
> Life regrets

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There a discord or some shit where this can be wrapped up?

>Not enough pixels
Open it in a new tab

well that was an anti climax, time for you to an hero

Plenty of climax for me, 'least that night and the hundreds of times I've jerked to it since

Can you get the cousin to post now so we can hear about how big you fucked up from her perspective? What a horrible ending.

Ok, low fucking resolution then. Point is, cant make out the text

can see it easily, fucking phone poster

Thanks for the story. Was a good read

So I'd lived in the same foster home for about five years with my nine siblings when a young girl was transferred to my house. Her name was Emily. If only she knew what hellhole she would be living in. The guy that owned the house just had us for the money and to do chores around the house for him. When we didn't or when he just felt like it he'd beat us viciously.
In a way it's was sort of funny seeing such a wide eyed girl come in here, still some joy left in her. She was Latina probably, anyway she had a bit of a browner complex to her skin and had long brown hair. Her eyes were wide and green. She had pink lips and huge eyelashes. She was 11 years old when I first met her. She was very petite. She wasn't tall, her head only reached about my nipples. We were placed in the same room. She was very clean and organized, I was the opposite. After a few days of her staying the guy who owned the house gathered us in what he'd call a living room and said that he'd found his TV remote in the kitchen, meaning somebody had used it. One of the younger kids accused Emily. Emily was too shy to say anything and started crying as the guy berated her. I told him that it was I who did it. He took me down into the basement and beat me severely. When I returned to my room I was bloody and tired. I found her sitting on her bed, curled up and sniveling. When she saw me enter the room she ran up to me and hugged me. My hands flew up into air as she squeezed my torso while crying. I didn't quite know what to do. I put my arms around her and told her that it was ok, that everything was gonna be ok. We then sat back down on her bed and I tried to calm her down. We'd never talked to each other before this, we'd only said hi to each other.
-I wanna go home. She said repeatedly while crying next to me.
I just said "I know" every time she uttered a sentence.
After some time she asked if I could sleep in her bed tonight.

So who out there is going to be fucking their family over Thanksgiving?!

it might help if you didn't try to read on the phone you fucking retard phonefag

No one knows how to open this in a separate tab


Underrated comment.

No problem

Send me pictures of your hot sisters

KIK: freescott29

These threads piss me off. You don't even know what will happen when you do this shit. But I do. I lost my entire family over this shit. You think incest is funny until she claims you raped her multiple times when you're still a virgin to this day. I just find it sad. I lost everything over this shit, so go ahead and lose your family if you want. It's not worth it. Trust me. I wish I could spend Thanksgiving with my entire family, but I'll only be spending it with my mother and father. They're the only people who believed me and still talk to me to this day. When it's he said she said, nobody believes the man, even though all the facts are correct. Even though I was legally tried and acquitted in the court of law. None of that matters when you're a man. None of it. You've been warned.

Me and my aunt been flirting for weeks now; its weird but turns me on way too much

Aunt was driving me to her house to watch me while rents where on vacay. She asked me if I had a girl friend, I said no.
She said if I had any questions or wanted to know anything about girls it was ok to ask her.
Started talking about things and it felt pretty casual.
She put her hand on my inner thigh and said if I was ever curious about anything she was there for me, and started giving me subtle squeezes.
I rode the rest of the way to her house with her hand between my legs talking about girls, dating, things I never dreamed I would be talking to with my Aunt.

Feeling the back of her hand against my cock along with the motion of the road made me hard. There's no way she couldn't tell what was happening, and I could swear she would position her hand to make it stay that way.

When we got to her house, before we left the car, she felt the side of my head and said "If I ever wanted to learn more about girls, she would do anything to help me.
When it became time to go to bed she came in my room wearing a loose robe. She sat next to me, leaned forward and kissed my forehead. When she did that her robe opened enough for me to see her right breast with a very hard nipple. When she saw that her tit was exposed, she closed her robe up and apologized. I told her it was ok.
She asked if I ever saw boobs before. I told her no.
She then said well don't tell anybody, then she opened her robe, grabbed my hand and put it on her tit.
I was memorized by the feeling.
She opened the robe more and I could see her pussy. She took my other hand and put it between her legs. She was wet.
She pulled down the sheets, and pulled my underwear down. My cock slapped back at my stomach.
She gently placed my cock in her mouth and I felt her tongue move all around it.
I was too excited and couldn't hold back and started cumming. She didn't move until I stopped shaking.
She gave my cock a final kiss, crawled into bed next to me and held me until morning. It was a great week.

When I was 25 (eight years ago), I saw on my cousins' FB page a geotagged photo talking about her about to start work. I generally recognized the area, which was a nude club (strip club, no alcohol, 18+, fully nude) I had been to once or twice. She was my younger cousin, 19 at the time. She had always had a crush on me growing up, but had never acted on it because of the 6 year age gap. Still, she had gotten smoking hot (half-white / half-mexican (on her mom's side), our dads were brothers).
I decide to show up, take a seat near the stage. She comes out about 30 minutes after I had sat down, neon green booty shorts with matching g-string under and bikini top. She's moving around the stage, loses the booty shorts pretty quickly. She's about halfway through the first song when she spots me. Eyes go big for a second, then a smile, and makes her way right over to me. On her hands and knees, peels the g-string down literally 2 feet from me, pierced clit. Starts twerking her ass. Watching her getting visibly wet in front of me. Takes her bikini top off too, pierced nipples. Spends a little time with the other guys around the stage getting tips, but keeps coming back to me.
After her second song is done, leaves the stage, and then comes out, this time just in the g-string, and sits on my knee. Small talk for a minute, asking me if I knew she worked there. Tell her how I figured it out. She asks if I want to go to VIP room. We go back. She has to keep the g-string on, but she's pretty liberal about moving it to the side and putting her pussy in my face. Does that thing where she puts her face down in my crotch and hair covering everything and breathes hot breath against my dick. I can also feel her running her teeth against it. Flips around so her head is in my crotch and her pussy and ass and straddling my face. The g-string isn't really obscuring anything. She grinded on me quite a bit as well and moved the g-string to the side.

Didn't get to finish, but her grinding on me left my jeans soaked. She did have to keep working though, so didn't go further than that.
That pretty much broke the ice for us. She would text me nudes, I'd buy her and her friends beer (they lived in off-campus apartment). I ended up hooking up with one of her friends who also stripped.
One night we were smoking out together, I had come by to get weed off her and drop off a bottle of vodka (basically an exchange). We are high and she says, "Staci said you had a nice cock." I sort of laugh, and then she brings up the night at the VIP. Said if the bouncer hadn't been there, she would have found out for herself. I respond with the comparatively smooth, 'there's no bouncer here now'. She thinks for a moment, then stands up, takes off her clothes, gets between my knees and pulls out my dick. I'm rock hard within seconds of her putting it in her mouth, and blow my load a minute or two later. She sits down next to me, still naked, and I am feeling totally guilty for doing that with my cousin. She apparently is still horny, as she starts playing with her pussy and telling me to look at how wet she is. So ten minutes later, I'm over my guilt, and now eating her pussy and ass from behind. I ask if she has a condom, she doesn't and says it's ok, she's on the pill. Rides me reverse cowgirl, twerking on my dick. Then get her on the couch doggy and pound away with two fingers in her ass. Blow another load in her.
Only time we ever fucked, but she blew me a few times after that when I would bring alcohol over for her and her friends.
She's 27 now, married with a kid, and apparently the hispanic genes have taken effect, as she's probably 50 pounds heavier than she was back then. Still nice tits though.

Loved it. Came to the thought of me and my cousin
