All right. Which one of you niggers did this?

All right. Which one of you niggers did this?

Attached: Screenshot_20191126-145524~2.png (2260x1173, 921K)

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Why was he nigging out on her?

I don't see a bucket and I don't see a girl. Is this take news?

What do you think he's holding you dumb piece of shit

why is it 'young girl' and not "young girl" why are their quotes around it is it an old man?

Soon, as i heard it. I knew JUST FUCKING knew it was a monkey thats flinging shit.

Because ITS.MA'AM

That man looks very happy.

Neither a bucket nor a "young girl". Looks more like luggage full of meth or cocaine.

Attached: 35d.png (436x355, 42K)

And because she was probably like 22 years old. They are using "young girl" to drum up sympathy and outrage.

The headline. "Man throws shit on woman" doesn't have the same effect.

it's a bucket with a shirt over it you mongolian.

dude looks really happy.

Attached: yeah.jpg (354x298, 40K)

Canadian liberals be like "THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS"


Attached: sheeeit.png (259x195, 11K)

That's him!

Attached: 1407782861000-riggle-lets-be-cops-mov-jy-1649-66423124.jpg (540x380, 24K)

We don't really have assault weapons here.

Attached: not-sure-if-trolling-or-just-retarded-not-sure-if-50156040~2.png (500x374, 155K)

Yeah that's my point, we don't have mass shootings here either. Trudeau said he was going to work on banning assault weapons.

You would know, nigger

You're the one whose retarded if you think Canadians don't own "assault style" weapons lmao

>Assault weapons
Moves goalposts
>Assault style weapons

Assault weapons and assault style weapons are the same thing you absolute retard

Life imitates art.

Can we get fully automatic assault riffles? How about clip sizes. I'm telling you you are getting cucked already and you seem complacent in the restrictions

See this is why we need an all out ban on assault buckets!! Why do you need a high capacity bucket with reinforced handle. A simple pail would work just fine for the job and be much more safe. Get your act together people our children are dying!

Automatic or not, big clip or small. It's still an assault weapon. Your brain must be tiny to not comprehend this.

Life imitates porn

We don't have the right to bare arms so why wouldn't I be? I think our gun laws are a lot better than the American ones and even my American friends agree.

>nigger throwing buckets of shit on people
>"muh guns"
I hate you faggots.

Attached: mhm.jpg (250x250, 11K)

It was a point about the Liberals wanting to ban guns for no reason, get informed and you won't feel lost like an autistic retard for half your life.

Who comes on Sup Forums and expects not to see political talk? Back to the safe space with you cunt tard.

Stupid conversations are still stupid, go back to Sup Forums faggot.

Attached: neato.jpg (450x450, 48K)

If you have a top fuel funny car but only access to 3 litres of fuel at a time your funny car is pretty much useless.

Do you own any "assault style" weapons or are you an anti gun liberal fag?

>Stupid conversations are still stupid

Clearly the mind of a genius at work. You obviously never got past the 'what I say goes' phase

Definitely not useless if I can use my funny car to shoot someone in the dick.

Yes and lots of people in my family own guns as well

Why are you pretending like mags can't be modified back to holding more than what they're pinned at? You can also get mags that aren't pinned. It's illegal but it's still readily available for anyone who has the balls the try. Not rocket science.

When will Canaduh ever learn? Three mass poopings in four days? Citizens should never have access to buckets full of shit. Or buckets. Or shit for that matter. They should go door to door and arrest anyone stockpiling feces.

>It's illegal
It shouldn't be. How can you try to justify doing something illegal but not want it just to BE legal? You must be a troll. No one can be this stupid.

You can run someone over but only 1 at a time.

I didn't say that at all you dipshit. All I said was that you CAN do it if you need to. We don't have the right to bare arms so yeah, I think we're lucky to have our laws as they are. I never said I support them, I said I wasn't angry or upset with them. Because I think they work.

If you don't have an assault weapon problem, why is he trying to ban them?

Alright I can still use it therefore it isn't useless and I can also modify it to make it better to do any job I need it to do. Pretty straight forward.

No one gonna check these quads?

He's doing it because of what's going on in the us. That was his reasoning. It was really a move to try and swing the polls in his favour.

That's why you buy the kits, but don't install them. Let's take fully automatic conversions for an example. There is no law against owning the components to make any applicable gun capable of three round burst and/or fully automatic. There are no laws against having guns capable of conversion. There is a law about having a converted gun. So, you have the shit on hand, but don't install it. When shit goes down and you need those capabilities, those laws won't matter. Unless you're one of those tools that just randomly dumps ammo like a faggot. Then I don't believe you should own a fully automatic firearm.