So Sup Forums howd you stop drinking

so Sup Forums howd you stop drinking

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Tapered off, ten shots a month

stop being a faggot it's easy just stop drinking??????????????? LMAO

I can't

Stop buying

Literally, just make the decision and stop. If you're physically addicted to the point where you could have medical complications then go to the hospital. Then you have to fill your time with something else more constructive. If your brain is powerful enough to convince you that you 'need' alcohol, guess what? It's also powerful enough to tell you that you don't.

Do you mainly drink alone or when you are out? For me I really only drink if j go out to a bar or am with people. So I more or less just stopped going to bars and found other activities to replace that time with. Alot of it comes down to finding something to occupy your free time with and knowing what activities compel you to drink.

This, unironically just stop. Once you realise that addiction is 99% mental, quitting is easy. It's how I quit smoking recently

>knowing what activities compel you to drink.

Uhh, living?

cant drink if there is nothing to drink

I stopped enjoying it.

Identify why you drink and go from there. For me it was a coping mechanism. So I eliminated the stressors in my life and tapered off from there.

Got a gf who also wants to stop drinking. Both trying our best. Went 4 weeks without drink and cigerettes up until last weekend. Thats me off them again until xmas

Step 1:

I cut out hard liquor, wine, and any other alcoholic beverage above 5% abv, then started going to the gym. Can't really get drunk off of Coors light, so eventually you realize that what you "can" drink tastes like shit and stop completely.

If I don't drink I get all shaky and can't do anything.

still haven't stopped. been buzzed for about 4 days now.

Didn’t start in the first place lmao

>eliminated the stressors in my life
It reason I drink in the first place is because I can't do what you just said.

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I just grew out of it.. it became boring for me personally. I used to love drinking but it got to the point where I didn't really feel any fun from it, mostly sad/angry so I just quit. I drink only on rare occasions now

People who say 'just stop'

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Take the advice, that multiple retards who never had any problems with alcohol, provided; don't drink.

I got really into fitness and couldn't do it if i was hungover.

I realized i like lifting more than I like drinking so I just cut out the drinking.

that's why you have to ween off slowly. take 1 sip less everyday until you're eventually down to nothing.

baby steps

Shit, I'm gonna get drunk after work niqqa. Then the next day everything will be fine because I'm not a massive faggot.

i coom instead of drink very relaxing and very nice i hump my pillows and give them myself then flip them over and go to sleep

then go to a doctor. they will give you a prescription for klonopin.

Take the klonopin ONLY when you get shaky, and don't drink while you're on it.

Eventually after 2 weeks or so the alcohol withdrawal will subside, and it will be time to address the mental addiction.

The most important part of not drinking is having reasons not to drink. Find something you enjoy, that has nothing to do with drinking (like hiking or sports) and get into it. Avoid all activities associated with drinking (like parties, events etc.) until you feel strong enough in your sobriety.

MOst importantly, have someone you can talk to if you get cravings.

hurr durr better not eat food or breathe either

The associated killer-headaches


Drinking takes effort and commitment and I'm lazy

are you a fucking idiot? You don't quit alcohol cold turkey and take klonopin whenever you feel alcohol withdrawal lmao. Are you aware that a major alcoholic can die from withdrawal? Full blow alcoholics have to ween off they can't just pop a klonopin and call it good.

This sounds like where I'm at. After I turned 21 I started drinking at least a beer a night and it was fun as hell. Now that I'm 23 I find myself drinking less just because it's not as fun anymore. That sad/angry thing you said

I learned how to feel pain. I've drank once in two years but I might go get a bottle of jamo cuz my magic 8 ball demands it

i just stopped like 2 weeks ago.

i'm having a really bad time, i'm just constantly upset, and i'm just trying to get used to the fact that this is just my life now.

Stopped buying alcohol

They can die from the seizures. Benzodiazapenes prevent seizures and reduce the effects of alcohol withdrawal.

If you get all shaky when you don't drink then that just means you're going through withdrawals. What I did is I went to the emergency room at the hospital and they put me in a treatment center where they detoxed me. They'll check on you to make sure you're okay, they'll give you pain meds and they gave me a medicine that helps stops the symptoms of the withdrawals. Once I was fully detoxed I was released and then I started going to A.A. meetings.

>A few weeks later I started drinking again in my room and alone and now nobody bitches at me for drinking.

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what kind of pussy footing around answer do you think you'd actually listen to, dumbass, if you want to quit grow some fucking balls and do it

I failed at A.A. too.
Drinking right now.

wrong. klonipin and clonidine are regularly prescribed to keep you from having an anxiety attack that could potentially kill you when you are abstaining from alcohol.

What's the problem?

>never had a legitimate addiction
I used to be like you.

Taper. I used xanax and pain killers when the shakes were bad, and CBD gummies the rest of the time. But seriously, my way isn't something I recommend. See a dr, seriously if you can't get past the two day mark. Good luck!

never did. just about to turn 21 in a few weeks, alcoholism will be fully engaged then

Thank you for the consideration, but I don't feel like talking about my problems and all the shit that is wrong with me.

dubs of truth and depression prevail

Go to doctor, ask for Antabuse.
Cheap to free depending where you live.
Take it every morning.
Alcohol now makes you sick.
Also stays in the system for ages, so just because you didnt have one today doesn’t mean you can drink tomorrow.

I haven't totally quit. Actually, (as a "weirdo") I write down every day I drink to keep track of progress. Also a means to keep me sober to help me space it out. I've only been drunk 4 times in the last 26 days. I used to drink every day.

Find a woman to love, worked for me

I feel you

Watching my friend slowly kill himself for no reason has driven me to quit drinking. When I first met him, he was maybe 200lbs (he is 6'7", so he was skinny at that weight). In the last 5 years he has ballooned to over 450 lbs. I haven't seen him drink less than 30 beers in a day in the last two years. Even when we are rolling or tripping or doing K, he still has to drink heavily, despite the fact that drinking is beyond retarded when you are doing any of those things.
Over time, I have found that I prefer getting high to getting drunk. And when I do drink on occasion, I don't even really enjoy being drunk anymore. So I doubt I will ever drink regularly ever again.
Don't know what to do about my friend, though. He keeps getting bigger and bigger. And he keeps making progressively dumber decisions, so I think it's taking a toll on his brain. I don't think he will survive another 5 years.

Moved far enough away from my ex-wife.

I had a seizure when dosing hard on pot, coffee and beer
I already stopped using so much alchohol since I got newly introduced to weed but that night oh lord
so I drank like strong 10 vol% beer with regular beer and wine, then me and my friends smoked a lot
then I started megadosing on coffee in order to prevent myself from passing out, I just made instant coffee in a glass of cold water and downed that for like 6 or 8 times
next thing you know, I'm listening to music and LARPing as fish on dry land
never touched alchohol after that except for a squirt of white wine and a taste of a sip of cannabeer on two seperate occassions

Yeah, I feel like I could honestly really quit it's just too damm hard to go to sleep sober and I really have no reason to quit. I drink about a 5th of either Whiskey or Vodka a night. Whiskey is my weapon of choice though.

What gave you the seizure was the mixing of alcohol and coffee. If I remember correctly, that's what was happening to teenagers when 4Loko came out. It had caffeine in it at 12% alcohol. Kids were reportedly having seizures. So, they recalled 4Loko, took out the caffeine and reintroduced it to the market.

90% of all the bad things in my life came from alcohol.

>best friend killed himself a year ago while he was drunk

previous to that

>backed car into parents garage door while drunk and on benzos

>got taken away in cuffs a month earlier because I blacked out on the same combination and started fighting someone

>ruined tons of relationships because I was drinking all the time and couldn't hold a job or be a good person

It didnt start out that way either, I just slowly deteriorated into a bad person little by little. It happens to a lot of alcoholics. One day you "wake up" and have to start putting the pieces together. Its a shitty lifestyle and incredibly hard to pull off successfully without isolating yourself and destroying your life.

Now, it wasn't STRICTLY the mix of alcohol and coffee though. I'd like to clarify this because coffee liquor clearly exists. Kahlua, Kamora, etc. I believe it's because you POUNDED that shit in high doses all at once that caused the seizures. The same with the 4Loko. It didn't just have caffeine, it had a shit ton.

I'll also add I got on medication to treat my mental health state and found that drinking ruined the good that they were doing. So now its a no brainer to stop drinking.

>and LARPing as fish on dry land


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You don't, you never do. You will always crave alcohol, you will have sober periods, but addiction is a lifelong scar. Become comfortable with it.

I drank an entire bottle of shitty bourbon in about 10 minutes

the ensuing night of vomit and blackout was more than enough to put me off alcohol forever

Kahlua is weak in both alc. and caffeine
>Wiki: "it contains caffeine. According to the company, it contains approximately 10 mg per 100 mL (4.85 mg in each 1.5 oz) or about 25% the amount found in the same volume of coffee."

Had a FWB who was an alcoholic for a while.

She did the "just stop" thing. Got the shakes.
She did the "taper" thing. Bought smaller bottles committed to only drinking to manage the withdrawal. Cue morning text of picture of bottle already empty and captioned "oops". Repeat for about a month.
Went to a doctor and got prescribed a benzo to manage withdrawal. Actually worked for a while, but then discovered that drinking while on ativan was like drinking before she became an alcoholic.

Started going to AA. Has a couple instances of hanging out with a "mentor" and ending up drinking with him. Wakes up at his house. Is told she threw up on herself and came back to his place to wash her pants. Meet up with her later that day and we bang. Peeing after the fact, I notice the distinct feel of lubricant on my junk. We hadn't used any. Presumably was raped while unconscious by AA dude.

There are several other stories of hers where reading between the lines it sounds like she was raped by one or more people while blackout drunk or unconscious and just prefers to "LOL Hope it was consensual!" since she doesn't remember.

Have a couple odd-hours booty calls where it's suspiciously like she's trying to re-enact something that happened to her with me so she can enjoy it and pretend she must've enjoyed it before, too.

Yeah, it is. My grandmother drinks Kahlua and Kamora. The 4Loko had like the equivalent to several cups of coffee. I remember when they talked about it in the media. It had like more caffeine than a bloody Monster Energy drink.

It's been 1 year now
But times are better, I want to join in A.A as voluntary because I am almost drinking again.
If you want to stop, try to isolate the triggers from your drinking, just like "when I feel sad, I want to drink, so what's causing my sadness and how I could solve this?"
Take step by step and it's okay to make mistakes.

Thats really sad. AA is filled with controlling assholes if its the wrong meetup/area. I never liked that shit. Seemed like a cult right away.

There is no right and wrong

You don't have to be anything

Smoke weed instead

I used to drink large amounts of red bull and vodka evry night. I never had a problem. I switched to crystal light and vodka to save money and calories.

I had long and bad brake up with ex that i though was the one.
After final episode/time i see her, i drove recklessly to back home town and straight to bar with buddy. That lasted year witch i was alcoholic. Never been "good" drinker and be under the table after 6 beers, but i had plan to drink bottle of malibu with buddy that ended up not coming and ended up emptying the bottle by my self in few hours.

Went to sleep and woke up feeling sick. Got out of bed barely able to stand, vomited lucky off from rug, manage to get into toilet, vomited some more, though that was it and started to move back to bed, but end up in vestibule that had shower cubicle (yes really odd 1room apartment that had shower on vestibule outside of the toilet room) vomited rest there. I was too weak and dizzy to get back to bed so pulled shoes under my head, jacket as my blanket and slept there for few hours before being able to get back to bed.

Next morning waking in worst hangover i have ever had and trying to clean place up and fact that whole place smelled like vomit and malibu,

i though getting drunk is pointless, what does not solve any my issues and i cant keep going like this and that need to move on. After that i have only taken few beers here and then for taste, got drunk maybe 4-5 times a year with friends in point where i feel still nice and havent touched malibu ever since.....

I dont know you so really cant say what would help you, but maybe distracting your self with hobbies and goals in life like i do when ever feeling shitty is solution.

Used to drink after 3-5 mile walk, maybe 10-12 beers. Subbed 1-2 cups of coffee for the beer, then eat something fairly light, then a nap. Surprisingly, had no desire for alcohol the rest of the day/night. Day to day, but so far it's working.

taper off. its rather difficult but can be done. otherwise take kpins or xanax instead. otherwise you can like fucking die or something. how much you drink per day ?

At the beggining I smoked weed.
It was a easy change.
For the same reasons I needed to stop smoking weed (but it's really easier than alcohol)

I still have a shitty life, but it would be really worse if I was drunk all the time. (at the end I think it was all about having hope and going to therapy)

i dont think im addicted. but when i get home i dunno what else to do so i just get drunk. pry like 6-8 beers per night

Bought a safe with a timer. Anytime I get a craving. People places and things I take all of my money and put it in here. That way I literally have no way to buy beer. I also go to a a. Hearing triggers and the reason why you drink is a deterrent

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Stop what now?

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have you tried it ?

Pick the aspect you find the worst about it and focus on that every time you drink.

For example; Health degeneration, looks degeneration, costs, impact on day to day life, other stresses that can come with it and the fact nothing ever gets actually solved by it

I have a cold rn