If China invades, America is fucked. Decades of letting women make the decisions and feminizing boys through soy, TV...

If China invades, America is fucked. Decades of letting women make the decisions and feminizing boys through soy, TV, school and therapy have led us here.

Aside from rounding up these faggots for the ovens, what can we do to turn the ship around Sup Forums?

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>If China invades
thats LARP user. China already fucked the US over. No need to invade.

Stop letting beta males and sjws get their way. Most of YOU neckbeards are at fault too. You really think if you act like them they will fuck you. How is that working out for you?

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The world would be fucked. The days of conventional warfare between huge nations are over.

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Confirmed cuckold in the comments too.

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Chinese army has around 2 million people. NRA alone has around 5 million. Invading America is impossible.

Invades? Where would the beach head take place? They don't need to take this country by military force anyway. They'll do it economically by buying property and businesses.

>feminizing boys through soy
you realize soy is a bunch bigger part of the Chinese diet than the American diet right?

>Implying Chinese men are more masculine
O I am laughin

Everybody in this thread arguing Chinese military strategies instead of addressing the manchild faggotry ruining western civilization

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>if China invades
Nice larp, chink.
China won't make it past the US Navy.
>Decades of letting women make the decisions and feminizing boys through soy, TV, school and therapy have led us here.
The military operates independently of society. They either break you and make you a fighter or they kick you out.

I'm in NY and I know for a fact that we'd fuck China up.

kill yourself op, you talk big but you're the biggest and fattest faggot in these threads

probably because youre a massive faggot

remember the rape of nanking? japan never raped one of our cities to death lol. faggot.

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Chinks are spineless, soulless robots. They'd lose. Badly.

>men are weak
>I'm afraid of 4'8" Chinese people

Ok boomer

every time some control freak doesn't like something about other people they claim it's destroying society. get fucked SJW

>never seen Terminator

>5' hordes of Chinamen
>American soyboys
I'd pay to watch this

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The robots lose in Terminator

Speak for yourself faggot.

looks like youve never seen the terminator

Lol this

Why didnt you post the second part where the wife talks about being in an open relationship in the comments lol

the robots win until the humans cheat with time travel. although like all cool people i've only seen the first two. invent time travel faggot.

>If China invades, America is fucked.

Fun fact: if US wages war to China, US is fucked.


Trips means I agree

>thinks meatbags are comparable to sentient killing machines
Try again.

Here's your bowl of rice, chicom poster.


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Fun Fact: your English needs work, Chink.

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There's no fucking way anybody stages a land invasion of usa. It's stupid big. You know all those times old timey europeans tried to conquer russia? It never fucking worked, because Russia was stupid big. I know war has evolved and all, but it's still supply lines and boots on the ground that wins a war. Same goes for china nowadays.

>thinks meatbags aren't comparable to sentient killing machines

They wouldn't even get that far. The US has the biggest navy on the planet by a ludicrous margin.

Look at the kill to death ratio, the old communist "zerg rush" method is trash.

Oh yeah, that too. But even if somebody had a navy to match the american one, a proper invasion would still be insanity was my point.

north vietnam won the vietnam war

You are sad

north korea won the korean war

Whoever believes "wars and invading are still possible" needs a therapy

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how do you explain the russian invasion of ukraine?

The Chinese military is held together by duct tape and children's tears. No military force on earth can single handily challenge the US. If china had a ground way in via Mexico or Canada it would pose an issue due to the shear mass of man power, but even with today's..strained relationships those countries would never give the US up.

The Chinese are choosing, quite rightly, to exploit an economic war. They are winning easily, because their populace will eat dirt and ask for seconds (or would, if they weren't beaten to death for daring to ask for seconds). America simple cannot win an economic war with China as it stands, simple because of America's thirst for Chinese produced (i.e. cheap) goods. This can be avoided by turning Africa into the next china, but that would require a "Mao-esque" figure to unite the continent then take their own "great leap forward", resulting in billions of deaths but bringing manufacturing into the 21st century on a large scale.

MOST likely, both America and China are too co-dependent to ever shake up the status quo enough. Things will level out, eventually, because the masses in america will tolerate some atrocities in exchange for goods and enough of the Chinese populace will be allowed the fringe benefits of capitalism (bread and circuses).

if russier "invades" the US, we'll nuke the world back into a star. you stupid weak lib, guess what? Hillary STILL isn't president!

>No military force on earth can single handily challenge the US
In a conventional war, it bears noting. Guerilla war and domestic terrorism is still hard to deal with.

It's not an invasion. It was a deal and some people wasn't cool with it and went apeshit. It's their fault. They could move out if they had a problem.

In the first movie, skynet invents time travel and the terminator is the FIRST to travel back in time in order to stop the humans. I think in the second movie the humans have taken (back) over and use the time travel because skynet sends the t1000 at the last moment (i believe according to things like the novelization, the t1000 was dangerous to skynet because it had the capacity to think independently).

>claims invading isnt possible
>gives example of current invasion

>No military force on earth can single handily challenge the US.


Attached: usa_vs_russia.jpg (1189x454, 222K)

You can't nuke something into a star. That's not how it works.

exactly what "deal" included ukraine giving russia donbass?

>Live under (((Commie))) Chink rule
>Continue living under (((Israel))) rule

Literally no difference so who cares.

Russia doesn't even have duct tape. It has soviet brand rag straps that have been passed around since the 70s.

some good old boys goofin off lol. you trying to pretend no russian soldiers would do the same as a joke? you think those are drag queens or something?

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No one is invading. They are fighting against each other like idiots.

I smell a massive triggeration

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Can these amerifats really be that stupid?

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how is it that, when Russian troops cross the Ukrainian border and start killing Ukrainian soldiers, not considered an invasion?

Here are some danish special forces.

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i agree with that picture other than not showing america's accomplishment as more impressive than all those other ones especially since russia had a headstart. but yeah you didn't trigger anyone, you got made fun of for being retarded. alsio russia isn't the ussr, stop taking credit for the accomplishments of another country. don't see us claiming credit for the magna carta

But it was in 2014. It's an old story and we learned from it.

its an ongoing conflict with Russian troops trying to push deeper into Donbas, the invasion is still occurring.

America would be screwed honestly. Its not 1966 all the badasses are dead their grandkids the average american white male is a total loser and cuck (see this website)

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We are only protect our people. Do not be spread of false rumors.

Crimea has always been of Russian, Also The Ukraine is the same.

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You white niggers are so incompetent it's unbelievable.

China wouldn't invade, they would have to deal with stinky white american fags then

Competent enough to put the first human in space.


Still riding high on that one, huh? Sad.

fucking idiots. it's soldiers' fault

you forgot Venera missions - sending back to Earth a pic from another planet.

>soldiers' fault
who are at the command of russia

What an absolute cuck. Have some fucking dignity.

Oh never mind. Here we go.

Surrender immediately and bow to your Chinese masters

If you kneel you'll be eye to eye.

>They either break you and make you a fighter or they kick you out.

This is about 75% true. There is a sizeable portion of the military that's not even close to fit to fight. Whiny, pussy, malcontents who would put themselves before the mission in the blink of an eye. They don't do well and their lives are absolute hell but it's generally easier to let them finish out their contract than to chapter them.

Fat yanks... kneeling might be a 1 way trip on the gravity train.

>China invades
>millions literally die at sea by superior navy and air force
>Canada gets dragged in
>every anglo country comes to their defense
>Russia and India annex choice parts of China while their army dies in the Pacific and Alaska
Quit being retarded

I think everyone might look overweight to a chinaman, considering how used they are to famines.
If I say tiananmen square and winnie the pooh would you fuck off?

>Trying to force this ugly faggot

Y the fk ricebois have the most beautiful and tighest pussies on earth?

You must not have seen the first two. Or you're retarded and didn't pay attention. Just like itt

>that's not was said
>you're retarded for not understanding NATO and the red sphere stockpile armaments
Fuck off chink

You're really trying and failing here. Time to stop posting

Chinks aren't physically strong enough to invade. They ARE smart enough to own us in 5-10 years through economics

There were less people killed at the square by their army than what US school kids do to each other in a week.
You know who loves America? America.
That is all.

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They sell it in Amazon

Russian equipment is old as fuck. US light tanks can take out Russian heavy hitters and their planes can destroy Russian AA sites

They already invaded you with cheap products you cucks, they have yoie politicians, businessmen and conaumers by the balls and ince they grasp its a done deal.

That's cringey as fuck user are you really that dumb

I'm a gymfag. Keep trying chink

If China invades mainland USA they'll be either terrified or amazed by our escalators, and the fact that they don't eat human beings.

Half the army will be too afraid to use them, and the ones that do will be so thrilled to be in a place where USING THE STAIRS DOESN'T KILL YOU, they might switch sides.

America is fine. Bugmen don't know what a functioning society looks like.

We stopped the USSR with a motherfucking grocery store:


>There were less people killed at the square by their army than what US school kids do to each other in a week
You think 10,000 US school kids die from mass shootings each week? It actually wouldn't surprise me if this is what the Chink government is telling you.

kill all the jews

you must think you really got him with that jpg but he's right
you don't start a war without guns and ammo kiddo. pretty pathetic you had to bring a pc article in as your entire argument

I know these guys are actually legit but I never understood why military larpers pretend the chainmail burka makes soldiers elite. I guess that's what years of CoD teaches you.

I think that’s ALL your danish SF.
Where is that anyway? Is it part of the Dutch/Holland/Netherlands naming fiasco?