Why doesn't Brandi Love get a labiaplasty? Her puss is literal Arby's

Why doesn't Brandi Love get a labiaplasty? Her puss is literal Arby's.

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theres too much porn in the world for you to be bitching.

Kill yourself faggot


Newsflash sugar, it's the Internet and I'm gonna bitch about whatever I please.

Kill yourself faggot

Go apologize to your gay mom for raising a pussy

OP is so fagginated by fucking asses that he can't look at real pussy lips anymore. Completely hilarious if you ask me.


Kill yourself faggot

Fucking retard... She could smother me with that arbys and I'd die happy.

>be OP
>start thread on Sup Forums
>realize i'm a faggot


>Not wanting to tongue ever fold and crevice of that pussy
Imagine being this jaded lol "I oNlY FuG aNdRoGYnOuS PuSsY!" Congrats on not actually having sex lol

Attached: 41d2537.jpg (960x1280, 382K)

Not Arby's

Attached: 2a95424.jpg (1440x2560, 320K)

Average pussy

Attached: 7bb1303.jpg (1196x1794, 216K)

Why do you worry about the aesthetics of a pussy when you'll never get close to one?

These are real pussies

Attached: 5697897.jpg (2897x1639, 536K)

t. cutfag

I want her to rape me

>be you
>want to fit in on le 4chins
>make le omg funnny greentext
>'op is faggot'
>realize no one is upvoting my greentext

What triggered you so hard?

That was fucking original kiddo.

>Newsflash sugar,
So fucking gay I can practically smell your cum breath

another shit-tier response itt i'm kekking about how pissed this kid is

I bet you like it too bb.

I think you might be gay, bro. "No man, I'm totally straight. I just only like one very particular type of vagina, and even then I won't get too close to it because it grosses me out." You're gay, dawg. And that's a-okay. Go suck a dick and get it over with

who cares,she's ugly.old and caved into pressure from the racist black community to do scenes with black guys

My search history would like a say

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Why don't you suck a dick?

