Sup Forumsrothers the venting booth is open

Sup Forumsrothers the venting booth is open

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I'm worried blacks will outbreed whites because black "culture" is trash.

i'm afraid moralfags have taken over this board
and at the same time the degenerates have taken over the world
i want to go back to the time where families were normal, life was normal, and i was just another guy spending all his time on the internet
i'm tired of worrying about politics

me to Sup Forumsro...

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>I miss being a teenager and getting to run around and do bullshit without having to worry about tomorrow.

>I miss not having the political climate effect whether or not a joke is funny.

>I miss actually having nearly every day completely open and free.

>I miss my real friends back home.

>I regret moving away from my hometown and I don't think I'll actually ever be able to back.

>I regret dropping out of college before my mom died, she would've loved to see me walk since I never did in highschool.

>I wish I had attempted to socialize with girls more in highschool.

>I wish I had had more sexual partners before settling down.

>I wish I had never had a kid.

>I wish that a semi comes blowing through every intersection I cross at the exact moment I'm in the middle so that I could just die without putting that try of stress on my family (no friends, because who has friends anymore?)

Just tell me when you want me to stop.

Keep going.

I Fucking hate that Fucking LOG poster.
Everyday he gets on /b and posts his forced meme Andy Six LogOfShit library of self-made memes. It never ends.
He has been at it for years and doesnt give up.
He continues to this day with Jess and less effort, what used to be a paragraph written about how much he wants to suck a log of shit directly from Andy Six asshole, is now just a 2 word comment such as "His Logs"?
Why doesnt he just stop, or better yet actually make a plan and kidnap Andy Msix and tie him up in his basement and then start posting real content on /b of himself fulfilling his fantasy rather than the endless supply of poorly photoshopped log memes.
Ots not even a real 'log' the same log of shit that appears in every meme is actually a bar of soap that's made as a joke, its brown novelty soap that looks like a shit

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>he doesnt get the joke
>he never will
you have to be atleast 5 years old to post on this site
now open up wide!!1!

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ho no

i like halo hes a good guy and he doesnt afraid of anything

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i miss user-chan

kun or tan, not chan as chan is for little girls

me too. halo is a tru hero

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Every thot will burn in Hell.

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keep going

Sorry had to run out for a minute.

>I wish I had broken up with my girl when I had the guts to years ago, now I'm trapped.

>I wish that I had an actual relationship with my family other than the title of brother/son/cousin.

>I wish I had tried harder stopping my best friend from getting into meth.

>I hate myself for not noticing my other best friend getting into heroin and then for letting him OD and die.

>I wish I never discovered porn so early in life as it lead to a retarded addiction to it that killed my sex drive during and after highschool.

>I wish I didn't use weed as a crutch when I was younger and now it's the only thing that I look forward every day at the end of the day.

>I wish I had a chance to get to know how my brother really was before he got brain damage.

>I wish I had anhero in middle school when I started to realize my life wasn't going to be that great.

>I wish I wasn't so pompous and think that some sort of counseling would help.

>I wish one of the two people close me actually knew how much I hurt inside

Sometimes I look at completely normal individuals, or even one that do shit in public and make me cringe, and I envy them for how normal their lives seem. Sure they might be a little odd or have some flaws, but at least they dont have a feel so desperate anytime they smile at anybody close to them because they're just bottling up their true thoughts and feelings.


On the flip side of the coin, who needs people know what's going on inside of their head when you already know what's wrong with you. The hard part is trying to get out of the slump I've been in for almost the entirety of my life, I don't know why I'm like this and I lay awake every night just thinking about how easy it would be to start making changes and how it would lead to a snowball effect and improve everything else over time. I don't dwell on it too long, about 30 or so minutes and then I tell myself that tomorrow is the day I make a change. So I do that, then it's right back into the same bullshit I've always been doing in two or three weeks.

I'm a "born to be a looser", but I don't have any angry towards anyone with better luck than me.

And I think redpill it's a bullshit created for other loosers who can't stand a much more sad truth

Me again, I honestly fucking hate my life. Like I've pretty much been a worthless tumbleweed just making my way through life with no real goals or anything that feels remotely like a purpose. Its a god awful feeling knowing that if you just disappeared that only people affected would be the ones immediately depending on you, all of the people I would've done anything for (and I have) have moved on long ago and that you're probably just a character from memories when they recant stories from our childhood. Plus I dont think my family even thinks about me any longer than it takes for traffic light they're sitting at the change since I'm pretty much the disgrace of the family.

funny that you change anything you mentioned except jerking off. stop jerking off and let the rest of that shit go you fuckin retard

ive had my cousins side of family move in with two random people that my aunt took in, because they lost theyre apartment, they spend too much money on weed and theyre all ghetto/nigs ive got 2 niggas in my room, theyre messy, they brought cockroaches, they play fortnite, they listen to nigger music, and theyre overall unintelligent dregs. ive got nobody to vent to, and theres confrontions everyday about shit they do, bunch of fkn ungrates.they steal shit all the time. biting the hand that feeds them, i feel like gunning down my whole family, because nobody else cares about how stupid this shit is. ive had 2 panic attacks because of this situation

Ouch you got me, masturbation is the cause of all of my trouble. Even though I've cut back on it since I dont have the motivation to even do that anymore but you're right. Let everything that you've fucked up go and dont look for the underlying causes because thats real self improvement right?

>Had to fight off two people with mace, feel like a pussy but it was this or lose teeth

>Worried that I wont achieve what I want to

>I want to be respected and have people fear crossing me

>I want to raise my Uni GPA past 2.7

>I want be able to calm down and not stress over the tiniest shit

>I want to be able to get a hot gf not a 8 or 9 but a 10

>I wanna come more out of my shell

I want so much more and Ive come a long way but I just dont know which road leads to rome

not the same person.
What is he trying to say i think is that doing something is better than doing nothing.
Learning from past mistakes is important but you need to make changes.

I just want a decent job that isn't fast food. Hell, i'd take working graveyard at a Stripes

Dude it's hard as fuck when the only thing you got going for you is a paid off car. I try making changes but I get so accustomed to how things are because I just adapt to mentally survive to make it to the next day. Its like every day is another struggle to the end, the end of the day is the worse though since I almost never have anything going on around there so I get to run through all of my mistakes and regrets and try to figure out what went wrong because over all of these years I'm still the same. Now its more like I understand why I shouldn't have done the things I did but when I replay the scenarios in my head I also wouldn't have changed anything I've done because I'm selfish dumbass I suppose.

Then do something different at the end of the day. There's no point on replying those scenarios. Start there

I hope you get a decent job user

Makes sense, instead of figuring what type of shit person I was I should just start being the sick cunt I want to be right? I guess I'll give it a shot and try to stick with it for a while and see if anything changes. Been praying to Zyzz for his blessing but here goes another one. Come on big man.

Why not pray to God instead ?
Zyzz is just a human and he is no longer here. he can't help you in anyway.
Find your way to God

I live literally right next to a ranch, and the owners are very old and don’t go out at night. One of their mares recently had a foal. I can’t stop. I went over one night and seperated the mom from her foal with a fence, and I creampied the foal. I can’t stop now. I literally have control over myself. I go over almost every night. It’s better than sex with humans

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