Hi Sup Forums am i of enuf value for ur love ?

hi Sup Forums am i of enuf value for ur love ?
>wide spread music taste
>can do art
>has mommy and daddy issues so i will give you my full attention

Attached: mememe.png (531x521, 597K)

oh yeah

If you have a butthole, I'll date you

Would wreck your pooper while pulling on those pigtails and then cuddle after

Attached: 936eb2d6dfb56193ab8cc1263225f4f4.jpg (783x1608, 281K)

Cute face. You don't appear fat. It's a good start

wow no tits or gtfo

Attached: mnhjbgftr.png (534x524, 184K)

Your face is very pretty
Gorgeous eyes.
Would love to see your smile

Fuck yeah, that's my jam. I don't know if it makes me a bad person or not, but I like all that stuff.

There aren't any mental illnesses in this hypothetical chick you're posting, right OP?

i have dEprEsSiOn but thts it no bpd

ty if its any interest im really into bdsm

No bpd or borderline? So I won't wake up to a knife in my dick. Good.
Typical alt girl depression can be dealt with by cuddles and hard fucking, so that's all right.

Now OP tell me where a girl like this exists nearby and won't shoot me down even though I can't talk to women. The only ones I find are in other states.

im from louisiana

How do you like to play?
Can I please see your smile?

No. Love is earned and you haven't done shit to earn my love. You mean lust. Since you are repulsive, no you don't get that either.

i like liquids and ill try anything, i dont smile in pics srry

tits with timestamp, or it's not 'you'.

dosent look like it but ima 32dd

Attached: .jpeg.jpg (250x188, 16K)

Show me all 10 fingers and toes in one pic

tfw no qt black gf to have some race play with

Attached: cool-guy-doing-the-ok-sign-BAWHY8.jpg (1300x1020, 135K)

Holy shit youre actually real

So uhhhh.... You ever watch GoodFellas?

show tits, vag and butthole


I'm 90% this is real now, so what did you make this thread for, girl?

Ayyyy yo what it do bbg lemme smash

Post feetz pls

Not today, faggot. You’re not ruining what’s turning out to be a decent thread in a sea of cancerous ones. This is gonna be a nice ama with a qt3.14 egypto-Nubian queen and possibly some lewd pics of her if she’s into it.

Do you got an accent? Also do you know if you got any Haitian or Creole in your ancestry?

Fuck off, we know you made it a fucking thumbnail so we wouldn't see the choppy photoshop you did, numbnuts.

Also I'm getitng sick of this fucking captcha.

Jesus dude, who's the faggot?

Can I call you nigger when we fuck?

Fake as fuck boiiiiii

Attached: CF3FCF79-65A2-4262-B524-1BA12C4C06FB.jpg (552x593, 20K)

Take off wig and show real hair

white knight the 3rd in full effect. we haven't seen cucks this big since melania fucked shaq.

We have a rule here noob. TITS OR GTFO.

0 exceptions.

boredom, so i thot why not camwhore for chan girl fame

thot here bitch, let's scope the pussy lips and that fatass

no accent but yea most likely creole blood, mom side has black french ppl and black natives

Post a pic of you doing the peace sign next to the time stamp you did.

before I let you continue: post tits. OR GTFO

Well then let's see them 32DDs

So you got like a frenchish surname or like a bland English one?

super cute

What does “alternative” mean exactly? Can we sum of ur art?

you get 1 pic of some under boob and panties

Attached: jpeg.jpg (250x333, 18K)

bland english first name with kinda cool last name

Post pic of you doing the peace sign next to the time stamp you made.

Another stupid fucking thumbnail. What kinda game are you trying to play, fag?

hoebitch we have rules in this motherfucker


alt as in ig you could called me goth and i listen to goth,metal,rap,deathgrips,kkb etc and the files of my drawings dont fit *sad face*

Crop them shits I wanna see

Attached: gbhnj.jpg (250x188, 16K)

pm me on discord i dont kow how to crop
sailor socialism#9325

Oh..... Damn, now I feel like an asshole.

Come on...... Let us see some ass. Don’t even gotta be exposed just clothed.

Dank username fam. You’ve watched sailor moon before?

How come I never get to meet a cute ethnic chick like this

Fuck off nigger

Attached: 21D67753-328C-4AA5-A8AE-C0DBC0C6D2F9.jpg (700x726, 71K)

I miss my big titty black ex gf


Got any pics of her? Trying to fail no but November and I need some good material to lose to. OP if you’re reading this I also wouldn’t mind some help.

didn't get enough attention on /soc/ ?

a few episodes yea

lol i posted here first

Nah dude, I had a photo vault app of some sort of nudes of her but I lost it years ago in a degenerate alcoholic haze of state college.


Noice. What’s Louisiana like? Are floods there as bad as they say?

What’s a brackwoman like thou doin on a site like this? Shouldn’t you be out smashing Tyrone?

um havent been alive long enuf to exprience it but yea shit can get bad

W8. How old you is? Gib rough estimate.

its been said already

Well this thread fucking blows

any good places to eat in New awlans

You know that nobody else's love will matter unless you have love for yourself? Sorry for the Mr. Rogers shit, but Sup Forums is a weird fucking place and probably the last place I'd look for some validation

im not looking for validation im just bord

What city in LA you from?

Clearly she's one of those nigresses who hates her own race and lives to worship WHITE cock. MAYBE if you renounce your race and submit to being nothing but the white man's fucktoy we'll let you sleep in the doghouse out back.

sexual / dark fantasy treatment bored, tired of games / work bored, or "im boring" bored?

Take the ring out of your nose

well in that case you should post more pics

nothing to do online and its been awhile since ive gone on Sup Forums bored

Why mommy and daddy issues?

Attached: cocochan.png (460x588, 524K)

So what other hobbies you got other than drawing? Do you like to read etc?

Can vouch you'd make a good gf and cumslut, look similar to mine.

Attached: IMG_00061.png (722x1054, 846K)

My dick is rock hard

dad is a deadbeat who thinks popping up once in a blue moon is being a good parent and mom is in my life but we fight alot

Hey watch it you’ve got a black cutie yourself fuck off, leave some for the rest of us.

yea havent read anything good in a long time tho ya books are lame to me now tht im not 14 anymore, i also like film and cartoons, eating hot chips and lying yk the usual

Shit, dude. That fucking sucks. Why do fight about with your mom?

If your looking for films so watch I’d recommend watching one called “parasites”. One of the best films I’ve seen in a long ass time, it’s in Korean tho but the website I watched it on had good subtitle so if your interested in watching it your computer I can drop the website link for you.

come join me (and whoever else wants to) in this game then. it's a time killer

s2.boardgame-online . com/g/game.php?g=pd8x&k=Brc

Who took the photo?

>If your looking for films so watch I’d recommend watching one called “parasites”. One of the best films I’ve seen in a long ass time, it’s in Korean tho but the website I watched it on had good subtitle so if your interested in watching it your computer I can drop the website link for you.

yooooo i wanted to see that in the theatre but i think im gonna miss it

But we like threesomes. Nice dubs tho

Show me some artwork.

Damn, It’s a foreign film so they’re probably not showing it anymore. But seriously the movie is amazing and gets into some tense shit. Another movie I’d recommend is also Korean and called “I saw the Devil” really good too.

lovely. I like you


shes hot headed i have mood swings alot and she hits me i dont like being touch so i click out

I gotchu hold up. The website buffers a bit which is a bitch tho.

AIght the websites name is tunemovie.com