Rocking my tiniest girl short shorts to show off my smooth legs, ask me anything

Rocking my tiniest girl short shorts to show off my smooth legs, ask me anything

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What is the benefit of being gay over just regular straight person?

I don't know, I've never been straight

So why did you choose to be gay in the first place?

He didn't choose the shorts. The chose him.

Why are you awake right now?

I never did a choice. But I found one benefit, it's really easy to get away with having a small dick

You're right, it's pretty late here, I'll be off to bed in about 30 minutes

Men will fuck anything so getting laid isn't going to be a problem.

NO, you did choose the gay. No one is born gay. Gay is given by other gay.

ITT: newfags falling for bad bait

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I don't know, I was watching straight porn as every teen does, but I loved the role of the females

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only a newfag would post this

Only a newfag would call another newfag

tits or gtfo

I have no tits

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We have reached maximum levels of newfaggotry in this thread. Go back to breddit kids.

Do you suck the dick that's been in your ass? If so, how does your shit taste?

I do. So far it happened about 5-6 times and in all these cases I managed to do a thorough cleaning of my anus

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