Attached: download (2).jpg (275x183, 6K)

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sucks for you. i love them

Who doesn't? Oh right, cucks.

I don't know why, I just hate 'em!

KIKES are worse. Every newborn KIKE infant should be dissolved in a vat of acid. This should be livestreamed for everyone's enjoyment.

My dog barks at them

That's OK. They KNOW you're an idiot.

You and me both. Niggers are fucking worthless.

Attached: ihateniggers.jpg (480x480, 75K)

Incel spotted

They are subhuman

Me too!

Attached: niggers-are-a-stain.jpg (800x800, 76K)

Very fair

However your niggers boned that white thot scadonsak.com/13557667/asks-his-friend-to-bang-her

Attached: Nword.jpg (576x1024, 78K)

Ah yes we see the Sup Forums incel performing their mating call. Soon others of the same gender will return the call and an incel whinefest will ensue. We must be careful for the Sup Forums incel is a coward who hides behind anonymity, and will scream derogatory words to mask its fear.

Good puppers.

Attached: mom i keep posting it 15.jpg (400x400, 93K)

Join the club

>I have worth

>join my Mom's Basement Club

So does the rest of the world. You’re not special.

U must be knew here

I love shit like this.
It shows you that they're nothing more than lowly animals with poor impulse control, the more people who see this the better.

This. Those who claim they’re equals are either blind, stupid, black (or any minority really), or live in a majority white liberal area. Because the only reason anyone would argue with the obvious is because they have sonething to gain, are self-righteous and lust for self-satisfaction and the feeling of moral superiority, or quite simply don’t know what they’re talking about.