This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything

This fucking thread again. Ask a 36 year old kissless virgin anything.

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did you not show your face cause its 2/10?

4/10. But yeah, it's slightly below average.

Are you gay or str8 ?


Pose. Show dick.

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You look just fine OP, why are you a kissless virgin?

Why don't you squat heavy? Your quads look weak af.

why is it so hard to find people

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I do squat. But I am not a huge friend of classical barbell squats. I rock climb a lot and when it comes to leg movement, there are things more important than how much weight you can push with both legs. I for example really like pistol squats since they isolate individual legs and have a big balance aspect.

What region of the world do you live in that you're unable to get laid?

Watch it

Literally NYC.

Do you still want to lose virginity


Go to asia man

I've been to Asia. Though probably in the wrong countries (Japan, China and Singapore).

You ever try psychedelics?

No. Just alcohol and weed.

>makes daily thread to fish for compliments and show his cock to men
youre kissless because you dont want to admit you are a huge faggot
go try sucking a cock

Damn. Got me.

You should try acid (doesn’t show on tests) it might help something it might not but at this point it’s worth the try. Tripped couple times but my friend changed his personality and shit cause his first time tripping. Went from angry insider to not caring and very easy to talk to.

Get an escort.

looks pretty good to me, I love it

Only fag would think like this.

is it as faggy as posting your dick and ass on Sup Forums everyday?

All you have to do is show your abs, make prolonged eye contact with girls and keep your sentences short and responses concise.

Lost my card when I was 14 and grossly fat. Now I'm jacked and have to keep my eyes to myself because fucking is so damn easy

How do I get some?


Bro. That does not work. As soon as I talk, it hails spaghetti.

will you show face?

I won't.


thats a bit weird

what's your ab routine, and what's your pec routine?


feet are weird
but showing penis and ass everyday is normal

Actually, you know what? If you don't mind just share your full routine. I'm trying to optimize mine for a while before I switch tracks to primarily yoga and pilates for a bit. But I've limited access to equipment and I'm doing a very specific routine because it's available to me, I just want my pecs to be a bit broader and my obliques/abs to be perfect/very strong.

I want that core strength, yo.

And I'm trying to improve my back routine, as well. Shoulders/arms are on point. I could do more for legs, though.

whats your workout routine? how many days per week?

I don't really have an ab routine. Most of it comes from bouldering on overhangs. I do a few leg raises, windscreen swipers and front levers now and then.

For pecs, I primarily do dumbell bench presses (including incline and decline).

you're pretty lean. Do you know your body fat %

s h o w
h a l l u x
t o e

9-12h per week climbing / bouldering. Around 3h of gym.

dude just find some shy virgin 10./10 woman like yourself, just be yourself, be a nervous awkward weirdo but confident with her and you'll have a perfect wife

I don't believe such a woman exists.

How did you get there? Like really, did you actively avoid females/had too much selfrespect in order not to fuck a landwhale and be done with it or what?

youre right
go on a date with a pig

No. I didn't actively avoid anyone. Just never had any opportunity.

I'm pretty sure there is never gonna be an opportunity if you dont go after it, I say that as someone who's nearing 21 years as a virgin, I had my fair share of opportunities through sheer luck/trying, but screwed up basically all of them, I'm probably gonna fuck some hooker at 21 just to get it over with but still, you should get out more download Tinder find someone with 0 self respect or something idk

I've been using Tinder for years. No much success though.

How so?

Rarely get matches, and if I do, almost no replies.


Get tabs on web if u can idk that shit but it helps to talk to people. Whoever you got your weed from is a good start

What do you do for a living?

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I work as a cancer researcher. Long ours, not well paid.


Do you enjoy women? Not sexually, I mean are you resentful or angry about being a virgin? Do you enjoy talking to them?

Hey op, the only thing holding you back is yourself. Approach a female & fake confidence for 10 minutes & you could easily get it in.

you make enough to go to clubs and dance with women. Whats your excuse?

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I'm a socially awkward person. I don't know if I enjoy talking to anyone.

>There's a club if you'd like to go
>You could meet somebody who really loves you
>So you go and you stand on your own
>And you leave on your own
>And you go home and you cry
>And you want to die

OP is a liar. I'm the 36 year old kissless virgin.

pic related

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You might give off a weird vibe if you have anger or are desperate. People, especially women, smell insecurity.

Contrary to what you read on here, women and men have more in common than you think. Try to be more social in general (easier said than done, obviously). Talk to women you're not attracted to. Take women off the pedestal. They're just normal people with their own securities usually.

If they actively avoid you, keep in mind you might be giving a weird impression, based on what I wrote above.

>You might give off a weird vibe

I do. Because I am weird. I'm clumsy, awkward and generally like some kind of alien trying to act human.

>Contrary to what you read on here, women and men have more in common than you think. Try to be more social in general (easier said than done, obviously). Talk to women you're not attracted to. Take women off the pedestal. They're just normal people with their own securities usually.

I never put women on a pedestal. I've always found it easier to be around women than around men. Most of my friends were female.

I'm that case, it's just a matter of time if you don't act like a complete freak and just chill out.

Maybe I'm giving you advice and you don't even want/need it, in which case sorry.

My only tip is Tinder, lower your standards possibly (at least temporarily), and be friendly and pleasant in general.

Tinder is an option

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See here A nice body alone does not get you far.

Being social is a skill, like juggling

Flirting should feel like a muscular reflex, not a psychological one

You can only get there by accepting you're flaws and working to improve them.

If you're doing it right, you won't have to talk to people. People will talk to you.

People will come to you with questions, and for advice.

They will invite you out with them.

It starts with being useful to yourself, and to the people close to you.

Don't cut corners. Everything you do matters.

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OP youre such a sad sack little mopey bitch
your woe is me attitude is your problem

and making the same stupid ass posts on Sup Forums everyday isnt going to help you learn how to be around women

>you're flaws

Don't listen to a fucking word this man says

Lmao, Tenda is so fucking delusional.

>If you're doing it right, you won't have to talk to people. People will talk to you.
>People will come to you with questions, and for advice.

They do at work.

>They will invite you out with them.

They don't.

>at work

No amigo, not at work, this has to be outside of work. This has to be friends of friends that hear of how you help people (in what way, it doesn't matter)

It might sound a bit dumb af when put so simply, but your life is a heros journey. Or at least, you should work to make it such.

Are you passionate about your work? Is it a skill that's applicable outside the workplace like carpentry or auto repair?

>Are you passionate about your work? Is it a skill that's applicable outside the workplace like carpentry or auto repair?

Haha. No. It's a useless academic skill with no real life value. I don't really possess any practical skills.

you have little to no self esteem
and everyone can tell it soon as they start talking to you

So a 6 year wizard. Can you levitate or cast fire spells?


But you ARE educated. Surely you know how to operate a PC (copy+paste, ctrl+alt+del, etc)?

If those pictures of you are real then sure as fuck you can pick up some furniture.

You don't HAVE to work as a cancer researcher.

If you don't like something about your life, you can either accept it, or work to change it. I gave up drinking entirely, and quit my full benefits job at a university to move back home and work at Target.

Then in a month I got a slightly better job. Then the next month I got a slightly better job. Then the next month I got a slightly better job. And the month after that too.

It's not easy, but it IS simple. A puzzle is simple, fit the pieces together. That does not make it easy.

Changing your life is simple. How badly do you wanna hit "eject"?

>But you ARE educated. Surely you know how to operate a PC (copy+paste, ctrl+alt+del, etc)?

I do.

>If those pictures of you are real then sure as fuck you can pick up some furniture.

I do.

>You don't HAVE to work as a cancer researcher.

I got this job after being unemployed for about half a year. I became unemployed because I quit my old job trying to find something better. I made this step before and it didn't pay off.

you don't know where to look

Where should I look?

>quit my job trying to find something better

You quit your job.... before finding another one?

Ok so you're educated but maybe lacking a bit of common sense. That's ok though!

Part of the "starting over" aspect, is explicitly, working a shitty job. If it won't cover your bills, it's better than being completely unemployed

>trying to find something better

Are you able to currently define what "better" would be? It sounds cliche, but goal setting seriously helps when re-envisioning ones life

>You quit your job.... before finding another one?

Contract ran out.

>Are you able to currently define what "better" would be? It sounds cliche, but goal setting seriously helps when re-envisioning ones life

Better means less hours and more money. No more 70-80 hours a week for 50k.

How are you a virgin what the fuck
Are you extremely introverted or something like that?

hes socially retarded

He's gay but refuses to come out of the closet.

>quit my job trying to find something better
>contract ran out

Get yer story straight. Either way, it comes back to you. If you left without a backup plan, that's irresponsible.

If you had a contract, you knew it would end at some point, you had plenty of warning

It's probably not what you want to hear. Do you drink often? Any drugs? Go to rehab, FMLA will cover your leave. Then when you get out, start job hunting immediately and give your two weeks as soon as you have something locked down

>Get yer story straight. Either way, it comes back to you. If you left without a backup plan, that's irresponsible.
>If you had a contract, you knew it would end at some point, you had plenty of warning

Okay, let me be specific. Contract was running out but I would have been able to get another one at the same conditions. I tried to find a better job for about half a year before it ran out. Instead of taking the new contract, I decided to fully focus my time on finding something better.

I don't know whether or not you are a good person, so I am hesitant to tell you.

Answer these questions, and I will tell you if I deem you worthy:
1) What do you think about the concept of a god?

2) A son comes to his father and tells his father he is LGBT+, in your opinion what is the appropriate reaction for the father?

3) An attractive woman presents herself to you, and she is willing to have sex with you, but you have a bad feeling about her, not because of anything physical, but simply because it is in your gut. Do you ignore the feeling and have sex with her? Or do you leave the room and regret it?

4) They have something called "The Theory of Everything" which is supposedly an answer to everything, including why we as people exist, or if life has some greater purpose. If a person has the potential to be very successful, he is intelligent, attractive, he is ambitious...etc, would you consider that person dedicating his life to finding the answer to the theory of everything and never finding the answer to be a life wasted?

>1) What do you think about the concept of a god?

Would call myself ignostic.

>2) A son comes to his father and tells his father he is LGBT+, in your opinion what is the appropriate reaction for the father?

Acceptance. Unless he is also a fucking furry.

>3) An attractive woman presents herself to you, and she is willing to have sex with you, but you have a bad feeling about her, not because of anything physical, but simply because it is in your gut. Do you ignore the feeling and have sex with her? Or do you leave the room and regret it?

Attractiveness is more than purely physical. If you have a bad gut feeling, she is not (fully) attractive to you. I would not have sex with her.

>4) They have something called "The Theory of Everything" which is supposedly an answer to everything, including why we as people exist, or if life has some greater purpose. If a person has the potential to be very successful, he is intelligent, attractive, he is ambitious...etc, would you consider that person dedicating his life to finding the answer to the theory of everything and never finding the answer to be a life wasted?

I would not.

just for clarification. Are you the OP?

Also, it doesn't make sense to me why you wouldn't have sex with the woman, she is attractive. Just ignore your feelings and go for her. Let's say she is the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life. Would you still not have sex with her even if you had a bad gut feeling, based on nothing she said or did?

Also for the question 4:
How is it not a wasted life? He had so much potential, yet he didn't use it and he also failed at his goal to find the answer to everything. Why do you think that is not vain?

The other answers I consider normal.

>just for clarification. Are you the OP?

I am.

>Also, it doesn't make sense to me why you wouldn't have sex with the woman, she is attractive. Just ignore your feelings and go for her. Let's say she is the hottest woman you have ever seen in your life. Would you still not have sex with her even if you had a bad gut feeling, based on nothing she said or did?

I women who leaves a really bad gut feeling would be kind of unattractive due to that.

>How is it not a wasted life? He had so much potential, yet he didn't use it and he also failed at his goal to find the answer to everything. Why do you think that is not vain?

He employed his potential in the pursuit of a noble goal. Unfortunately, nothing came out of it. Maybe I'm biased because, like him, all I do is useless science