Political question here:

Political question here:

I can understand not wanting to own a gun or anything like it, but under what circumstances do you get to control another person's way of life, especially when it's protected by the second amendment?

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> but under what circumstances do you get to control another person's way of life,

When you have the gun and they don't.

That makes no sense. The question was if you don't have a gun and don't want one, what makes you think disarming civilians will result in anything good, and where do you have the authority to do that.

I don't think any one has the authority to do that. Hence the second amendment. Even in the modern era it keeps at least the appearance of governance. Other nation states like to claim superiority on that they don't need an armed populace to keep their governments from imploding but each one has different circumstances.

Australia is an island, Japan is a mono-culture, and Europe will be a in Civil/World War by next depression. Again.

My thoughts exactly. I don't come close to understanding the other side of this argument, but I'd like to, even if it is just to have a stronger argument.

Any semi-automatic weapon should be banned in the United States, and all known/licensed semi-automatic firearms should be taken by force.

That leaves bolt action, single shot, lever action, and most shotguns. Slugs for shotguns should be banned, and all firearms with an internal or external magazine above the capacity of 5 should be banned as well. Handguns especially should be banned and confiscated.

Okay, we already understand that this is a viewpoint, now explain why you think that's a good idea, why you should get rid of one of the amendments, and where you have the authority to do that.

Warren v Washington DC.


>According to the courts, police DO NOT have a duty to protect individuals, their duty is owed to the public at large.

According to the government, the only person responsible for your safety is YOU.

Even if you arent a supporter of gun rights, I dont known why you personally wouldnt want these guns. I can understand thinking "those other people shouldnt have AR15s, AK47s, and body armor" but if you know everyone else has it, why wouldnt you want it for yourself?

It doesnt make any sense. I think all gun laws are infringements, but if youre worried about being a victim of gun violence because you think youre in a country with a bunch of gun toting psychos, why wouldnt you carry a gun around yourself?

Doesnt make any sense. You would have to be some beta fag lib to have that sort of failure in common sense.

So for LEO, Military and rich suits as well? Otherwise fuck that shit. I might favor old Mausers and shotguns because they're fun and easy to shoot, but no piece of shit wearing a badge should be given the opportunity to abuse their power, cops and suit wearers are dicks as it is.

I have no authority because I'm a citizen that holds no office. Our elected/appointed officials have the authority to do that. Obviously to minimize deaths related to gun violence, whether it be mass shootings or otherwise. Frankly, limiting the types of firearms one can own does not "remove" the second amendment. It simply amends that amendment. Let's not act like an amendment has ever been removed before either. Citizens would still be able to own guns for hunting, protection, livestock protection, and other things. Just not a semi-automatic weapon that can hold 10-15+ rounds and can be fired in rapid succession. There's simply no need for that.

Idk, I still think it's not within the governments power to take away my weapons either. I am almost certain that the entire reason behind having the second amendment was so that the government exclusively could not disarm us.

Yes, of course I think it should apply to the rich, law enforcement officers, and to some extent, the military. I see no issue with those weapons being issued for active duty soldiers on deployment to combat zones, but it would apply to active duty soldiers on base or on leave.

Yeah, I was mostly pushing it on the "taken by force" thing, and confiscations, I just wanted to seem like a hardass

I think maybe a buyback would work in a sense though... Maybe trade in your firearm for a legal one, I'm not sure

That's for lawmakers to decide I guess

just wanted to post this chick and her "guns"

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See now a trade-in for a legal one is something I'm not against, but I'm certainly not for, ya feel? Like if it happened I certainly wouldn't be as mad as the alternatives. However, I still feel the law and amendment should stay as is.

Whats going to happen is that all the semi autos, especially the quote unquote assault weapons will be added to the NFA registry by 2028 or sooner. That will get rid of tons of them owned by people who really didnt want one in the first place.

That works to a point. Granted these scary guns exist and hobbyists like myself wouldn't want to give them up for various reasons, IF, and ONLY IF, LEO and servicemembers in garrison on soil had to get the same treatment no matter who said what, then it wouldn't be such an issue. It still does boil down to a point of "who the fuck are you to dictate my life?" though. Civilians have an issue with confiscations because pigs and rich fat cats have the money and access to shit us average Joe's don't, and that leaves a huge accessibility gap. Most people including myself are convinced they're not making the streets safer for us, they're making the streets safer for THEM. Surely I shouldn't have to explain that, but if it were COMPLETELY universal, no bullshit or tricks behind closed doors it wouldn't be such an issue. Problem with that is, you can't trust those fuckers. Basically they'd have to not exist at all at this point.

I think it's just one of those things nobody's ever going to agree on

I personally own about 7 firearms in total that I use to hunt and protect my sheep, chickens, and cows from predators and shit

Everything I proposed would be my ideal, but nothing's ever as simple as we could hope

Remember that non violent resistance is a fairytale perptuated by the media and pop culture. When they are done with your little protest they will clear the streets. The only reason they hold back is because they don't want to awaken the sleeping giant. Gun bans and confiscations are attempts at killing the giant. We must not allow this to happen.

I absolutely agree that no one will agree. I mainly started this thread to understand the other side.

Yeah I do certainly understand that viewpoint, and with all the bullshit conspiracies happening, (especially the ones that are becoming true) I certainly feel like we might be approaching a Hong Kong state dangerously soon if we continue with this.

Can't give an inch either; that's what they want. Sure it may be just a little law here or there, but eventually you know what they want

While I agree with both of you lads, it's also important to not get too paranoid. We got some serious shit to get ready for, but let's not start calling for favors until they're needed. We can stand our ground when threatened, but let's not start fighting the government until needed. I understand that puts us at a disadvantage combat wise, but let's pray that doesn't take away from our numbers too much.

You've never watched home invasion videos. You would want maximum force in using weapons to protect the life of your loved ones, that is unless you wanna miss the criminals, run out of ammo and watch them rape your daughter all night.

Edit: wrong posts, tagged users below.

Deaths related to gun violence has been dropping for 30 years, despite an "assault weapons ban " expiring

then leave you for dead. Criminals don't follow the law (obvs). So they don't care to murder anyone, even if it's at a place where "no guns" are allowed

Right while I get this, I also feel that sort of thinking leads to extremism. We don't need a damn AC-130 to protect ourselves, and we sure as hell do need some sort of limitation to draw the line at, but I feel some people have taken such initiatives to limit weapons as "Fuck it, let's get rid of em all."

>under what circumstances do you get to control another person's way of life, especially when it's protected by the second amendment?
Umm... none?

except in liberal cesspools like Chicago with the strictest of gun laws.

> we sure as hell do need some sort of limitation to draw the line at
We already do, but since grabbers want to keep grabbing, fuck em. Let's push back and get our full autos back.

Guns are the problem
>Ignore that majority of gun deaths are hand gun related, and caused by niggers.

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This argument is tired garbage. The guns are obviously imported from a host of states. Most are bought legally in surrounding states. I am pro-gun but stop peddling this distractionism. It's trash

Majority of gun deaths are suicides.

speaking of that. Why is it when they talk of gun violence, they only want to talk about the 3-4 mass shootings we have a year and not the daily nig nog violence in cities which accounts for far more deaths?

Most guns used in crimes are stolen or from a friend / family member.

This is not a bad thing.

While not a boomer, I definitely got a chuckle out of this. Thanks for the laughs mate. Feel free to come in to the conversation as well, these lads are all swell.

>calling one of the wealthiest, most important cities in the western hemisphere a cesspool

top kek

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...yes? California is a cesspool too.

They have resorted to calling domestic disputes (Oklahoma) and gang violence (Fresno) mass shootings. In a country of 350,000,000 people they continue to be exceedingly rare.

Bro, hate to be a bummer, but while I'm not putting down Chicago's importance to the US, it most certainly qualifies as a cesspool.

You are also a blogposting faggot.

hahaha okay user. keep telling yourself that


Nigga Chicago has been irrelevant for like the last 10 years. Its why everyone is moving outta it, if it was such a great plaace why do you think no one is living there? If cali is so great why do you think everyone is fucking fleeing from cali.

Yup. I would never leave a cop as my only line of defense. I have my gun locker right next to my bed and my dog is annoying as shit. Unless a ninja is breaking into my house, they are dead as shit

It would be very easy to make sure gun owners have a safe in their house. Just let the homeowners insurance go up if you keep a bunch of guns unlocked and lying around instead of in a safe. Let there be a 1200 dollar deduction for a safe and IF a crime is committed with your gun and its shown you didnt lock it up then yeah, some class A misdemeanor for that or a little worse. People should be held accountable for loose weapons they own. Also the family doctor could decide if a person is suicidal or homocidal in just a few minutes. The government needs to be out of it and the community needs to play a bigger part in it. The current system doesnt work as easily 3% of gun owners should not have them.

My buddy came into a small amount of money two years ago and decided to do a road trip. He ended up in Chicago and after a fun night in a bar, he was mugged for his $1000 cell phone by 3 niggers. Yeah, cesspool.

Anyone who doesnt own a gun is by definition a copcaller and a faggot snitch. Prove me wrong.

Lol this is retarded soymilk logic right here.


When your stupid "small-dick compensation" hobby puts me and my wife's kids at risk of being shot, that's why.

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So the entire city of Chicago is a cesspool because someone stole your friend's cellphone. Are you retarded? Are you a retarded person


Come try to take them faggot. Your kids will have a new daddy.

who tf gonna check your guns user? You gonna send in a promissory note and photo of your secured firearms and have them believe you? I like the idea, but it doesn't work

No, the idea is it is known to stay out of Chicago because it is shit. My buddy was happy go lucky and ignored that. For his mistake he was robbed. Luckily he wasn't murdered like the chick who hitchhiked across the middle east to prove it wasn't a cesspool.

> using a homophobic slur
> threatening violence

Enjoy your ERPO, son.

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Hey nigger, I love guns and I got a strong 6. Come at me bro

I don't live in a cuck state. Nice try though.

You must be new here.

Im not erotic roleplaying with you faggot

Not until a crime happens. Noone is actively checking anything. Just be in compliance so if your gun is stolen you are not held liable. Not saying I agree with it, but people need to protect themselves from shark attorneys and shitty civil suits. Its real easy to be sued by some sad family. Its the same as when those same sad people sue gun manufacturers or distributors as if they really had anything to do with it.

Found the fairy

Good point. Guess you should stay in your trailer park your whole life

>chick who hitchhiked across the middle east to prove it wasn't a cesspool.
i forgot about that.

I don’t understand the logic of having one in the “just in case” moments. I’m not even talking about joining an armed rebellion to take down the government. I mean like someone is at your property trying to hurt you or your kids, or trying to break in. Just like guns, I have a fire extinguisher in my house. I’m not carrying it with me everywhere I go expecting a fire around every corner, but I have it on standby in the off chance there is one and I can save my property and family. Sure you can call the fire department if you have a house fire, but by the time they get here it’s already out of control. Same logic applies to guns. Just because I have one in the house doesn’t mean I’m walking around clearing corners with it. If you’re banking on police response time to save you’re life, then RIP

>Political question here:
>says simplistic and widely touted opinion thinking it will get him approval
Go back to the containment board, faggot. Sup Forums is full of braindead retards already. Also, you're a waste of dubs.

Actually, I live on 100 acres in Cali, make six figures and have a wonderful pension plan. Suck my balls

people are fleeing from california because the demand to live there is so high that rent, utilities, etc are so expensive. basic supply/demand

weird because my guns dont get up and kill people, and neither do i.

Alright, left for a drink. I'm back now. How does me owning a gun in any way threaten you, your wife, or your kids? I keep them in a safe and keep the code memorized instead of physical. In no way does my safe ownership affect you.

so now you're saying liberal California isn't a cesspool...

That was clearly a bait poat dipshit

You shouldn't be walking around clearing corners, but with how fast a home invasion can happen you should have a gun within reach. Fires tend to start small and spread.

Statistically your firearm is far more likely to end up being used against you, stolen, or used by you in a suicide. You need to face the fact that firearms are a public health issue and they need to be eradicated from civilians just like smallpox and polio.

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I'm not a frequent poster on any such of these sites, so I'm not quite familiar with what a bait poat is, but I'm going to assume I wasn't meant to respond?

Well, it is just tolerable enough where I live to do my next 18 years here then take my California pension money to Florida, Maine, Washington, Alaska, or Arizona. Those aren't cesspools.

Go suck down some more ethanol drunky.

>not a cesspool

holy shit you mongoloid

>t. Nanny-state authoritarian
How about no?

You're asking people that think any amendment should be disregarded if it hurts their feelings.

>Public health issue
Except they are not? because more poeple die of knife wounds then they do guns, more people die in car crashes then guns, and those are not health issues.

Guns are tools, they are no more dangerous then a wood axe, the person holding it is the problem. The thugs, robbers, muggers, home invaders, those are the problem.

Idk man, kitchen fires can spread pretty quick (but I digress)

I keep my AR and shotgun in my upstairs bedroom and my S&W in the downstairs den. Like I said earlier, my dog is annoying as shit and a light sleeper, unless Kakashi sensei is breaking into my house he’s dead

The weather is awesome, also I'd be living on one of the keys. Anything else? Should I not drive a Ram? Is my Vstrom lame? Is my hair style not to your liking? Would you like a warm towel?

>The weather is awesome
I can tell you have either A) never lived in Florida year round, or B) Only went there during the winter, because it fucking sucks summer.

Yes, while I think my side is right, it's still important to understand the other side's points, even if they're fucking stupid.

>Guns are tools,

Gun are designed for one thing and one thing only: to kill. I can see a case for allowing a civilian to own a hunting rifle or a shotgun, but something like a handgun or an AK-15 belongs only on a battlefield.

>The thugs, robbers, muggers, home invaders, those are the problem.

Yes, so leave your house and call the police; if a human life to you is really worth more than a few mere possessions, you need to rethink your position.

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Dude did we just become best friends?

Do you know if your buddy was in the downtown area of Chicago when he was robbed.

>keep your guns safe
>don’t be suicidal
I‘ll bet you both my eyebrows at any given moment if you tried getting into my house to hurt me I’d have a gun to you by the time you even made entry. I got home security and a loud ass dog, take your chances bud

I used my pistol and AR-15 today without killing anyone.
>Yes, so leave your house and call the police
The cuckoldry is strong with you.

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People are this naive

Idk, he was sight seeing so I guess

God you’re an insufferable fuck. And I say this having read all your replies with the other retard you’ve been talking to. Chances are likely you two douchebags are meant for each other so how about you two get hitched.