If I were to live in a car, how would I keep my electronics from overheating in the summer?

If I were to live in a car, how would I keep my electronics from overheating in the summer?

Anyone have any ideas?
I was thinking of somehow jury-rigging my trunk to have solar powered AC.
Is anyone a hobo here or previously homeless?

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Hey OP i have lived in vehicles for years. Started in a car, then suv, van, now a short bus. AMA. Your electronics will be fine btw and youd have to have a fucking killer solar/battery setup to run anything like a gaming pc etc. for long. I just use a generator and a couple of deep cycles wired up from under the hood to charge off the alternator when i drive.

Wait, I'm pretty sure the semiconductors in the computers will melt at a certain temperature. My phone shows overheating messages when I leave it in the car, for instance. Would it be safe in the trunk? I just really don't want to ruin my stuff.
What generator do you use? Where did you park? I was thinking a cheap campground(rather than paying gym membership for showers), will they kick me out after a while?

Dawg. Seriously. Just get a slightly above minimum wage job. Probably a tall order since you're considering being homeless. But you got internet connection. One of my biggest shortcomings was not finishing college. And I was lucky to have a family that loved me. Think of the poor bastards that didn't even have that. But I got my CNA and now I have a 2 bedroom apartment all to myself now. Vidya and whatever else I want now. Regardless of how hard you work, you will always need to work more. That's life. You might get a miracle and luck out, but at what cost? Seriously, work hard while you got the chance and cry about being a failure later. You're young and got your whole life ahead of you. Just fucking put your nose to the grindstone and get to it. No better time than ever, since you will always be too late to whatever you want to do now. That's the nature of being human, 20/20 hindsight.

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Campgrounds will probably let you stay as long as you pay. But really, you can park amyfuckingwhere for a night. Youll have to move around town if you want to do it for free. I have a gaming laptop and i used to cart around my desktop, never had problems except once when i was moving i left my keyboard on the dash and the keycaps melted. Leave the windows cracked, cover them on sunny days and install a roof vent to regulate heat when youre not in it. Also you will learn to find shade pretty quick if youre somewhere that gets hot. I have one of the quiet honda generators now, mostly use it for the air conditioner. One deep cycle battery will run my laptop, gaming, for about 8 hours straight. Also you can use swamp cooling by wetting towels and putting them over the open windows, but it looks ridiculous haha.

Hi there im the actual homeless dude itt and i make over 70k a year playing music on the street all over the country and have next to no bills. If he is capable of thinking outside the box and not giving up there is literally no better way to save money than not paying rent with some shit dead end job. And how do you know he isnt alrwady working or student? Simply being homeless doesnt make you a failure

bruh just work min wage, even part time i was able to have an apt without trouble.

and if you're living in a car anyways just fucking drive to somewhere colder??

Lol, kinda my point. You can always do better than where you're at it. Even if you're homeless, you can accomplish great things with what you have

I do have a part time minimum wage job, I make a couple hundred a month which isn't enough to rent anything.
>you got internet connection
I have not been kicked out yet. The main reason I want to keep my electronics is because I'm an aspiring writer and all my documents from YEARS of writing are on my devices. Paper would and pencils would probably end up even more annoying to maintain stock of. I could go to a library to use my laptop.
I am pretty resilient so I don't tend to get down on myself. As long as I can afford a shower, I don't mind sleeping in my car.
>Campgrounds will probably let you stay as long as you pay
I actually just looked up campgrounds in my area and they're expensive. Totally forgot I lived in a tourist town, fuck tourists.

Do you think it's wise to buy a firearm? Or would that get me in trouble?

>why not drive somewhere colder?
The whole problem is no one else wants to give me a job. Moving would imply I lose my only very small amount of income.

Yeah campgrounds are expensive, and only getting more expensive. I have a shotgun, but i also live in a bus. If you can have a handgun in your car legally where you are and it makes you feel better go for it. Ive never run into trouble like that and ive been homeless for 9 years. What town do you live in if you dont mind sharing?

>couple hundred a month

bruh do you only work like 10 hours a week? jesus christ get a job at mcdons and actually do some work. what do you even do with all your free time? complain on Sup Forums that you'd rather be homeless?

What the fuck user jesus christ

what instrument do you play? Im a violinist, can I do this too?

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dude is living the easy life and doesnt even know.

Unless you're autistic and can barely function (which honestly wouldnt surprise me at this point) then you should be able to handle flipping some burgers for longer than a few hours a day, 2 days a week.

At american min wage making say 300 dollars (couple hundred) a month, you're literally only working 9 hours a week. That's pathetic.

Sure. I started with a stupid hippie drum. Made far less with that but it was still somewhere to start. I play guitar, mandolin, ukelele and harmonica. Just go where there is decent foot traffic and try it out. Most of the time i make enough to only play on weekends.

I don't really feel comfortable telling which town but campgrounds definitely aren't an option. There's a couple Walmarts and a Target nearby, though I'm not sure if Target likes people sleeping in their lots. I don't want to park along some random road because I don't wanna get jumped.
I'm not complaining. I work in a grocery store and they mass hire people then only give them so many hours. Living in my car doesn't look so bad when I see a Mcdonalds worker.

Working at all is pathetic imo i cant begin to wrap my head around why you would ever recommend someone working at mcfuckingdonalds. You will never get anywhere working wage slave jobs.
By the way, the easy life is the right life.

lol @
>Working at all is pathetic imo

because they hire anyone and OP seems to need all the help he can get to land a job.

Sure you wont make significant progress working a shitty min wage job your whole life, but guess what? making enough money to afford a place to sleep is a pretty decent start. With proper budgeting dude could save up and go to college or buy a book and learn something. Eventually work his way out of mchell. Get into management even then start applying for manager roles at better/more respectable places. Put some fucking effort into his life.

dude youre homeless. you're in no position to look down on anyone

You arent going to get jumped. If you are going into this with fear mentality you may as well just stop now. You are literally going to be the guy people are scared of. Normies cant think around someone living in their car. I lived on the street for 2.5 years before i got a car and like i said i have never run into any trouble, and ive been doing this in every state but hawaii and alaska. You could take it from me, no one is going to hurt you. Most people just dont believe me though and i cant help anyone that wont listen. Tourist towns are safe. Local walmarts will figure you out and get tired of your shit if youre there more than a couple nights a week. Target is a no go. Find a different sleep spot for every day of the week if you can. Use the walmarts, truck stops if youre on a highway, parks, industrial areas. You will find places pretty quickly if you just look around, and dont be afraid to try new ones. Worst case scenario the cops just come tell you to leave. Most places allow overnight parking and sleeping in vehicles but look up the laws so you know if you can even do that where you are. Oh yeah, if youre paying for a gym anyways just make sure its 24 hours and youll be able to get away with sleeping there throughout the week as well.

He has a place to sleep shit for brains
Im looking down on your dumb ass, reeee some more normie

ok boomer, ill ree all the way from my home to my job and back. never thought id see the day that telling someone theyre retarded on Sup Forums is normie

Go back to plebbit while youre at it

>thinking that reddit is for normie plebs


I just don't like the social and stressful side of fast food. And yes I'm being picky. I never said that I am depressed or baited with suicide, I am perfectly fine with the idea of living out of my car and I'd still prefer taking less personal gain over increased stress. Ultimately I am going the path of least resistance. And really I'm taking up less space while I'm at it, so it only benefits real estate :)
I'd take a full time job in landscaping, carrier, or something somewhat peaceful and not so social... but those jobs are in demand and they aren't handing them out right now when I need them. I'll keep looking though.
Thanks man. I have a gps for my car so I will be all good finding places without internet for the most part.
What do you eat by the way? I thought cooking wasn't much of an option since I don't even have a microwave.

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For internet, if you want, I just pay for unlimited data on my phone. Its 80/mo and i use the hotspot for the computer. You can also usually get signal from anywhere with free wifi from the parking lot. If you go the gym route you can find one with a stove/microwave. Otherwise you can use a small propane camp stove to cook if you want or use the microwaves at gas stations. I eat fresh mostly and cook every day now. If youre going to store food, get a good container so a mouse cant get it and make sure you keep your car clean. No trash heap horder b/s. Oh yeah the 24 hr gym will also give you access to a toilet at 24/7 which was a lifesaver for me sometimes before i built one in my bus.

>Its 80/mo and i use the hotspot for the computer
This is a good idea but I'm not sure if those networks are secure. I know public wifi isn't but data is something different.
>Gym with stove
Were these usually busy when you used them? I was thinking Planet Fitness is the cheapest, but if I can get a stove in the deal I might pay more if possible.
>keep your car clean
I'm pretty organized but I won't lie I'm probably going to hoard most things I deem useful.
Will a gym kick you out of their lot or can I stay there for a long time?
Lol sorry I'm asking so many questions.

Its all good im usually the only dude around Sup Forums for this stuff so fire away
I paid up to 75/mo for smaller gyms with stoves and just shop around and ask them how many members they have, what the peak hours are. Those are normal questions, most people have specific schedules and if you find one without too many gym rats you shouldnt have trouble going when there is no one/only a couple people. They also have a fridge most of the time. In my experience, as long as you pay your fee you can be there however often and as long as you want. Make sure you actually work out at least a little though, stay healthy. Getting sick sucks and youll be exposed to a lot more living around town than in your house.

So it sounds like it would be smarter to pay more for a better gym in this case. I'll look around.
I think that's actually all my questions...
Luckily I own my car so the only bills I'd really have are phone, car insurance, gym, and food. I think if I can get at least $400 a month I could pull that off.

You need tinfoil and package all your devices in it.

Yep thats pretty much all there is to it. It takes a couple of weeks to adjust, make sure you get enough sleep if you do it. Oh yeah you can also use grills at parks to cook/heat stuff up. Check around for storage units too, sometimes you can get a closet size one for next to nothing if you dont have anywhere in town to keep things.