

Attached: 7.jpg (1126x1154, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: flcl 3.jpg (339x447, 22K)

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aki thread!

Attached: deet10.jpg (645x497, 25K)

Attached: 413.jpg (750x1000, 75K)


Attached: 20191126_132550.png (1038x1080, 1.16M)

Have a drink.

Attached: Warspite Oxycola.jpg (1200x717, 317K)

I dont want Aki to become an alcoholic

Attached: 20191126_131325.png (846x1080, 733K)

Attached: deet23.jpg (933x507, 40K)

It's just soda.

Attached: queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_miicha__sample-4a6755c209968e658d6c9cad4f8c1e5d.jpg (850x434, 111K)


Attached: 8.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Attached: IMG_20191016_174155.png (464x706, 286K)


Attached: 20191126_131144.png (426x613, 183K)

*Happy noises*

Attached: Konata1372.jpg (1300x1700, 752K)

Attached: 389.png (475x731, 259K)

Goodnight Aki

Attached: Hellsing Schrodinger 157.jpg (500x570, 64K)

Add firebirb7

Will do.
Enjoying the HG?

Attached: Warspite Christmas 3.jpg (800x800, 159K)

no im dead :)

Attached: 187.png (267x789, 153K)

Hi dead

Attached: Konata1419.jpg (936x962, 443K)

hi dead

Attached: nokari.png (671x148, 25K)

My Bulin made it to 5th place without killing anyone.

Attached: Warspite.(Azur.Lane).full.2228048.jpg (566x782, 220K)


Attached: Konata850.jpg (2480x3507, 577K)

i thought that was you :^)

Attached: AAAAAH.gif (297x400, 95K)


Attached: Konata491.png (597x754, 370K)


Attached: 341.jpg (622x350, 23K)

One day my Bulin will reach the top.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_disco_brando__sample-9dac9a4ac6f30c69d92867cd2cd7cbce.jpg (850x778, 118K)


Attached: Konata278.jpg (800x800, 299K)

its you again. hello.
waiting for user-chan, of course. I guess i'll hang out in the mean time, though.

Nice people :)

Attached: Riamu230.png (1000x1500, 1.44M)

i believe.
its a comfy place to wait..
hopefully they will be back soon

Attached: 151.jpg (738x883, 228K)

what exactly are these threads? just an image dump or just shoot the shit thread?

Aki :) Hug

Attached: Riamu208.jpg (1019x1440, 297K)

cute pinky

Attached: 12.jpg (1200x1152, 366K)

nice nurse

and you?

its just a comfy talk thread
say whatever you want

Attached: Konata675.jpg (600x700, 75K)

once there was a girl.
she has no name. but she has varying avatars.
she's funny, and properly embodies the greatness of the internet.
she used to post more.
As far as I've been told, OP posts a thread similar to those she(Named strawchan, then later "user-chan") would post.
it's probably the best way to get her attention.
every night she does, and it's started to gather attention from people. so. they have fun.

that's about it afaik.

Cute pink friend :)
Nice blue haired friend!

Attached: Riamu211.jpg (900x1404, 199K)

(named by the people, that is. not her. she is just anonymous)

just some schizo talking to themselves
very very

Attached: 299.gif (540x540, 1.47M)

Attached: curry.jpg (731x1024, 65K)

nice nice nice pinky

just go to sleep

Attached: Konata466.png (640x480, 207K)

>Say whatever you want
did you noticed how fucking batshit crazy papa John's looks nowadays?

Must train first.
Didn't he say a day of reckoning was coming soon?

Attached: Warspite 4.jpg (1200x857, 125K)

pretty much like any other pizza branch
or food branch
or anything...

Attached: Konata460.png (640x476, 242K)

limit break
not yet

Attached: 74.jpg (500x469, 48K)

>me again :P
I mean look at his greasy face and hair!
How many pizzas do you have to consume in order to look so fucking insane like this man?
Maybe he's going to steal forty pizzas
I'm talking about the man formerly known as papa John's!(pic related)

Attached: ccelebritiespapa-john.jpg (1398x838, 66K)

Hug :)
Nice nice... bluey..? :)

Attached: Riamu213.jpg (850x1147, 256K)

Have you ever tried Papa John's? I never had it.
Yep, but a Bulin must be sacrificed.
Dam he looks rough. I guess after the falling out caused him to look like this.
Pink Dubs.

Attached: Limit Break 2.png (280x280, 178K)


Attached: 026.jpg (1197x1428, 125K)

Warspite fren! Hello! Limit Breaking dubs!
hugshugs :)

Attached: Riamu217.jpg (850x1348, 324K)

do it soon
pls dont sleep late

hes not ok at all
not even funny, or entertaining
pretty sad and dissapointing

yeah, bluey its okay pinky

me neither, i only have tried dominoes and littles caesars, both of them are ok, caesars its pretty grease, sometimes it make me feel bad

Attached: Konata345.jpg (878x658, 103K)

>40 pizzas in 30 days
>without dying
I'm really impressed to be honest

Hey there, just trying to finish up some astronomy assignments.
I really like Domino's, though I've been trying to stay away from pizza lately.

Attached: warspite_azur_lane_drawn_by_nemeneko_6__sample-402c6a1d0daded79f396e7a4992f0ced.jpg (850x1200, 321K)


Attached: 43.jpg (849x1200, 315K)

at least 1 pizza daily
you should do that in way
poor guy
being the mascot of papas johns made him crazy

whats your favorite type of pizza?

Attached: Konata351.png (700x700, 260K)


Bluey! That's nice, I think I'll just keep finding new blue related things to call you
Oo astromonomy asssignments, that sounds hard. I hope it's going well
cuddlecuddle :)

Attached: Riamu234.png (1000x1412, 821K)

always late

thats okay just do your missions

Attached: 209.jpg (1000x600, 349K)

nice cuddles :)

Attached: 010.jpg (1200x1200, 293K)

that sounds fun "flamingo"


Attached: Konata779.jpg (549x352, 180K)

Pepperoni and combination, mainly. No Hawaiian allowed.
Not bad, just a lot of reading.
I've been keeping up, also got a hundred cubes saved up. Warspite retrofit comes out tomorrow, I'm excited for that.

Attached: Warspite & Enterprise.png (1500x1051, 1.02M)

I think I eat one whole too if try!

I never have papa Jon, bad pizza?

Tire today, very cold, very warm safe with blanket heavy and fuzzy like your, I think

Sorry if sleep too fast,

Attached: 0B29A531-4EE1-4D93-89B5-DCE785D0405B.png (581x343, 90K)

i was going to say the same about hawaiian but i didnt found the words
all heil to pepperoni

dont do that has not healthy at all
pizza is good when you share it
also i havent eaten papas john, sorry

Attached: Konata399.jpg (1050x700, 81K)

Cuddle :)
Tiny China! Cute :)
It does sound interesting.. uh.. "blueberry" Maybe I'm bad at this
That's good, I hope you can get it done soon so you can relax :)

Attached: Riamu221.jpg (850x1297, 206K)

cute pinky :)

Attached: 475.jpg (1200x1186, 581K)

dont worry cotton candy, youre doing it well
i forget to ask how was your day?

Attached: Konata443.jpg (700x840, 475K)

I see you have good taste. Pineapple is good by itself, not on pizza.
Rest up, if you're tired. It was cold and rainy today, but the blankets make it better.
There's still some time before turning it in, might as well get it out of the way now.

Attached: Warspite 10.jpg (526x553, 128K)


Attached: 1574752587266.jpg (1199x3392, 1.59M)

Ah.. You're better than me at this. All is well though... "Jeans" heh. My day was good, just had work and now games!
Cuddle, nice pink fren :)
That's good, I hope all goes well with it :)

Attached: Riamu136.jpg (851x1200, 119K)

nice pinky :D cuddles

Attached: 257.jpg (1024x744, 308K)

this is a weird question but do you like the strawberry milk shake?

Oh what game are you playing "sakura"?

Attached: Konata431.jpg (500x500, 163K)

Attached: 220.png (1080x1441, 696K)

goodnight aki :)

Attached: 0080.png (999x894, 1.02M)


Attached: Konata201.png (1280x800, 641K)

Tanks! It's really fun :) Maybe you could play sometime... Whale... Sorry it's between whale and recycle bin and both are pretty mean. I think you win the name game
Sleep well aki :)
Hughugs :)

Attached: Riamu207.jpg (1000x1400, 776K)

are you playing, WORLD OF TANKS?
also yay because i won, both names are ok, they arent meany, theyre are just names

Attached: Konata1415.png (777x866, 490K)

huggy C:

Attached: 63.jpg (745x815, 199K)

Close! War Thunder :)
I'm glad you don't mind, heh. 10/10 pic!!
Nice pink, pat pat

Attached: Riamu229.png (800x800, 299K)

very cute pinky

Attached: 787.jpg (3840x2160, 427K)

No problem.
Almost done.
Strawberry and mint milkshakes are my favorites. A burger place use to go to had the best milkshakes.

Attached: queen_elizabeth_and_warspite_azur_lane_and_1_more_drawn_by_ishiyumi__sample-0fbc8d81430c1e58500b3c75 (850x680, 143K)

20/10 pic
ultra cute, even if raimu is sad

never heard of it before

Attached: Konata802.jpg (1024x1024, 819K)

yay! You almost got quads :(
I'm glad you think she's cute! Konata is cute too!
That's good :)
yay! Cutes!

Attached: Riamu172.png (800x800, 409K)


Attached: 30.jpg (1000x1200, 393K)


Attached: Riamu18.jpg (825x1200, 635K)

You ever have mint flavor gum? It's similar taste. It's been a while since I've been there, I need to check it out again.
Gonna get some rest soon.

Attached: Warspite.(Azur.Lane).full.2231840.jpg (1500x1370, 1.38M)

Anyone in this thread like moe?


Attached: 675.jpg (774x1059, 207K)

I hope you rest well when you decide to :)
If it's cute I like it a lot
Cuddle! That's a cute china pic!

Attached: Riamu228.png (827x1170, 1M)

Soo...he...was behind of that

Attached: 5631573135093784.jpg (1544x1197, 111K)



Gonna hit the hay soon, goodnight all.

Attached: Warspite 9.jpg (996x1000, 162K)

sleep well

Attached: 8860443_p0.gif (300x300, 24K)

Goodnight friend!

Attached: Riamu238.png (752x1064, 1.25M)

gib dot


^ kawaii dotposter

Attached: 38742_p0.gif (400x400, 14K)

You are mistaken, I'm chinatsu.