Let's play a game anons

Let's play a game anons.

You wake up, a young black boy in the hood... It seems your alarm has been going off for an hour. You're late for school. But school's never any fun, so now you're wondering if you should even go... Your mom isn't gone- she's working one of her three jobs. Your father left before you could even say a word. No one to raise you and tell you what to do but yourself.

You pick up a gram of OG kush, a lighter and your smokes, and walk out the door...

Now what to do?

Inventory: one gram of OG kush
Pack of smokes

>single roll, choose an action (0-4 bad outcome 5 neutral outcome 6-9 good outcome)
>dubs, you choose an action without fail
>trips or higher, you choose an action with a great/godly outcome

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shi gee how am i gonna roll this gram with no woods??

> Find a white woman


>The saucy little number held me at gunpoint, while the slippery ventriloquist fucked me in my ass.

is jacking off a sport?? youtu.be/b373e8BzW2U

You wander outside and mutter to yourself "Shiiii gee, howm I gunna smoke dis shit?"

You get the sudden urge for a white bitch. Walking around your (dangerous) neighbourhood, you don't have much hope.

Then you see one of those piss-stained, graffiti-covered city buses roll up. It drops off some blonde hoe wearing some slutty tank top and ripped up short shorts...

Inventory: a gram of OG kush
Pack of smokes

pull down my pants

You pull down your pants. But she's too far to even notice. Nothing really happens- you've just pantsed yourself.

Knock her down

Go to the hood stop n shop and ask the clerk if he's seen your dad

walk into a store and try to steal more smokes by pretending i have a gun in my pocket

offer her a smoke for a blowjob

You go up to this thirsty looking blonde hoe with a wide grin.

"Hey hoe. How bout you suck me off n I give you a smoke?"

She blushes and hesitates. Then nods, while you take her to an alley nearby. You hand her a smoke while she's busy slobbing on your knob. It's succulent, as you nut quickly in her mouth and leave without another word.

Luckily, this alley leads to your favorite corner store: Nigger11. You see the usual clerk and ask the usual question.

"Yo, you seen any sign uh pops?"

The store owner chuckles. An old black man who's used to you asking everyday, just where your dad might be.

"Nuffin new... Ay, shouldn't you be in school?'

Nigger d&d? Oh I’m in. Imma go holla at my crip homie rq. Get jumped in and have him set me up with a revolver. Specifically a revolver bc no shell casings when I go rob someone

Steals chips


offer to blow clerk

"Aight, well I'm out. I'll be back tomorrow, yearme?"

While you walk out of the store, you look back and see the clerk distracted by his cellphone. You manage to jack a bag of Doritos.

You head down the block towards your buddy's house- a fellow Crip. You walk up to the little patio entrance and knock on the screen door. You hear your friends voice.

"MA, someone's at the fucking door, fucksake."

No reply...

"Nigga, get the fuck in here."

He opens the door for you and you head into his living room. You plop down on the couch and sit in silence.

"Whatchu want then, nigga?"

You stutter a little as you work up the courage. " Ah, man- I'm lookin for a fucking piece. Maybe a- revolver, yearme?"

He laughs and thinks for a second.

Oh I’m already crip? Ok cool. What is the rank of my homie does he have any real say so in the local gang?

Yell "Muh Dick" at everyone I see.

I try to intimidate him.

Do I retain my current knowledge?

Find a bored white housewife to fuck

Jump off a building and hope I'm reincarnated as a jew.

>throw the weed in the trashcan at the park
>run my ass to school because it is literally the biggest key to success
>talk to all my teachers after each class, first apologizing for the way I'd behaved prior to today and promising a fresh start from then on
>ditch all my nigger friends, go into the library during lunch and make friends with the nerds playing d&d, get a few of them to tutor me in exchange for tips on looking cool
>go home and clean up the house because a clean home gives a sense of peace and stress relief to all and mom working 3 jobs doesn't have the time
>hear nigs fighting outside, call the cops from inside and watch them take away what were my friends up until today
>when they leave, go online, apologize to all the women I've been harassing online, half think I'm joking, a few say thanks
>get to talking with this land whale that I drunkenly axed for head from, she ain't half bad, maybe I'll take her out for a date
>browse to fbi tips site, report all my dealer homies and houses they go to
>mom comes home tired, say "yo ma, sorry for how I been in life. I made dinner, and I want you to know that imma help out around here a lot more to say thanks"
>see tears streaming down her cheeks as she sinks down and weeps
>head to bed feeling like less a boy and more a man

You rolled a 4 though .....so you get shot in drive-by shooting . Just anotha nigga claimed by the hood



Blame white people for my problems

You have social ties to a few Crips, but no real standing, as your simply still a student- no real street cred. Your friend here is a bit lower ranked in the gang, but does have connections.

You successfully intimidate him- grabbing him by the collar, he looks at you with wide eyes, asking

"Just what the fuck dyou think you doin mah nigga?" He says this in a stern fashion, but you sense a bit of fear in him.

"I want a revolver right now, man. I know you gots a few, shit- no one's gunna notice one missin. Hook a nigga up- you don't wanna know what I'll fuckin do."

He lets out a little laugh and gets away from your grasp. He goes to another room. A few moments later, he returns, holding a plain revolver. There are no bullets.

"Shit nigga, getcho wannabe ghetto ass back to school. I ain't got bullets, but here's your goddamn gun. Don't do any stupid shit now."

Inventory: a gram of OG kush
Pack of smokes
Empty revolver

After getting the gun, you contemplate suicide... The urge stands at the forefront of your thoughts... You wish you were born a Jew...
But it would take more than a double roll (whatever that is) to get you to lose any sort of hope for living.

kill myself because behind the screen i'm still just white.

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It seems you were off zero, though whoever is behind and off the screen can indeed choose to kill himself.

This young black, misled boy meanwhile tucks the revolver in his waistband, and leaves his buddy house...

I roll

what i always do, I hit up one of my stoner friends and tell them to spark up with me. No good doing it alone.

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As a nigger, this is easy.

>Deposits my whole inventory
>Goes to school

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