I'm shoppin' for a new game. What do you niggas suggest?

I'm shoppin' for a new game. What do you niggas suggest?

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Ace Combat 7

Toads that Battle.

MGS V: The Phantom Pain

oldfag detected

Super Mario RPG
Def Jam fight for NY
Oregon trail

If you want something up to date. Titanfall 2

Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 remake. Fun spoops and good gameplay.

No Man's Sky is so much better since launch.

Fuck I meant resident evil 7 and the remake of 2. Tho remake of 1 is good, yet a bit dated.

This is true

New star wars is pretty great

What kinda stuff do you do in No Man's Sky? It's one I was thinking about buying, but it looked like it might be boring


It's a really mellow game. There's some ship combat and some ground combat, but it's pretty barebones. The meat of the game is exploring, building, and progressing. There's a pretty good building system for bases and shit (including underwater building). There's plenty of shit to craft and upgrade, including your ship, fleet, tools, land vehicles, etc. Mostly though your just gonna be exploring new planets/solar systems, discovering rocks and plants and animals, and mining/harvesting resources. If none of that really appeals to you then you won't like the game. There is an actual story now though.

Outer worlds or death strading

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Persona 5.


You do not need outer worlds. If anything get it on game pass if you're on Xbox.

Horizon zero

DMC 5 or Nier Automata, if your an FGC fag GGXRD REV 2

this or monster hunter world

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Buy Skyrim again

If you have a PC, buy RE2 remake on Steam. On sale currently. Not sure if it is on sale for PSN.

Seconded, p5 is the shit
Outer Worlds is a little lackluster. Like I know /vg/ usually talks a lot of shit about every game but for once I agree with them. Outer Worlds is proof of concept more than anything, each playthrough is lackluster and you actually have to go out of your way to not finish sidequests. I did 3 playthroughs and pretty much feels like I was seeing everything I could see by the 2nd one. Good game for speedrunning tho, nice and easy.

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Outer world's definitely

Borderlands 3

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peasant pc

Goat Simulator GOTY is $12.

only good taste itt


Night in the woods.


Death stranding is the most boring piece of shit game I’ve ever played

Cringe at your singles cuckboi lololol

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