This is the best pizza in the world! Prove me wrong, pro tip: you can't!

This is the best pizza in the world! Prove me wrong, pro tip: you can't!

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Nah I agree with you bro

Absolutely it is

best pizza in the world

If culinary critics say something is simply not done, it must be good.

Who's pizza is it?
I mean, anybody can make a Hawaiian pizza.......

Pepperoni and pickle is good too

I agree

Damn, I am not even anybody.
Which Hegre model is this by the way?

> be me
> multitasking

Sounds odd, yet interesting

pepperoni is better than canadian bacon, and black olives are necessary.

no homo but id totally suck your cock

I don't understand why people get weird about pineapple on pizza. It has always been just another option and tastes good.

I tell you what is weird, that Chicago pie they call a pizza - WTF?

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Chicago style is the best, pineapple slut

All pizza is good. low tier pizza, frozen pizza, off brand pizza, name brand pizza, homeade pizza, 5 dolla hot n ready
I literally have never had a slice of pizza that wasn't at the very least "ok".

Whatever triggers MoDS is my favorite

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I prefer BBQ chicken
But Hawaiian is kinda close tho

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This shop near me makes Hawaiian BBQ chicken pizza with pineapple. OMG! That's some good pizza.

Jew York is a shit hole but the pizza is great.

Stuff that crust and you have my favorite pizza

I like to combine those two

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>Pepperoni and pickle is good too
What kind of pickles?

Based and checked

There's a reason you don't get Chicago pie outside Chicago but new York style is defacto pizza worldwide

I like mine aged 13 years

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But Chicago pizza in Chicago, at least at Lou maldanis or whatever, is shit.

Go to California for good deep dish. Chicago just has dijiorno

Nope missing one thing. Siracha sauce. The one with the rooster on the bottle. Put that shit on everything.

The sweetness of the pineapple combos perfectly with the savoriness of the meat, usually ham/pepperoni/both and it's lovely. Love pineapple pizza.

did you shit in a pizza box just to make someone's opinion wrong

I like the way you think