Detective time b. I received a message from a random number yesterday saying

Detective time b. I received a message from a random number yesterday saying

"i know who you are and I'm going to kill you."
I asked who it was and they said "your worst nightmare" and threatened my family.
I thought it was just a friend of mine so I ignored it.
Then I got another message today saying "i'm watching you" with 2 photos of a 14-15 year old kid (i think) on a bus with some younger kids behind him.

So now I realise it wasn't my friend and probably just some kids fucking around. But if they think my number is the kid in the photo they are probably bullying him and with the death threats its pretty horrible and serious.

So I want to find out the school of the guy in the photo so I can contact their principle and tell them that someone is bullying their student and give them the photos and the number they came from.

I don't recognise the school though. Thought maybe b could help me identify the school.

I cut out jus the uniform for the kids anonymity. Badge looks too blurry to read for my eyes.

Attached: 77410282_723753421441289_6395052015633825792_n.png (661x590, 243K)

BTW I am in NSW, Australia


send him a picture of your dick already you faggot jesus

Bumping because user is a good guy

if its an aus mobile it could be any state.

see when he sent the 'im watching you' pic to figure out the timezone, that'll help you narrow it down.

Take the text to the pigs and they'll follow it up from there. Remove all smut from phone before showing them.

3:35pm the text was sent. So the should mean it was sent in NSW, VIC or TAS right?

that's the most likely, yeah. still the two biggest cities in the country but it's a start. I'm not in either of them so cant help too much.

no luck just punching the number into google/facebook/etc?

nope, no luck there

I'm elsewhere in aus so don't really have a working knowledge of nsw/vic schools, but I'd start by hunting for schools with 'mt' or 'mount' in their name going by the logo.

does it look like a school-only bus or a public transport bus? NSW/VIC/TAS public transport are styled differently


Oh yeah? you reckon mount on the the sash across the shield?

Called the police. They were fairly unhelpful. Told me that they will send someone around to take a statement. But were kind of treating it as if I was worried about my safety, not looking out for a kid. Was hoping they would try and find the school involved to help the kid. Feel like we will do better on here

that's definitely a mountain on top, it's got a snow cap and all. not too many of those in aus.

>source: never saw snow until I went to tassie in the winter

yeah the school is gonna do more than cops if we can find it. forward the number + screenshots through to the school address and you might get the kid suspended.

Where are you seeing the mountain top?

bumping cuz

for real op show us the bus details, that could really narrow it down

Attached: mountainshigh.png (123x133, 35K)

here we go

Attached: 77410282_723753421441289_6395052015633825792_n.png (768x1024, 446K)

looks like its a sydney state transit bus.

Attached: busseat.jpg (640x480, 86K)


Attached: 76972166_2615931778628890_5443931903071617024_n.png (480x640, 234K)

ooh yeah!

if it isn't a private charter, figuring out the model of the bus might help us find out what route its on. I'll dig a bit more.

Skin color average might help narrow down exact part of town
Being honest not racist

when the fuck did emus found out how to use phones and threaten people?

Attached: 1562479500738-b.jpg (640x701, 48K)

Main kid looks Lebanese or something.
Half Chinese kid and a 2 caucasian kids

jesus so many schools have sashes and mountains

you are right. the only solution to bring justice to these bullies is to shoot every school in australia

Yeah. I found a Wikipedia page that lists all the schools in NSW under a few categories. Shows all the mount schools together. Was Google imaging through them but had to leave the house for half an hour

I don't think it's a mountain. I think it's a shield, with a bar of text running top left to bottom right. Kind of like Northbridge Public School's logo. That's the closest one I can find.

well fuck, looks like I might be an idiot after all

Yeah, for sure a shield. I thought people were talking about a mountain within the shield in the top right

do they look like primary or high school kids?

It looks like the other kids go to a private school (ties and collared shirts). And maybe the main kid has a sports day on wednesday or that is his normal public school uniform. Am i being too general about private and state schools here?

Fuck, it might be Northbridge, and you might be right about a sports day. Check out the description from the Northbridge uniform site for boys sports uniforms:
The boys school uniform for sport is as follows:

white sports polo shirt with school crest royal blue shorts
white socks and runners
option of royal track pants in cooler weather (Term 2 and 3)
regulation coloured house polo on house sport days

high school, all of them. but young

yeah, the uniform fits for sure. But definitely not the right logo. It looks like there are stars in the bottom left. Northbridge has stripes

Just tel the cops. Aus cops are fucken lethal over this kind of shit.

send em this.

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I told the cops. They searched for the number and it came up with nothing (meaning it is probably prepaid). I am going to my local station tomorrow to file a report. I just feel the police wont do as much legwork to find the school and contact them

I'm finding a lot more public schools with logos that are close, most private schools go for less generic logos

plus there's no guarantee this isn't just a public bus that multiple schools are using.

If it’s an aus mobile phone then that’s bullshit. Every phone needs to be registered to an ID.
Must be an international sim.
This kind of shit always gets checked out and followed through. They will follow through with the school. The school will know who is in the photo. Some little shit will get their arse kicked.

Soo...he...was behind of that

Attached: 5621573135099784.jpg (1460x1151, 176K)

getting closer, pretty sure that's a southern cross

Attached: St_pats_crest.png (1000x1199, 404K)

Yep. I reckon you are right

Like I said, I am filing a report tomorrow. Would be good to be able to tell them what school it is

catholic schools seem to like it

Attached: our lady of lourdes.jpg (156x163, 10K)

Definitely different schools I reckon

bump vigilante Sup Forumstards

Just checked the exif data as well for location. No luck

Yeah. that looks very much like the arrangement of stars

Does Signal, the texting app strip exif data like facebook and shit?

I can't contribute to this thread becuz im an americafag but shouts out to all you guys in here. finally a good thread on Sup Forums

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Haha. Mate. Get involved

what do you guys reckon?

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holy shit ! that's it!

Attached: School-Sports-sq3.jpg (800x800, 48K)

Sup Forumsros for the win lets go

Do us proud OP and MAKE SURE that these kids won't bully the other kid again. I'm not sure what's the process from now on but do as much as possible (informing the police, principal etc)


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I'm on the edge of my seat

so whats the plan now OP? you gonna give this to the police, or send the screenshots to the school and say you're concerned for the student's welfare?

catholic school tho

Attached: img_5729.jpg (1024x683, 75K)

Absolutely will. Will inform police and the principal.

What do you reckon? school or cops or both?

Weaponized Autism prevails yet again! Bump for great fucking justice, keep this thread flowing you faggots, this is gold

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>sydney catholic church
>vulnerable child who needs protecting

this feels like its going in a pell direction

Both. If you make their jobs easy for them I bet there's a bored cop or two who wouldn't mind scaring a few faggoty private school bullies. Teach these little fuckers a lesson they won't forget.

since they found it, update us if anything interesting happens

Bumping for justice, OP give us an update

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I absolutely will update yall tomorrow

OP here. Thanks everyone for your help. Big win for b/ Updates tomorrow

no worries op, glad spending 2 hours of my work day looking up bus seat patterns and clicking through hundreds of school websites paid off.

if I see a headline tomorrow about a marcellin student getting molested by an internet man I'm gonna be disappoint

Attached: officialdiagnosis.png (396x176, 49K)

how did you find?

Thank you for doing this user. Good luck!

Put me in the screencap you fucking homos

Attached: 1573541677559.png (1029x1000, 1.28M)

nice digits
>figured out from bus seat they had to be in NSW
>worked through about 150 random sydney schools
>figured out the southern cross pattern was used that way exclusively by catholic schools
>started working through all NSW catholic schools.
>found school

while we're here and dealing with legal shit:

If vodafone accidentally send me like 500 MMS messages intended for other people and then denied the incident happened when I reported it, should I tell an authority or just delete them and pretend it never happened?

Sup Forums brings justice once more

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Nice. Yeah. I was working my way down a Catholic schools in NSW Wikipedia list as well. It was looong


This getting screencapped or what?

some, yeah.

and submitted directly to today tonight


this the Sup Forums we all miss
who the fuck else could/would figure this shit out

sue them. make some money out of this. i would ask a lawyer, seriously.


Get them to meet you at a park, then ask what park they want to meet at, and what street its on, drive there and bash the fucking shit out of all of them.

Hey, faggot. Kids will be kids. Stay the fuck out of it and stop trying to be a rat.

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thats why schools get shot up

chances are we can all relate to the kid likely being bullied
this is Sup Forums at its best

No, schools get shot up because of spergy fags that can't fit in and can't cope with not fitting in.

>can all relate to the kid
Only as you yourself are a faggot

Nice one. Let the bullies bully. Fuckin idiot

screencapped. absolutely golden thread

if you didnt get bullied you dont belong here

quads do not lie

You gonna cry about it?

nah it built character. you gonna ignore my quads?

Yes. Only newfags acknowledge post numbers.