Drawthread:oh wow am sorry edition

drawthread:oh wow am sorry edition

Attached: 58410148_149038452814548_5297620011809718660_n.jpg (640x640, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're feeling pretty pathetic, just remember you're not as pathetic as this fucking retard.

Attached: Shadow.png (2244x2042, 2M)

Requesting Roxanne and Stacey giving Max a double blowjob like in the bottom pic

Attached: RoxStaceydbj.jpg (1384x2048, 593K)

r/ing a bowl of ramen noodles being scared of being eaten

gudmorning niggaz

Attached: rider.png (642x720, 131K)


someone requested this image edit a hot second back last afternoon if that guy's still here.
>grayscale only the owl, shop into night time

Attached: shadow86.png (919x1200, 1.31M)

Pretty shit.

Fuck off

it is 1am you titty monster

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 38K)

Fuck off

i always waake when u go to bed :_:

Attached: rider.png (262x256, 21K)

Wow it's shit.

Can i have a repost of the Milly drawing from last thread? :(

archived (:

Attached: 1574819037867.png (323x314, 13K)

I totally forgot u could do that, thx bro, i'll fap furiously to it

Requesting Blue fucking taking a massive but not unrealistic dark brown wet shit and white piss on Owen's dick while he's fucking her

Attached: (m=eaAaGwObaaaa)(mh=5QLYVI2PfSVlTWaa)2.jpg (640x360, 95K)

fuck off bigot

as is that the sun and the moon may never meet, we shall forever be controlled by the destiny of the night and the day shift

......or whenever I feel like shitposting

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 108K)

Neck yourself dog fucker

Fuck off

Found him, lynch that nigger

Requesting a continuation where this fusion is having sex with a random trainer.

Attached: 1566571346333.png (1054x1254, 290K)

one cannot hope to become anybody with only 2 words

eat your heart out

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 44K)

Fuck off

not Shadow, just someone with empathy, kill yourself nigger

>pretending to not be shadow
Okay dog fucker.

prove i am bitch


in what context have i ever used the word bigot in my normal day to day conversations lol

Attached: 1569179583.phallusbro_sketch_stream_21_09_small.png (950x1280, 232K)


Fuck off, loser.

imagine feeling empathy towards a guy who fucked his dog

/r/ big robot ass n tiddy

Someone can link the last threaD?

yeh yeh get in the machine now i gotta try this new gizmo thing

Attached: rider.png (581x489, 198K)


Attached: 489673867.png (658x617, 53K)

Fuck off

nice multi browser posting, shadow.

heya T
ended up trawling through some of the payday OST for a couple nights to throw on my phone
think imma nail this one as a nice filling track.

man, most of the avatars and their samefags must be sleeping tonight. that or it's because of what was going on today

>trying this hard to start drama

huh? seems pretty decent for activity over today.

we had wurm and nines here just a second ago

They'll post in a few hours or so.

This is a well-known, observable pattern going back years.

Whatever time of day the spergout sessions and spam sessions are, the avatarfags will avoid it, and they'll move their avatarfagging time to when the autists leave. If the autists change their spergout times back to when the avatarfags are posting, it'll take a few days or maybe even a week or so, but the avatarfags will slowly start to switch times again.

It's safe to say that, for the avatarfags, their lives literally revolve around these threads, and if these threads were to be taken away from them by mods or if they started getting banned for their avatarfagging, we'd have a literal suicide spree on our hands. I'm not sure if you've been here during those days last year when the Sup Forums went down for 12+ hours at a time, but you'll see the same avatarfags that were posting right before it went down start posting literally seconds after Sup Forums comes back online. Can you imagine refreshing the page for 12 hours straight? And it wasn't just one time, this happened numerous times, three at least.

And after this place loses its charm for them, they quit drawing altogether or disappear without a trace. I call this place the last train stop on the ride to Suicideville for the avatarfags. Very, VERY few manage to hitch a ride on the train to Redemption Junction.

hot af
lets see that slutty robot!!

>fucked his dog

*fingered, and?

>shadow sucking his own dick this hard

>like, you're lucky i'm drunk enough to be down for this
is payday fun? never played but heists are my shit

Attached: Turbo.png (800x600, 154K)

Fuck off

...it's illegal in most of the country

if you like popping heads and objectives and left 4 dead, hell yeah
majority of the time will be spent either ducking under cover between npcs in stealth mode, or waiting on your drill to finish up while you're assaulted by an onslaught of police

Salutations, any simple drawing or quick colouring requests?

Attached: _Don'teventhinkoffuckingsiegmund_.png (768x768, 123K)

Fuck off furfag

this, two threads ago confirms

Can you make these 2 women from Fairly Odd Parents have fun with a dildo?

Attached: yhjihi.jpg (1378x786, 199K)

the law =/= what's morally correct

some animals can consent

What happened two threads ago?

these 2 sleeping together

Attached: d9c869c3ffeb (lower res).png (2100x2406, 1.8M)

I would like Luna to be raped by tentacles.

Attached: exjmko.jpg (1840x973, 361K)

perfect just needs some accessories to finished up and it good to go to the testing phase

Attached: rider.png (590x661, 86K)

not the or but this is good

>fucking animals
>morally correct

Attached: well fak.jpg (450x398, 23K)

fucking WHAT

Attached: Shadow and animal relationships.png (638x178, 25K)

Fuck off.

^^requesting more like this^^

fuck hot

oh thats right, i gotta add a Sup Forums in there somewhere... it's on, Sup Forums
ahh fuck it, ill just post it

Attached: 1574833976634m.jpg (718x1024, 67K)

seconding this wat

Attached: shadow86.png (1124x406, 6K)

it is obvious when avatarfags samefag.

You'll see Avatarfag A enter the thread, and they'll always be given the same style responses from "anons" every single time. The chances that Avatarfag A and the same anons appear in every thread together dozens, if not, hundreds of times is slim to none. Even some sort of coordination with other avatarfags in the Discord chats would be near impossible that many times.

Now is every positive response they get a samefagging attempt?
No. Of course not. All I'm saying is it's blatantly obvious when they do, and calling it out when it does happen, there's nothing wrong with that.

Attached: cock.jpg (1214x697, 51K)

Shadow, stop pretending that isn't you. Fuck you.


Gary Shirl, mystery man, cleaning product salesman and plain old old man wore his orange headphones plugged into nothing but wifi signals.

The ocassional bitch took his notice as he swept his mop, selling suds to dirty lino.

Could you post this for me the bitch said.

Yes Gary said, she was the beatbox to a drumbeat he quite liked and preferred to keep on liking.

He shuffled his hips


just enough to make the ghost of his broken walkman jiggle the frayed end of his headphones back to life.

Requesting Skarner lying on his back, pinned in slime while Kog'maw rides his dick and cums on top of him

Attached: KogSkarRef.jpg (2504x1312, 530K)

Ay I'm back for real this time.
I'll take some non-lewd reqs

Attached: quick.jpg (600x600, 55K)

Just made this on stream

Attached: BustE,.png (962x674, 531K)

hot indeed

Attached: rider.png (508x1054, 212K)

>ignores the fact some animals can consent

Attached: strawman.png (428x384, 200K)

So the best came to this planet and are still sure it's the best and suitable backdrop.
Shirl had enough of this shit.
He strung out the mop on his arm. Swaying her. Asking her left and right how much she liked his hips. Jiggle left, jiggle right. Yes, no. Which is which, did she care.

I'll post it. Postman Gary, the scratching post, scratch and sniff the bitch's perfume. rating it low against his cleaning agents.

Fuck off

Gonna pass...
Hi Rider

Attached: _hmm..._.png (768x768, 57K)

Fuck off.

it's nothing sexual, just sleep

throw user into bimboification machine

what animals CAN'T i fuck

take it easy
im sure she'll make you loads of shekels

nice titanum tits, the ferrum ass cheeks are to die for

how many more metal sex puns are there????

Requesting some fluffy haired girls getting their hair tied together

Attached: anne-marie-hurst-ghostdance.jpg (804x1024, 80K)

ones that are too small for your dick i guess

nothing is too small for my penis

requesting you draw me

see if you can guess nerd

Attached: Leyla_Black_Lingerie.png (1000x1000, 712K)

It's shit

not bad

Attached: 1537066830016.jpg (798x770, 195K)

how tho?

stop user too much puns
off we goo ha ha more test subject
hi sig

Attached: rider.png (564x566, 243K)

Fuck off

>like, you're fukt up, Rider
i'd throw you in the bimbofication booth but it wouldn't do anything >:Y

i'm outta here
keep it sleazy thread

Attached: Turbo.png (600x800, 242K)

didnt say it was good user
its not bad

oh no you overloaded it and it became an Studification machine

how *fucked* is rider?

Fuck off

T'was a normal night in a normal house and all the bars were open, letting in and out every cat sized lout. Not many of them here, everything was too big to fit through allowances.

It was time, hard time. And everything shined.

Courtesy of the biggest man, the man with the plan, Shirly man.

No wives asked nothing questions within earshot. Lighter than clean flurescent lights looked with security cameras for the recipe for life. Scared of their own reflection enough to always be looking at something else. Looking at straight silver they saw they were alone in failure. Numbers didn't make that any less true with them all silent doing the same shuffle.

>how tho?
reach into your third eye

Tap tap went the mop. A guard took his try at an act to repeat for his wife. If he couldn't beat them he could join them. To his wife. He stopped mopping. Fucked in his own head. All the time. Breif respite from the mopping man wasn't enough, or was it. he had another try, always giving up halfway almost there telling him it's why he failed to get anywhere.

frick sumthing went wrong
hehe uwu see ya turbo
sorri to tell ya this user but we have t do it again might work this time

Attached: rider.png (512x516, 191K)

Fuck off

Hair-is-hey dealt the cards. Calling everything but knave's death.
It was a game the inmates liked to play, making up the rules as they went until it was a prison they could go nowhere with.

Then Gary something would come down, shuffle them with other decks from other tables and pull out a platform for the rest to continue around a lucky player. Taking his pick of the pretty queens with the rest throwing in to buy him her.