Would you fuck or buy a sex doll if you had the opportunity?

Would you fuck or buy a sex doll if you had the opportunity?

Are you curious about sex dolls?

Doll thread.

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I am curious, but it seems a bit impractical. Where tf do you even store it? It’s massive

whats the difference between a women and a sex doll? I don't see any.

If they made anthro dolls I would bankrupt myself to get one *sigh*

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Anthro? Does that mean furry? Im not familiar with the term but heard it before.

I mean you could probably just get a furry suit for a regular doll right?

It's easier than you think, I mean you could unscrew the doll head and place it back in the box. I personally have a closet space dedicated to my doll, got one of those small fishing/camp chairs for her to sit on while stored.

Storage for dolls has never been an issue for me. Some anons have mentioned getting a tall/wide gunsafe with a key entry lock for their dolls.

A doll will not nag at you, only love you.
A doll will always be ready to cuddle and fuck you.
A doll will not bleed you dry of your income.
A doll will not cheat on you or leave you.
Most importantly, a doll will not fart on your dick while you are spooning her.

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too much like necrophilia

How so?

Does that mean you view fleshlights as vagina cut out from a woman to be fucked?
Same with women and dildos? Just a chopped off penis some chick is fucking?

Grow the fuck up, you fucking child.

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I bought one, because "cool, sex doll"... tried fucking it one time. Just felt weird as shit to me. Im use to looking into the eyes of the bitch Im fucking. I like the various sex moans and facial expression. Doll just kind of... is a fucking doll lol. That shit been in my closet ever since. Pretty sure it probably is all bent up and shit. Boxes and all kinds of shit is sitting on top of it.

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I'd love to buy a high end one. My life just hasn't gone down hill enough. I have a girlfriend and live with my family so there would be no hiding it.

If I was single and living alone you fucking bet I'd pound that sex doll pussy a dozen times a day.

>A doll will not bleed you dry of your income.
Dont they cost hundreds to thousands?
>Most importantly, a doll will not fart on your dick while you are spooning her
But it's so warm and stinky.. it's hot user. It's hot because its unexpected.

There will NEVER be any surprised, or unexpected anything with a sex doll.


She finally moved for the first time since Thursday just two hours ago. She sat there in Hawaii, getting a tan, the entire time. She arrived Thursday evening, immediately went on a customs hold delay, came off that delay on Sunday, I called in and was told that she cleared customs, just for her to go back on a customs hold on Monday night... And today (well, yesterday now), I called in again and bitched all the way to a specialist and finally got to the first helpful person at FedEx to date.

I didn't manage to connect with my case manager whose phone number I had been given, but right as the shift change occurred it dumped me into the normal after-hours line and I got a generic specialist, and the more she dug into my shipment the more confused she got. My shipment is set up as a non-entry because the declared value is under $800 (but I paid $1600 so... yeah that's already kinda sketch), which means it shouldn't even touch customs and should just pass through assuming the paperwork is right. The paperwork was right, but the carton was flagged as "exam", but no exam ever occurred. There were two notes, one to contact the consignee for clearance, but no reason why, and no notes that anybody ever did contact the consignee, and another note to contact ME, which nobody ever had even when I called in to talk to FedEx customer service. And then she started looking at the movement scans of the carton itself, and came to the conclusion Saeko wasn't even on US soil yet!

She was as confused as I am, and kept digging in deeper and got her supervisor involved in figuring out what happened. Three hours later, I got a voice mail (because of course my phone would drop the call) with her saying her supervisor got my package cleared through customs. And two hours after that, Saeko finally started to move again... with the estimated delivery date still being Wednesday.

It's almost over. How the fuck am I supposed to sleep like this?

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Bro a real girl will cost you fsr more than a doll.
And im speaking from tons of experience.

I would buy one, but I feel like that's a lot of work just to bust a nut when I have a perfectly good fleshlight that gets the job done. Sure it's not the same experience - but the end result is the same, even if getting there probably isn't as fun. Not to mention, having to clean and powder and whatever other maintenance needs to be done on a 90lb doll would be a bit of a pain - but not a deal breaker. Mostly, for the thousands it would cost - I'd be too worried about ruining it to really enjoy it.

Otherwise, I would hands down by doll in
>pic related

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wow that's weird. i wonder what really happened. would have been really scary if it was a loli doll. anyways congrats!

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Granted she left me, but I never spent much of anything on my girl. Sure we went 50 50 and even that pissed me off, since I would've have bought an ince cream anyway in my own time..

I probably cost her more over time after fucking up her tires :/

My doll queefs

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You obviously never been in any long term relationships, young blood.

Hawaii is where loli dolls usually get seized so i think the customs people there suck. maybe they wanted to check to see if your doll was a loli one or something

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I still think they were fuggin the doll

Yeah, no longer than about 5 months. That was my longest and only relationship. I'm starved for intimacy.. maybe I should blow my next check on a doll.

Yeah, I'm really hoping they didn't inspect her, and if they did that they were respectful and repackaged her properly again.

I did have a laugh talking to the FedEx lady, though; she said "I can't imagine what they're looking for, it's just a mannequin..." and I told her, lady, if you believe that's "just" a mannequin then I have a bridge to sell you... She got my drift and laughed it off.

I may never know what the issue was, but at least it got resolved.

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I would absolutely fuck one. Would never buy one though. Maybe if porn shops let you rent one for an hour for 10 bucks I'd give it a try but that's pushing it.

Sounds like you got the right idea G.

Get that doll and save ya money up for bigger and better things than some dumb thot

LOL. i hope she arrives safe and undamaged

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Soo...he...was behind of that

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They seem great for photos and stuff, but how are they for actually fucking? Seems cold

Ask me again tomorrow, and I'll give you the details.

And maybe a video.

they warm up pretty fast

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i would totally like to have a shorstack doll to hug

but im poor af

if given one privately i wouldn't mind, the clean up aspect makes it very undesirable, so if someone else handled that i would be down.

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black friday sale


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I could go for a teen doll lile that.
Seems great to practice drawing teens and kids (because you can just not ask for them to pose, it'd be... problematic).

But I have a girlfriend and she wouldn't understand it

A friend of mine who knows I'm a horn dog has been refusing sex with me since we met. We came close a few times. A few times when I was involved with someone, she said that that was too bad because she was about to give it up to me. I told her I'd drop my partner right now if she would hook up with me, which made her back out. One day, I told her that I was gonna' buy a sex doll modeled exactly off her and I'd quit pushing us having sex if I get one. One day, we were making out and she put on the brakes, she was down to her panties. I pulled out a high-res camera and some taylor measuring tape and told her I was ready to send away for her doll clone. She got mad, stood up, and said if I was a man and pushed past her putting on the breaks each time we would have had a lot of sex. She stopped talking to me. Okay, because I did not rape my friend over and over again, I am stuck without her as a friend and no doll clone to fuck.

Where do you even find the child dolls?

The doll stork brings them wrapped in a blanket

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I've never actually looked at a doll store before but damn, this Ashly is one of the hottest things I've ever seen

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Check out hgdoll for lolis. They have good prices and manufacturers.

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>go on hgdoll
>loli dolls everywhere
damn. And pretty affordable too...

I wonder if it's safe to order for where I live... is there a guide to "is it safe to have a loli doll in your country/state" somewhere?

From what I know FL, KY, and TN and maybe AL are the only states that have set any precident interpreting indecency laws arbitrarily with dills... there's no federal laws though and those get shit down every time the reach Congress.

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instead you should buy a 12 gauge and blow out your brains you loser.

well, I'm not from the US... eurofag here
Which is why I asked if there's a general guide for it. It may interest other anons too.
Thanks for your answer anyway. And that's a cute cat, pat its head for me

ironically, in my country, it would probably be more illegal to own a firearm than a doll...


Remember talking to you in an older doll thread, glad she's on her way! Sounds like a nerve-racking adventure haha, but I bet all of this only makes you love her more once she arrives.

Sadly no guides on laws that I've personally seen. Think there's a couple European countries that have a prpblem but maybe another user will come along and help. And Thanks you!

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>if I was a man and pushed past her putting on the breaks each time we would have had a lot of sex.
Jesus Christ what's wrong with her, at least a doll will never pull that shit on you


>Jesus Christ what's wrong with her
Fuck if I know.
And agreed.


It won't love you lol, it will lay there and stink as bacteria grows in the places you missed when cleaning. It won't bleed tho, I'll give you that, lmfao

Yur obviously doing it wrong

Just use Poser3D for drawing models

Drawing from still pictures and from real objects is different but yeah, a posing software is an alternative. You need to find good models though.

Use what you know from your makeout sessions. Your imagination will fill in the errors. Also, how hot was she? I mean, you'd leave who was giving you pussy for her pussy should she give it up? Was she supermodel material or something?

She was not most people's 10/10, just a 10/10 to me. She, physically speaking was exactly my type and was the exact personality type (except for being a blue-baller) I'd hook up with.

If someone sends around a petition to have a government-paid sex doll for those who admit to being pedos but need one to not touch kids, I'd sign that petition.

anyone know if CatDoll will be having a sale this year? If so I'll pull the trigger so fucking fast! I wish dollguy was here :/ he used to post a lot and all his dolls are cat dolls.

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Sex dolls of today are primitive and freaky looking. I'd rather die and reincarnate at a later century when the technology has advanced where we have fully automated androids that will be exactly the same as a human.

where can i buy this doll?

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Why do the dolls posted in these threads nearly always look like children?

possibly because they are insanely more affordable tbh

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Hypothetically, if I had the money, and had the means of storing it away when I had guests in such a way they'd never find it - then maybe yes I'd consider getting one. I'm fascinated by them. I think they're kinda creepy, but like, I own a flesh-light so what's really the difference?

scadonsak.com/13557667/asks-his-friend-to-bang-her That ass

Probably this
Never considered myself to be into children, but the price factor is really important when I'll eventually get to order myself a doll.
Also I imagine that dressing it up (which is a bigger part of the hobby than people think) is a lot more fun with a child-like doll because of the cuteness factor

They're also a lot easier to handle, as they weigh a lot less than the full size dolls do.

But that's fine. They can keep their loli dolls with itty bitty kitty titties. I will take my big fat cat tats.

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A question to those who have one, how do you store them/hide them when you have people over?

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Don't worry if you get a girlfriend you will also go bankrupt

OK dollfags I need your help. I want one with with face taht looks like pic related.
Please help!

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i'd buy one if they made them in the shape of popular celebs or vidya characters, but thats never going to happen

here u go

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Up scadonsak.com/13557667/asks-his-friend-to-bang-her

The manufacturers don't make them like that... but you can.

Cosplay is cheap. Don't let the con sluts tell you otherwise. A full 2b outfit, for example, will run you less than $100, wig, boots, the whole nine yards.

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i feel this one
could be made into a convincing nyotengu

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Two questions insert or built in vaginal, is it worth extra for standing option.

her with red hair

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There are people who claim that built-in feels better, but at the cost of much higher cleaning requirements.

Standing feet is mandatory. Unless you know for a fact that you never want to stand your doll up for any reason at all -- doggystyle, ease of dressing her, storing her in the closet, photoshoots, just having her hang out -- then you should always get standing feet. A doll without standing feet is basically just a bed partner. If you're 100% sure that's all you want, then go ahead, but about 95% of dolls are ordered with standing feet (according to vendors) and a large proportion of the 5% who don't order them come to regret it.


built in does not only feel better, but also looks more realistic. and when fucking them with condom/famale condom the cleaning effort afterwards is close to zero

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