You can only post ITT if you’ve killed someone before

You can only post ITT if you’ve killed someone before
>self defense
Share your feelings and stories below & bodycount if applicable

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I killed your moms pussy last night bitch

War. December of 2007 in Afghanistan. Got into 4 firefights ranging from 10-500 meters over the course of 2 1/2 days. During the second one we were moving through a wadi and a couple idiots started taking potshots from the left in a trench line maybe 250 meters away. Usually I would just take cover and let the grunts take care of it (I was a medic with the infantry) but I had an EOtech on my M4 that my dad sent me for my birthday and I just wanted to use it. We had been deployed for almost a year and I felt like I needed to check the “kill” box for some reason. Put the red dot on the guy, pop pop pop, he went down like one of those clowns you throw balls at at the fair. Didn’t feel shit, just a little dirty and underwhelmed. Spent the next 3 days swamped with patients and didn’t think much of it.

>Harlem leader
That's a funny way of spelling Malcolm X.

Was drunk driving and ran over and killed a 8yo kid.

Does 5000000 Jews foreskin count?

Jalisco 1984 I took out three cartel members then was ambushed and pinned down for maybe five minutes. Felt like hours. Only combat I ever saw. Was saved by federales that was close by. After that learned they were the bad guys too and could've been killed either way. Doesn't really matter now but I saved two people that needed me and it makes me feel good. So yeah

Few tics in Ghazni and the pech valley. Smoked one haji with a burst from my 249, first burst was low, second i walked the rounds right up into him. Right between the eyes. Felt exhilarated. Then hacked the arm off a corpse who we hit with predator, dudes head was literally smashed through his ass.

Hate seeing kids with rockets and shit as if they could even shoot it straight or knew why they're shooting it but if they aim at you fuckem they were bound to die anyway

Took my pet budgie to the shooting range. Lined up the sights, let him fire, burst flipped it around and shot one of the staff.

He held his chest and told me to tell his ex girlfriend he loved her, but I only deciphered that after months of hearing nothing but budgie shrieks as if I had accidentally shot my bird instead.


Ant stepped on my shoe, so I stepped on him.

I might have doomed a quarter million people in China with economic/political sabotage. That wasn't the objective, but it was deliberate. That count?

care to elaborate


Well it all started when I got elected into the white house...

>Nice try Xi
Seriously though it would be hard to explain all the context behind Chinese plutocratic politics. Baaasically I made sure someone extremely incompetent got into power in the provincial level, removing someone extremely competent and reasonably benevolent from the picture.

i killed someone in videogames. this counts as other, right? ask a videogame cerealkiller anything

I killed a bird with a bb gun once and felt real bad about it especially considering it was a somewhat rare bird to even see
I don't think I could harm even an animal unless I absolutely had to defend my life now, shit I feel bad about stepping on snails

that's a shame, should probably undo that

I signed my fiance's DNR and the paperwork to let him go from life support when the time came. Didn't really kill him, but let him go. He was dying and wasn't able to get better after being in the ICU for 15 days. Next month will be 6 months since he died. I miss him every day and still love him with all my heart. I consider myself fortunate that he told me his wishes before hand, if this kind of thing ever happened, so I don't feel that I made the wrong choice. Plus, his siblings agreed that it was the best course of action. I still text his phone once in a while, and still cry about it a lot. He was a wonderful man, and it's a shame that he's gone at only 36.

Christ, I didn’t even say they were kids but yeah, they were maybe 15-16 years old. The way I figured was if you’re picking up a gun and going to war, you’re pushing your child into the pot. They didn’t have much of a chance but if I know anything about the psyche of a young man at war, you go into it craving those life and death moments even if you don’t understand what it’s like. I wouldn’t have held it against them if they got me instead; we all payed to play the game.

*chips not child. Freudian slip maybe?

Pretty good story. Those fucking EOtech sights are expensive, though. Also, glad to hear you handled yourself in the fight and didn't let killing an enemy haunt you for the rest of your life like some people would.

Reminds me of my grandpa who fought in 'nam. He had to kill a child once. A really young child. Probably less than 10. Definitely too young to understand what it was doing or why. They sent the child to my grandpa's camp armed with a grenade. It bothered him until the day he died. Grandpa eventually died from some serious disease he caught over there. Killed a lot of men, not just my grandpa.

A shame for Chinese people. Great for America. Whose side are you on, commie? :^)

For real though, I sent a lot of decent folks back to the stone age and it will probably end up in a military dictatorship in the next 30 years when the country Balkanizes. But America's gonna have a grand old time when we win the second cold war. Remember the 90's? Well it's gonna happen again. You're welcome.

Harlem leader

6 years strong, NEVER cold, too warm, outside is safer


Oh fuck, I guess I killed someone. I have to turn myself in.

Jews (and fractions of a Jew) do not count

Woman or fag? If woman sorry for your loss.


nice larp

>2008 Afghanistan
>Be me
>Frenchfag foot soldier
>HMG gunman on a VAB while the rest of the crew is patrolling a village
>They get shot at from a nearby house
>12.7 mm the shit out of the house where talebs were shooting from
>They cease fire
>Friendly troops break in and enter the house
>2 dead fuckers in pyjamas
>1 arm laying on the floor still holding an AKM
>Still proud of saving my friend's life that day
>10/10 would pacify again

Be me in dubai operating wire winch ( Really big one, not shitty you have on car) bangladesh braindead worker walks close iven thu its not allowed. Wire snapps almost cut him in half at ribcage level.
Accidantal but still mabye counts?

I killed cats, mice and birds. Does it count?

I murdered my cousin when we were both young kids. He was staying at my house during the summer, and my irresponsible parents let us out in the pool in our backyard without supervision. We were playing pirates and sword fighting with knives. Again, highly irresponsible parents. My hand slipped and my knife went right into his stomach. He was unconscious by the time I got my mom, and he died in the hospital.

nice quads

Saved him a lot of grief tbh.

Pussy ass Dahmer motherfucker, at least try real game hunting