Why are darker skinned people evil...

Why are darker skinned people evil? Hitler and his nazis haven't even killed as many as the dark skinned people in america have.

Why can't they just be normal. Why can't they just stop listening to shitty violent rap music and stop getting influenced by it? Why can't the refugees stop raping and murdering innocent people?
Why can't they stop dealing drugs and being retards about it?

Why is it that there's only a few mass murderers that are white, but like a bazillion that are darker skinned?

Why can't they just be normal citizens and live in peace with everybody else?

If we sent all the darker skinned people in America back to their countries, America would be soooooo much safer.

Why is it like this. Why can't dark skinned people do what many normal whites are doing. Some of them have it right. but the majority do not.

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>Hitler and his nazis haven't even killed as many as the dark skinned people in america have

that's an interesting statistic, you got a source for that?

Have you ever heard the story about the scorpion and the turtle?

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Not user
But red cross census of deceased for WW2
And the crime statistic for rate of homocide accounting for over 50% african american, but african americans only being 13% of the population.
Quick google verifies that.
But again im not OP or any user you are asking for this source from.
Just thought id see where this thread goes.
You're right tho.
Burden of proof is on him

Back to their country?

They aren't meant to be around us. Multiculturalism is a weapon that (((certain groups))) use to destroy and erase the culture of those existing outside their group.

we’re a necessary evil, user.

You can say jews
This is 4 chan

Because niggers aren't human. They are a sub human species. Shit skins.


Hate it or love it but black Americans are part of America. There wouldn't be an America without black people.

He was trying to be edgy and look cool to his imaginary friends.


A gorilla is not a monkey. A lion is not a house cat But same family. Different races are literally different species in the same family.

You sound like a pussy, man.

Man up or neck yourself.

And there would barely be crime without them either.

Then again africans had slaves and that country turned out pretty shitty.

Well, I'm a Eurofag and I didn't see a lot of black people when I was young. Started in the early 90's and it only got worse and worse. I do know blacks that are very nice, but they are educated, coming from Christian families. I knew a Somali kid that was also a cool dude, but not gonna lie, most (90%) of blacks are indeed niggers from muslim countries.

I'll listen to what you have to say as soon as you fuck a black chick.

Fuck what am I taking about? I'll listen to what you say after you've had sex.

Have sex, man. Have sex.

Most of the educated ones are the harshest critics of their 'brothers'.


100% I shit you not, it was the whole "imma gangsta" shit that started this whole thing. Blacks didnt start doing this shit until Tupac popularized it. Tupac literally sent black culture in america down the shitter.

Now since tupac and biggies death, they were seen as icons even gods to black people, where they should have been seen as fucking retard loser drug pushers.

The damage had been done.

Here's to hoping NDT has a better influence on gen z

Take note niggas. You want to be a good nigga, a respected nigga?
Throw your rap shit in the trash and make this nigga your new influence. Nobody likes the kid in ops pic.

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Can's think of a dark race that isnt like this. Even the whiter asians are good but the dark ones are messed up.

Does lighter pigment mean further evolved? Surely darker people have a part of their brains not fully evolved.

Heres your answer. Study was washed away by the libs, actual scientific studies have been done showing why blacks are quick to anger and have lesser reasoning skills. Doesnt mean they're dumber, justeand they have a bit of a different brain.

After controlling for age, sex, and education level, the African-American population exhibited smaller total cerebral volume than Caucasians.

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Cauz we naggaz be cool dawg. Lesten to us raps moosic if u ont thank so neggah

The path to anger decieves you young skywalker

Because they're dumber on average and poorer on average.

Some of them are great people though. I've met some really good niggers in my life. They just happen to be more violent statistically but I think that is because they're poor and a lot have been brainwashed by rap music.

The Rwanda genocides killed millions in 2 weeks with hand held weapons
That's just one event in one small country in africa, over 2 fucking weeks


I remember watching Hotel Rwanda in social studies class, which is a dramatic re-enactment of the Tutsie genocide by the Hutu's, and when the scene where the hotel people are driving down a misty road that all of a sudden became very bumpy and get out to discover the entire road lined with bodies, I shouted "Ha, get it? It's a tootsie roll!"

You would not believe the mortified faces of my entire class that turned around to look at me. Only suspension I ever got in school.