Boi howdy anons I just got 7g's of mushrooms is there anything I can do before hand to ensure I have a good trip Like...

Boi howdy anons I just got 7g's of mushrooms is there anything I can do before hand to ensure I have a good trip Like meditation or exercise?

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if there's a park or some sort of nature-y area nearby, go there and chill.
but check the weather first, cuz it's winter now.

Yeah I was planning on just staying home I'm going to do a hero dose so I don't want to be anywhere remotely public

Go to hell homo

Nothing you can do to actually ensure it but you'll be fine. I wouldn't eat more than 3.5 if you've never done them before.

Mushrooms changed my life. Got me back to school, got me to quit partying so much. Have a good time and be open to all aspects of the experience.

mushroom grower here

I own a juicer, and I love pineapple orange and ginger juice. amazing to drink prior or during trip

also if you walk around before hand i am a firm believer you will have a better experience

try to give yourself something to do...
I like to draw myself or play guitar..
or eat
video games
nothing too serious

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Grower fat are your yields if you don't mind me asking?

learn about "set" and "setting" by reading up about shroom/LSD trips on sites like Erowid, Psychonauts and 420chan.
Learn what effects to expect at your dose, what sort of timeline to expect, prepare yourself mentally, only drop when the time is right and your frame of mind is good. Psychedelics are mood magnifiers, if you're in a shit mood, something bag's happened or you have something on your mind it'll come up during your trip and be 100x worse.

Go in with a positive mindset on a day where everything's awesome and thing's have been great and you'll have a great trip.

dont do 7g your first time, especially alone.
so like 2 or 2.5g your first time.

not him but buddy of mine who grows grows so much he cant get rid of them fast enough, but doesn't want to sell to outside his friend group.
you can buy the spores legally online in most countries/states and getting a grow kit is either just buying a Shiitake kit or a collection of random shit from the hardware store.

some flushes are very large and some not so much

i think the biggest mushroom i have grown wet weight is 29 grams

but once they dry out the weight practically
drops to nothing.. im not very good at the drying process so i sell mine wett and usually give a great deal

mainly grow for my friends and myself though

will dump pics

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yes what he said, i only sell to my friend group if i do sell them at all. we usually just hang out and play games and get really really high

i also grow weed

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Do you need a lot of space to grow elbows?

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this is my current setup
takes as much as a fridge does...

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just a cupboard or something. you could literally just grow in a bucket in your wardrobe if you wanted.

for the lulz

notice the size

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and I had given away a PF tek cake away with a small amount of perlite inside a 2liter bottle worked great for them

And the most has been an oz at once with all of that? Or were you talking about a single one of those containers or something?

i have grown a single mushroom that weighed in at 29grams fresh not dried

each tub will generate about 5~7 ounces or so Wet weight. which will be about 18 grams DRY on a good day. on a very good day that is...

they have flushes. I pick them all at once. and 4 days later they come back up. this happens about 4 or 5 times untill they dont come up anymore. each flush gets lighter and weaker. for me, my 2nd flush always seems to have the most mushrooms, the first flush produces no so much weight but big mushrooms in size

Great, ty. Awesome info