I’ve been using a coffee enema for a few weeks now and have been taking Tea tree oil...

I’ve been using a coffee enema for a few weeks now and have been taking Tea tree oil. I took a Doopy doo and dug through my doopy doo with a toothpick and found this. Should I be worried? Is it normal?

Attached: 38DB6788-8E53-477D-A6B3-6103BF684AC4.jpg (1072x1440, 140K)

See a doctor. My cousin went thru the same thing and he became really sick

>I took a Doopy doo and dug through my doopy doo with a toothpick

its AIDS

I’m doing a parasite cleanse. I need to check my poo. I’ve actually cleaned out a few eggs, fungi, and rope worms.

how does one do a parasite cleanse?

Get a colonoscopy, Sup Forums isn't a doctor

on today's episode of "the fuck are you doing nigger?"
>user saw something that resembled a worm in his poop and is now so afraid for his intestines that he flushes his asshole with coffee and picks through his shit with a toothpick

I Sup Forums a doctor

There's no such thing as rope worms, you fucking idiot. Quit taking bleach tablets.
This is the lining of your intestines sloughing off because you're flushing your GI tract with bad juju.

$20 says you're from socal.

you know you can do that with a single pill, right?

>taking tea trea oil
ingesting it? that shit is toxic, you're supposed to rub it on your skin, not ingest it.

Coffee enema's lead to dangerous shit, no pun intended. Stop that shit before its too late and go to a doctor, this can kill you. Coffee isn't meant to go in the rectum, much less the intestinal track. It'll degrade your insides and you might have internal bleeding, which can lead to death.
Simpler terms? You're destroying your insides by directly injecting coffee into your asshole. Go see a doctor before it gets worse, he'll prescribe you something. He's not supposed to judge you or anything either so just fucking do it.

If OP wants to kill himself with coffee enemas, drinking tea tree oil and dig through his shit, lol, just let him, ok?

>Doopy doo

Attached: 39529FB6-F395-48C1-B2D8-F7C886BA1864.jpg (550x633, 40K)

Sooo..he was behind of all that..

Attached: 5721573135049704.jpg (1582x1162, 119K)

OP you’re supposed to say “trips decide what I do with this shit I found in my shit”

I’ll start for you. I say you insert it back into your ass where it belongs

Protip: parasite cleanse enemas without medical supervision often lead to intestinal mucosa peeling off. The stuff in your poo that looks like worms might actually be a part of your intestine

So you buy the watch for a dollar, they have your cc info, when it is disco'd that a 0.00 watch even with a lot of volume isn't going to make up for your losses,

They charge you, you fight, legal/court battles ensue, you win.

did you make a pizza with it?

Omfg this is like that time parents on Twitter were giving pool shocker enemas to their kids to cure down syndrome parasites

Yes people really did that, most of them were Western American Christians, they posted pics of their children's shat-out intestinal lining thinking they were dead worms,it was a nightmare

isn't regular fasting including mineral/salt water enema still a thing? not against parasites though, only for detox.

The fuck is detox?
The hell do you think your liver and kidneys are for?

i never said i' buy that shit. i mean there people eating pineapple and think it helps detox.
they do that fasting and enema thinking they need to clean out their intestines. not like cleaning their blood.

The point I'm trying to make is that there's no such thing as "detox".

You know what, OP? Forget what I said. What you need is more tea tree oil and stronger coffee for your enemas. Might I recommend bulletproof at about 185 degrees?

You're a waste of resources.

>If OP wants to kill himself
>And dig through his shit
>Just let him
This is why I get on /b after a stressful night's work.

I get it, man.
Blowing dudes at a rest stop can really wear on you.
Just think, though. You're doing God's work sucking off all of those guys that normally wouldn't have a shot with anyone due to their mental illness, retardation, and overall poor personal hygiene.


Protip: drink water, eat clean, sleep, and exercise. If that won't solve whatever you need to "detox" your shitty body from then you need to do this one weird trick called go see a fuckin doctor mate

That's not "detox". That's clean living, Ian.
Shit, you're dense.

It's a fucking chicken foot.

Chew it, suck it, swallow it
check em

do it faggot