TOP 3 personal fav movies

TOP 3 personal fav movies.

Ill go first, no specific order.

1)Oceans Eleven

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All good choices OP
Mine are
1) Serpico
2) Goodfellas
3) Groundhog day

1.) The Game
2.) Fight Club
3.) Wolf of Wall Street

love fight club. its my late night lullaby noise when I cant sleep

Orgazmo, the jerk, & Jackie chan

Aww man

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1)Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
2)Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
3)Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

The extended editions. The regular ones weren't as good.

I haven't seen Serpico, but because of your other two options you clearly have great taste. I'll watch Serpico this weekend.

Fight Club

1) The bad, the good and the ugly
2) Scarface
3) Alien: The 8ht passenger

haven't watched Clerks in like 15yrs

fear and loathing in las vegas

feeling inspired to watch some scarface right now

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1. Hamlet (2000)
2. Wedding Crashers
3. A Scanner Darkly

girl detected

I knew that was coming, but shopping, home and talking are all bitch moves so your evaluation is based on a warped sense of gender roles.

Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels
Terminator 2
Return of the Jedi Despecialized Edition

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Term2 hell ya

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trap detected

Eat shit and die.

1) Falling Down
2) Blade Runner
3) Breakfast Club

Alphabetical order:

> Pulp Fiction [1994] ;

> Stand By Me [1986] ;

> Trainspotting [1996] .

1. Blade Runner
2. Alien
3. The Shining

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No order:
1) Catch Me if You Can
2) Spirited Away
3) The Thing (1982)

Yeahh..Elon was all time..

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1. Prestige
2. 12 Angry Men
3. Shutter Island

baby driver
one flew over the cukoos nest (i spelled that wrong i think but im too drunk to look it up)

oh shit, i forgot about the thing

A knights tale
Dances with wolves

Dark Knight
End of Evangelion