School bus driver Michelle Passley arrested for drinking beer while driving VIDEO

School bus driver Michelle Passley arrested for drinking beer while driving VIDEO

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Tits or gtfo

really hate those ne "hidden" cameras in the school buses.

Can't snort my cocaine on the dash board any more, sucks

Fucking cant do shit any more because big fucking brother is watching.

not just the government, it's and all those doorbell cameras they can access

>not drinking vodka out of a water bottle
fucking amateurs

true though i do prefer 7up or sprite with my vodka at work, makes sitting on this bench and sentencing morons fly right by

ok boomer

glad you're still having fun doing the dirty work of jews as we all gradually slip into a zionist run hellscape

I'm watching you right now

Don't stand in the way of the zionists

You will see

why do you love sucking jewish dick

they don't even have foreskin that's fucking nasty

>The Jew meme

Yet here you are using the internet allowing yourself to be data mined by the Jew... You know when you grow up a little you will see this whole meme was a bit silly.

>jews have been kicked out of 109 countries because of their incessant bullshit
>lol you just need to grow up goy

having a road beer makes you a better driver

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They learned from the best, when they round you up and stick you in a camp, I'll come visit you in my mercedes and in my nice tailored suit.

Should join us before it is too late.

Oh your still meme'ing. Okay little guy, keep on sticking it to the Jew. I'm sure they are really afraid of you!

The weird thing is when I was a child I didn't know that all of you were losers. I just assumed you wanted to be bus drivers. Now I would hate for my kids to have to ride the bus.

sweet magazine ad, she looks so happy

Fuck it , today is a smirnoff morning for me too

Oh yeah.

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Have you ever been around kids?
This man's a saint. A black saint, which means no heaven, but .. still.

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Listen no one wants to drives kids to school especially not their parents.

I only do it to pay taxes and look like a working stiff instead of a drug dealer, plus i'm meeting little future new clients all day

>little future molestation victims

That's fucked up. No wonder you people hide.

i would never be able to drive a school bus without alcohol or some hard drugs

At least she was paying attention to the road.

God bless you