Just opened my door to head out to find my white widow arrived and did a 180

just opened my door to head out to find my white widow arrived and did a 180.
What's /b smoking?

Attached: whitewidow-min.jpg (3024x4032, 825K)

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delivery bud? I want that



grow up retard

I'm in UK, purchased off a seller called BlackMass on Empire Market.

Blue Dream this fine morning.

Love that

meh I live in Washington I cry for delivery but in reality I can walk 2 blocks and pic it up myself at the store..
>be me

It's just like when people talk about their beer, or their liquor or something.

I have a strain called Wedding Cake. It looks very crystal-ly.

Never tried it, any good?

imagine being a chad who drinks himself to death

my guy mains amnesia right now

Grow my own with the family, my plant is too bad. I can do better I believe but not bad for like my third plant.

Same as not remembering when you drink a bit lol

Smaug's greed will get you high and you always want more!

Will look out for it

>being such a fucking bud junkie that it actually gets in the way of your life

No thanks, glad I quit smoking before I could end up a total faggot like OP or CustomGrow420

Not sure what kind but it has a nice fruity flavor just picked last week

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I was going to go out to pick up more Stoli and tonic, I don't see how that's any better

Hugh reminds me of a sativa. Nice sweet flavor. It’s a bit harsh of a smoke though. Pic related

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It's not but people realize that and don't treat alcohol like it's some fucking godly miracle. Escapism is escapism, some are just gayer than others.

*kinda, not hugh. my phonefag is showing

I agree, but never did I say it was a godly miracle.

I'll see if there's any listings then for it

Girl guide cookies. 21% thc


No idea what it is, but 2 years ago my mom took this from me and Yesterday I was out and some shit happened recently that had me in a bad placr, and she wanted to cheer me up so she gave me twice this, i already rolled and smoked a joint, somehow its some of the strongest bud ive ever smoked, and it had a shit ton of kief, NY checking in

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Peanut Butter Breath, it's so nice I've got it two months in a row now, normally switch it up after I'm through an oz

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sounds great

bro, sorry to tell you but i think that's heroin. call the cops.

It's a 50/50 on the dot, pretty sure that's what gives it its charm

why not do both

Honestly the quality was amazing somehow, it was in a plastic bag 2 years and it was crumbling to hell last night, but it got me fucking soaring dude

No homo we out here smokin penises

What ethnicity?


Yeah it's quite the unique strain. When I roll up a fat head of it it's almost like a trip, a few hour high that comes and waves and changes dramatically. Myself and gf both have had slight visual distortions like a minor shroom or acid dose

I dont know about that chief, either way if it is or isnt, im not calling the cops, and the damage is done

Might have to make a jumbo of that, see if that happens to me

You gotta do a heroic dose of that and sit in a pitch black room with music playing. You see some shit my man

is cryptonia down for good? havnt seen it up in almost a week.

GTFO snitch bitch

They're under heavy ddos, they're most likely going to exit scam

I smoked 98% at the peak of a dxm trip and met God. It's true that you can't see him directly without dying, I had to look away while conversating.

sad. i tried dream alt market in the meantime but i dont recognize any venders and im afraid ill get ripped off. i miss the days of tons of markets open everywhere.

Buddha's glue.

if you bought it looks like it sucks. if you grew it congrats

im the man


at the moment, the only good one is empire market however it's also experiencing lot's of ddos often so it's just a matter of time before they exit scam

what the fuck happened to your keyboard

ive heard this is how the LE finds the markets. they DDOS a tor site then ask around all the various hosting companies if any of their clients are being attacked. pretty sad.


Yeahh..Elon Musky..you was all time..

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Not alot more to say

Lol, all the Euros having to buy from black market because their government won't allow it. I say overthrow your fascist fucken government and get some actual freedom and rights instilled onto your society. It's unbelievable how certain parts of the European continent classify weed. Seems like Amsterdam is THE PLACE to go over there to smoke up without hassle

Says the guy passing time by insulting others on Sup Forums

only people who cant have or afford weed actually make fun of weed users

I've got some chem, wedding cake, super glue, sour pebbles, and fire og. And some Connor's comfort for the CBD. Gonna be hitting the chem early and wedding cake later. Connor's + fire og at bedtime.

>caring this much about other people's choices which affect me in no way whatsoever


Smoke oil it will soothe

bruh kinda cringe






Super lemon haze. Love how lemony it is.

I wonder why

>caring about somebody else caring

Complete 360, faggot

going on my last three days of smokig before i have to stop by december. Sadlife bros. But ima finish this half oz i got in that time. Its Death Star pretty good AAAA bud.

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tegridy weed

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weed is degenerate and for the weak

your mom

What a faggot

thank god
because the week inherit the earth and the earth maeks the weed

why do some of you faggots hate weed so much?

is it because you're underage and the adults won't let you smoke it?

What a massive faggot that loves to bubble with ur cum before he swalows it


mmmm yes you are correct

Bruh, no it’s not. It’s sums up every pothead in one meme. It’s like they all have the same cookie cutter personality. I’m also a heavy smoker and not the user you responded to. Most potheads are cringey af

not all stoners are normies.

me for example, I smoke weed but i'm a columbiner that takes out his hatred for society on whoever unlucky fuck is on the other team in halo

moonshine haze / super silver haze

are there any good delivery services in Cali?
i tried a couple, and I couldn't find any edibles with both THC and CBD. i don't want any actual buds/vapes because i don't want to smoke. just capsules or edibles.

the highs on just-thc capsules aren't bad, but i've heard a 1/1 ratio of thc to cbd gets you a really good high.

Yeah! Everyone knows your a little bitch unless your hot railing PCP.

Strawberry cough.

Lives up to its name but everyone was on this strains dick in my town and I'm not that impressed. Its average as far as the effects go.

Maybe we can work something out and you mail me some lol beansquad360 at aim Sup Forumsro

Stop talking like an illiterate nigger

Amherst sour diesel rn, stuff smells like tea kinda

I know what your thinking user.. but it actually got its name after it was invented.

Same to you Sup Forumsro i need to try this beansquad360 at aim you know lol

That looks beautiful

Yikes... could you imagine being the sad sack that made this meme. Definitely cringe.

Smoking weed makes you cool and gives you street cred. Makes you be Hip with the crowd. Ya feel me?

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So non-aryan?

coffeeshop cloud?

My sheep hear my voice

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Yes, please do elaborate.

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anything? maybe weed delivery isn't as popular as i thought

pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase give me some

I don't know how you have any issue finding gummies with decent ratios of THC/CBD. Are you using weedmaps?