What is the best way to remove hairs from my dandruff? I've been using tweezers, but its incredibly inefficient

What is the best way to remove hairs from my dandruff? I've been using tweezers, but its incredibly inefficient.

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jesus christ this is almost as bad as that cum jar

THIS. This is what I come to Sup Forums for.

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There are a few things that you can try. Using the centrifugal force might be your best bet.

How did you even collect it OP?

>Inb4 op spent days wiping his head over a bowl for this Sup Forums meme

>mom found my dandruff box

if I get dubs you must mix it with water and drink it on video

Put the dandruff/hair in some water. Shake it to get the dandruff in suspension, then pour it through a fine mesh strainer. The strainer will strain out the hair and let the dandruff through. Then allow the water to dry out, leaving the clean flakes/powder.

Can i be in the screenshot

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See I've tried that. I've also tried squeezing all of it at once and trying to shake it out to separate it, but the flakes like to stick to the hairs so it becomes a very time consuming process

Pretty easy, actually. I just run a comb through my hair for a few minutes over my desk each day, then use a credit card to sweep it all together. Then I use some tweezers to separate as much hair as I can. Just throw on a show or something in the background and it's totally relaxing.

> Implying you could get that much in a few days.
This is at least 2 weeks worth.

Oh I really like this idea! Although I'm afraid to lose the progress I have so far. I can't imagine the dandruff will be half as useful if contaminated with water. Maybe purified water though?

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Why tho?

fucking what

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2 weeks? You shower too much op. I couldve done that in a few days in my prime, I shed dandruff like no tomorrow.
Nowadays I cant because my hair is shorter, and I shower too often.

I have psoriasis, I could get twice as much as this in 10 minutes with a nit comb.

My life sucks.

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Damn bro.
Jelly baby?

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Perhaps you can maybe statically charged a small piece of cloth and try running it over the top very gently not sure exactly how plausible this is and if it did work it probably take pieces of the dandruff at the same time but no big thing if it doesn't just brush it all back off into the jar I'd say it's worth a try

Just something I've always wanted to do. There has to be some kind of scientific use for a collection of dandruff right?

True I have noticed that at least 2 days without showering helps. I just don't want to smell too much around my coworkers. I already get nervous opening the jar at my desk, although I have to admit I don't smell much of anything.

>Reversed image searched
>No other results

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This is proof op must drink the dandruff

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If dubs you put it in a salt shaker at the nearest Olive Garden.


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reroll for this

Well now I'm hard. This thread has saved an other wise shitty day. Thanks OP


Have you done this before OP?

Also why do you need to separate the hairs out?

Why would you WANT to? The hairs are the spiciest part.

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I hate this place

No you dont faggot

hair removal should be done immediately during dandruff collection: comb your hair onto a piece of black paper, extract hair using tweezers, then use a soft brush to carefully broom dandruff into your sample container.

you're doing gods work op

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I think you mean, 'centipedal'

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Yea but why do you need it separate?


No. Previously I was saving up mucus, but it ended up being pointless cause it all dried up into a bunch of tiny booger pebbles. I have higher hopes for this one.

Why would you want hairs contaminating the dandruff??

That's my standard procedure, except for the brush. I tried a brush, I also tried using a comb as a rake, but the dandruff is too sticky. Best to stick to hard surfaces.

But why though?

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Snort a line

Ok so I understand you collect it but what's the end purpose of having it

alcohol flotation or other relevant solvant.

Roll that shit up and smoke it

I disagree with the designation of contaminant.
You don't eat a pretzel without salt;
You don't eat dandruff without hairs

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You do this at work? Do your coworkers know about this?
Also static should remove the hair

If dubs op must make a gif or webm of him snorting a line of dandruff

So close


Its not too much hair best bet is to empty the collected dandruff on a piece of white paper and use tweezers to separate the hairs. Sometimes the most inelegant solution is the easiest

As dumb and creepy as this is you can always say one thing. At least he isn't a chomo.


You can mix it in someones drugs


Make a nice line and tell your noob friend that its coke

You're pretty much a dirty fucking pervert. Swivel on my finger. Pls respond.

use baloon

I don’t think so. I usually wait until everyone is at lunch and eat at my desk. Gives me some time to watch TV and collect dandruff. The guy who sits next to me has almost caught me a few times though, I had to wipe everything off my desk to save face once. Real damn shame cause that was a good haul.

I don’t quite know yet. Maybe if I collect enough, I can analyze it to see how much is skin and how much is dried shampoo. Another possibility is smushing it all down and creating a cube of skin. There’s a lot of possibilities!

>>half as useful

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I think this is a waste of ti-
>ShUt uP FaGgOt
but whats the poi-
>ItS FoR ScIeNcE

>cube of skin
Nigga what?

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Put it through a screen, the longer hairs will be sorted out

Finally some random stuff on this godforsaken board

Let's see if it works

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So much power op. I am impressed.


I can already tell this is gonna be in one of those greentext compilations on YouTube

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I hope I make it in the screenshot


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Got a lot more of the long hairs out, which are the real problem. The little ones I don't mind so much. Thanks guy! I feel a whole lot cleaner now

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Fuck youtube, this is something reddits going to somehow fit into an image and steal for karma


If ur a Reddit fag Dont put me in ur gay screencap

If dubs OP has to snort it

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Fuck off, nonce. Red is full of your kind. And not the good kind.

rolling for this

Oh fuck, please put me in the fucking screencap

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i’m with u brother ;(

snort the dandruff for its powers

wtf, this isn't a gay, blacked, cuck, or tranny thread.

flashbacks to shit that was on here around 05-08, nice

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found any possible use case sir?

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Finally a thread where OP isn't a massive fag

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I think you mean "centripetal."

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Are we not going to mention the entire mucus arc?

Do you have any pics during that time you could share with us, OP?


What, you don't have something you can suck it all up with to put back in the cup?

Alright, I think I may have found a potential use. I separated out about 1/3 of what I have so far and put it in a jar with some water and sugar. I'm gonna put saran wrap on top and poke a hole and we'll see if anything spawns!

you would know about perversion faggot

I don't, it was a long time ago. I do produce a lot of mucus though, maybe I'll give it another go.

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Use a credit card? Black piece of card? Also how the fuck did you fuck this up Dandruff Man?

This will take months for anything to happen so make sure you update us at some point. Also put it next to a radiator so you are continuing the holy tradition of the cum jar project
You'll get better results that way aswell
Don't poke a hole in it and never open it up, you'll disturb the ecosystem, developing life and it won't be able to settle and fester as well.

>OP juice
1oz -eye of newt
1 cup -desiccated squirrel semen
1/8 -Toe of frog
2- Wool of bat
1/3 -Tongue of dog
1- Adders fork
6oz- chopped Blind-worm
1oz- dandruff
1/2 gal- chad milk
1/2 gal- tyrone milk

Step 1: open OPs mouth

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show your biggest flake

This is absolutely rancid.

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dude you would get fired for this if a coworker reported to HR, this is a public health concern.

its just some hair cocaine, its not anthrax

Put me in the screencap

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