How the fuck do I get the blade out of this kind of razorblade Sup Forums...

How the fuck do I get the blade out of this kind of razorblade Sup Forums? I'm sick of having to expose it with fucking nail clippers, I want the real deal.

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i just took a shit and i am here

Just buy real razor blades, not these shitty disposables

Idk where to get them in the UK, can't get them at my local shops anyway, been using these for a while.

Can't get them through amazon? They're 10 cents apiece if you buy them in bulk around here

>having to expose it with fucking nail clippers

Not as far as I've checked, at least not in bulk

Lmao at UK knife laws.

Like this. I clip off the guard with the nail clippers to expose the sharp edge of the razor

Attached: WIN_20191127_17_42_12_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Just buy a decent straight razor and a strop, then you won't have to keep spending money on razors and cutting them up, you fucking retard.

I considered using my step dads kitchen knife, but its fancy as fuck and I don't want to fuck it up. Plus, fuck that, he makes scran with that. I'm depressed, not an animal.

Considered that too, but Ive found disposable razors easier to, well, dispose of, I wouldn't want to be caught with a straight one, especially since it would be obvious what im using it for.

why doesn't this work for you like that

Cuts arent deep enough, not enough blood etc. Even when supplying significant force for long periods of time they don't cause much bleeding.

Attached: WIN_20191127_17_53_47_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

You don't

What an emo fag.

You're on Sup Forums, whatever you are I can guarantee it's not much better.

You might be surprised.

Dude if you want some attention go to a bar and get some pussy. Dont be a faggot.

Why though? You are a weak ass pussy dude. Doesnt england have hardware stores like the us (homedepot), i can literally buy 75 box cutter type razors for less than $5. But regardless, that shits for 13 year old emo girls, grow up faggot.

If I wanted attention I wouldn't be posting anonymously on fucking Sup Forums, I'd be messaging my friends about this shit which I don't do specifically because I don't want attention, stupid cunt.

Hear me out, jump off big ben. Won't ruin your dad's knife + you don't have to be sad anymore.

Dude you are cutting your body for no reason. You are desperate for attention.