Were you allowed to have any kind of release this month, subs?

were you allowed to have any kind of release this month, subs?

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yes, i am my own dom

I really wish my wife would let me wear a cage when she pegs me.

why doesn't she allow that?

Sorry bucko, wrong address. You're looking for reddit.

nop, just teased by her tongue and toes, and had me wear a stapon while caged for sex

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she said it will give me ED.

tell her she's wrong then, because that ain't true friend

often pegged? or is it you who wear both strapon and cage?

i didn't jerk off all month for NO NUT NOVEMBER

she pegs me too, so we both get fucked by it. im kept caged when getting and giving

I tried telling her, but she wont listen.


Wife wants me in 24/7, problem is the one that works is metal and my work involves me going through metal detectors.

Anybody know a all plastic model?

I've seen the cherry picker, was hoping for something not so pricey.

Am cheapfag

is she kinky or just doesnt trust you?

>tfw too small for any cage

Just become a eunuch and you won't need to worry about a cage.

even those super tiny ones?

we have one of those too for when ive earning a milking. im normally let out once a month for at least a footjob or maybe sex if i was really great and kept her comfy that month, but i missed my september due to punishment for being a brat about no longer being allowed to take warm showers. then locktober, then NNN...im so fucking frustrated im wearing panty pads because im leaking every second im awake and especially when she's at home and she's always barefoot

holy trainer-nub, get pink one it's so cute and teasable

Any feet+cage pic ?

Yes I even went to a dom and she tried more than a dozen cages. It was the most humiliating thing I've ever done. You can't cage that which doesn't exist.

Quads means you have too show us this

>no longer being allowed warm showers
What the fuck is wrong with you retards? Like seriously I can't understand how a "man" can be so pathetic and be ruled by a woman for more normal stuff but this.... holy fuck. You accept her telling you even how to take showers, besides having your cock locked up and having sex once a month? Why are fucking w*stern men becoming so damn pathetic?

im unlocked for my shower for cleaning in the morning before work, then she locks me back up, but since it's getting colder out i love my warm showers in the morning- but she thinks im "enjoying them too much" and doing more than washing my little penis
we dont do many pics, she doesnt like porn, and porn is one of the main reasons we started my life locked up

You still didn't explain what leads a supposed man to become this pathetic and allow a fucking woman to rule literally anything in their life (not to mention everything like with you).

She's never in need of a good fuck ?

Holy fuck, if my significant other tried to tell me I'm not allowed to take a hot shower, I would drop the bitch on the spot.

Finally a rational fucking person here.

that's what the strapon is for, whenever i ask her if i can fuck her and how much i miss her pussy and sex before bed and cuddling. she'll let me put my cage in her or she will usually put the dildo next to my caged penis and "make her choice" and then tells me we can cuddle just fine after "sex" then proceeds to torture me getting me crazy frustrated before bed by rubbing her ass and pussy all over my caged cock

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I suggest neck hangs till failure

Do you also get cucked?

no, even 6 years in we love eachother like crazy(chastity started on year 4 when our sex life needed a change and i needed to be controlled), im going to pop the question late next month and plan a nice winter wedding for the following year since we both love winter clothes and snow.

Are you sure about that? Both the cucking and the wedding. All of this sounds like a perfect trap that could completely fuck you. Not literally, of course.

>I needed to be controlled
Kys you pathetic cuck

she would tell me if she was into cuckolding because so far i've taken well to all femdom and life changes she has done to me. she would want me to accept it and she would want it in my life too so she could use it during "cage teasing" but she's just not into it.

as for marriage, i really enjoy our life right now, i love how we unofficially share everything and pay for things 50/50. though she gets a lot more presents and treats than i do. we still take turns paying for going out to dinner(though i got her to admit if i didn't pay for the first 3 dates she might have been off put! which i always tease her about whenever she talks about feminism lol) this sounds bad but i think it's mostly society institution making me feel like i have to, it has been 6 years and 3 months and 2 days since we had our first sex on a date and will be over 7 years when we are married and she might unlock my chastity for sex on our wedding night.

>she would tell me if she was into cuckolding because so far i've taken well to all femdom and life changes she has done to me. she would want me to accept it and she would want it in my life too so she could use it during "cage teasing" but she's just not into it.
Are all of these woulds things she's told you she'd do or you projecting your own wishes onto her?
>she might unlock my chastity for sex on our wedding night.
Might? user...

i won't lie, i would probably be into her having sex when she has me caged and in bed ties at home, but it would probably ruin our relationship environment.

almost every weekday, we cook dinner together lots of petting and teasing eachother during this especially when we have to wait on things. then after dinner, i give her a foot massage since she has to stand at work(pharmacist) while she watches tv, and also teases me cage cock and swollen balls with her feet like crazy as my massage game is so good her feet are so "relaxed and toes feel so wriggly" she has to stroke the cage and knead the trapped cum in my balls, then alone time for our vidya and hobbies, then 2 hours before bed for sex, aka maybe another foot massage and lots of oral sex for her and then stapon/pegging play, bondage is usually on friday/saturday, then shower together and reading and discussion before bed.

we did that for the first 2 years we lived together, then it faded, i got more reclusive, started drinking from work stress, almost no sex, didn't care about making healthy homemade meals together, depression anixety, lots of passionless fapping to porn, no sex drive, and honestly chastity ended my vices because she was either leaving me or i was going to be caged and be fun to be with again and engaged and participating in our relationship again

funnily enough I too am my own dom and no I wasn't

Anyone else a dominant masochist with a chasity fetish? Really leads to an interesting relationship, currently locked while my gf is home for the holidays with the main key, back up key is in a safe that she has the combination too.

that must be fun,making most of the decisions, then thinking your decided when you get sex, pinning her down while your cage just rests on her pussy or belly and her just getting to smile and tease with the key on a necklace or anklet

Haha, that’s basically it to a t. She loves teasing me with her butt in the morning, rubbing it on me and looking over with a coy smile. I’m looking forward to Saturday, she’s coming home, cage is coming off, going to destroy that vag.

nah, she's going to bring rivet gun and a strapon

Part of me is happy it's working out for you, part of me feels like you're risking way too much marrying someone who's taken over so much of your control over yourself. And part of me just knows once you put a ring on her, she's gonna take things to a level you won't be ok with but too subservient to protest against. Good luck, I reckon you'll need it at some point.

being teasing is just crazy fun, so many guys missing out, and even though i only am allowed sex about every 1.5 months, it's so fucking intense and feels so good to finally be empty my swollen balls and erection deprived cock into her warm, wet, fills the room with pheromones, pussy. just feeling her soft vagina clamp down on my cock and using her kegels to milk the cum out of me along--which she does especially intense when she notices im being really carefully and controlled with my thrusting because i really want to enjoy and prolong the sex i earned instead of the cruel chastity cage is worth the 4 week wait. she LOVES making me cum with her kegels and knowing she made me cum earlier than i wanted to. even after i cum i make the most out of my unlocked treat by just lying with my soft cock in her soaking in her nectar while cudding-then she kegel pushes my cock out when she wants to crush me with that click sound the build in lock makes when she relocks me

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Nah she’s a sub, I have no interest in butt stuff. You should she see how much she blushes when I handcuff her and use a vibrator on her helpless body. Meanwhile, my dick is doing it’s damndest to get erect.

Fuck me man, getting bull balls from just reading that.

God prolonged gratification is so much rewarding then what it use to be. I get a handy every weekend, sex at the end of the month. It’s amazing how much a handy can feel after just a week of trading and denial.

fuck off with this reddit tier faggotry.
>Sup Forums has sucked ever since the reddit faggots found us during the fappening

why the fuck would you let the drain on your life and wealth dictate what you do with your cock?
>women: the most replaceable item in any mans life

for years now my long term gf and i have been doing bondage play (both of us love being restrained- i love when she removed my chastity gives it a grip and a couple rubs with her long perfectly painted toes, then puts her pussy just out of reach though i got an arm free earlier this year and caught her and forced her down on my cock- no punishment, she was crazy turned on i fought through my restraints and waited until she unlocked me for the teased that she felt i earned my right to "take her and have her as deep and hard as i wanted with her hugged so tight ontop of me. Just the next week there was a new silky rope tied firmly on each side of the bed and wrapped twice around me and firmly tied on the otherside to make my fight against her bondage more difficult for just thrusts to her nectar dripping pussy on my cock and pelvis and she teases while im unlocked- and also a double check of my wrist cuffs : p since the increased security it has mostly been licking her feet in my face and lots and lots of queening with breath control play she calls "lick if you want to live" before my cock is relocked and my restraints and removed

she's considering a ruined unlocked orgasm every week for me since it has been 2 years since i defeated alcoholism and depression. i only get drunk with her now usually saturday after going out to dinner, and we like to go to plays the drama school at the university near us does, maybe a movie if it's not shit(though she has a guilty pleasure in capeshit which i despise but i go because i love her), then we go all out on our pub crawl(we have an amazing down town area of little microbrews)- then back home for lots and lots of sex play late into sunday morning

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you let a cunt dictate the temp of your shower?
you should remind her that two lefts equal whats right.

meant for

she wants me to focus on cleaning and getting out, no play allowed : ) she thought it would be more effective than a timer or random inspections, though she randomly feels the shower pipe to make sure it's cold. we have a big condo meant for a family so no need to conserve the water tank, though we use the other bedrooms as our own hobby rooms and gaming rooms.We're considering becoming twitch whore team to harvest that free money. We only game 2-3 hours a day, and we already make about 160k combined we just want to see if we can do it. We could stream some irl stuff like hiking, coed softball, racquettball, could do our team cooking if we weren't constantly sexually touching and teasing eachother while doing it together. It's awesome.